2019-10-30 Wuzzy Big Armory: Add minigun, update mission preview image
2019-10-29 Wuzzy Rope Training: Add flower effects when player returns all the way to the start
2019-10-29 Wuzzy HedgeEditor: Use localized voicepack names
2019-10-28 alfadur move start_game into the server
2019-10-28 Wuzzy Refactor Rope Knock Chellenge to use RopeKnocking library
2019-10-28 Wuzzy Add RopeKnocking library (generalized ropeknock challenges)
2019-10-28 Wuzzy Racer: Force-enable solid land
2019-10-28 Wuzzy Racer: Reset mines, air mines, barrels after each turn
2019-10-27 alfadur move change_master into the server
2019-10-26 Wuzzy Add support for proper rendering of gtPoisonCloud with Timer > 5000
2019-10-26 Wuzzy Racer: Allow to set custom turn time in scheme
2019-10-26 Wuzzy Set correct turn time in racer.yaml
2019-10-26 Wuzzy Racer: Reposition and resize predefined waypoints in scaled drawn maps
2019-10-25 alfadur refactor some of the room handler
2019-10-24 nemo remove erroneous else conditions to make what is going on clearer, add a comment
2019-10-23 nemo forgot this commit.
2019-09-28 Grigory Ustinov Fix russian translation of word "clan"
2019-10-19 nemo 256x256 png and xpm of hedgehog.svg
2019-10-15 nemo merge russian translation fixes
2019-09-28 Grigory Ustinov Little fix of reference points in russian translation of ru.txt
2019-09-27 Grigory Ustinov Remove executable flag of missions_pt.txt
2019-10-12 unc0rr Add utility to convert server-side replay files into hwd binary format
2019-10-12 Wuzzy Add dynamite fuse sound
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Remove executable flag of missions_pt.txt
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Remove unicode chars in *.pas files 1.0.0
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Remove unicode chars in *.pas files
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Fix incorrect dynamite drown check
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Fix closing bracket
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Dynamite handler: Exit early when drowning
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Bump version to 1.0.1-dev, proto number to 60
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Add flame-less dynamite sprite for drowning dynamite
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Remove outdated TODO
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Show message when failing to record demo/video due to /lua
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Add hi-res icons in hedgewars.ico
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Make digits larger in TurnsLeft.png, add number 9
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Update cabal command syntax in .travis.yml
2019-10-11 Wuzzy Display invuln icon in gfInvulnerable mode
2019-10-09 Wuzzy Mutant: Add message for excess teams
2019-10-09 Wuzzy Mention rejoining in message to unregistered players
2019-10-09 Wuzzy Fix incorrect key bind description
2019-10-09 Wuzzy Backed out changeset 5a934f83d5eb
2019-10-10 Wuzzy Exclude some binary files in cpackvars
2019-10-10 LocutusOfBorg travis: refresh dependencies, use physfs from my ppa instead of build…
2019-10-09 Wuzzy Move 1.0.0-release tag to tip
2019-10-09 Wuzzy CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Replace MATCHES with STREQUAL
2019-10-09 Wuzzy Remove toupper in CMakeLists.txt
2019-10-09 Wuzzy Fix incorrect checks for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
2019-10-09 Wuzzy Fix 2 entries in changelog being incorrectly versioned
2019-10-09 unc0rr Use correct way of including SDL2 header
2019-10-07 Wuzzy Added tag 1.0.0-release for changeset 88770c206c31
2019-10-07 Wuzzy Bump protocol version to 59 1.0.0-release
2019-10-07 alfadur add smth
2019-10-07 alfadur add protocol version
2019-10-07 Wuzzy Make sure AI doesn't skip after collecting ammo. Fixes bug 796
2019-10-04 alfadur refactor root handler
2019-10-01 alfadur add missing file
2019-10-01 alfadur refactor the lobby handler
2019-09-30 Wuzzy Frontend: Increase user name length to 40 to keep it consistent with server
2019-09-30 Wuzzy Update changelog
2019-09-30 Wuzzy Render finger only once in wrap
2019-09-29 Wuzzy Remove unneccessary HTML tags in Italian translation
2019-09-29 Wuzzy Italian: Add to changelog, credit latest translator
2019-09-29 Pacella Update and finish Italian frontend translation
2019-09-27 Grigory Ustinov Improve russian tips and fix typos
2019-09-27 Grigory Ustinov Update russian localization of ru.txt
2019-09-27 Grigory Ustinov Fix syntax error in russian frontend translation (thx to Wuzzy)
2019-09-27 Wuzzy Battalion points: Update displayed LastTeam points each turn
2019-09-27 Wuzzy Battalion Highland: Fix incorrect health bonus (bug 788)
2019-09-26 Pacella Update Italian frontend translation
2019-09-26 alfadur fix alignments of the component slices
2019-09-26 alfadur fix typo
2019-09-26 alfadur revert 5fcdc072d706 for now
2019-09-26 Grigory Ustinov Fix error in russian frontend translation file (thx to alfadur)
2019-09-26 Grigory Ustinov Update localization of russian tips
2019-09-26 Grigory Ustinov Fix URLs in russian tips and one extra quote
2019-09-25 Grigory Ustinov Remove all vanished russian translations
2019-09-25 Grigory Ustinov Add missing localizations in ru.txt for a new version
2019-09-25 Grigory Ustinov Update russian localization of frontend
2019-09-19 S-D- Ignore chat messages from ignore list nicks in game too
2019-09-19 Wuzzy Official Racer: Fix name of Racer Challenge #12 (was #2)
2019-09-18 Wuzzy Disable "pressed in" effect of ToggleButtonWidget
2019-09-18 Wuzzy Frontend: Remove ugly border from gameflag button images
2019-09-18 Wuzzy Racer: Remove a few ammo types that could break the gameplay
2019-09-17 yuenfu Update Traditional Chinese frontend translation
2019-09-16 Wuzzy Racer: Really fix delay confusion when attempting to force-disable gfKing/gfPlaceHog
2019-09-16 Wuzzy Racer: Fix weird water splashes after waypoint placement
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Set Racer scheme turn time to 90 to match Racer script's
2019-09-15 Wuzzy GameServer: Hide saveroom and loadroom command in non-official server
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Remove accidental air mines in official racer challenges
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Update game schemes in racer.yaml to re-enable invuln in Racer
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Update changelog
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Racer, TechRacer: Mask taunts like Stupid when track was completed successfully
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Racer: Fix ammo delay confusion if gfKing or gfPlaceHog were set
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Racer, TechRacer: Force-disable several bad game flags
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Set crate probability to 0 in Racer game scheme
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Racer: Make winners invulnerable
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Racer: Fix hog taking damage skipping turn of next team
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Racer: Disable other ammos in waypoint placement phase
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Racer: Make sure the waypoint placer always has 0 delay
2019-09-15 Wuzzy Racer: Clean up comments
2019-09-06 alfadur save data for blocks with more than a single component
2019-09-04 unc0rr Set dX to zero in hedgehog walk routine to prevent unexpected changes in X coordinate in certain conditions
2019-09-03 alfadur add wind to physics processor
2019-09-03 alfadur implement iteration with tags
2019-09-01 unc0rr Fix build
2019-09-01 unc0rr Prevent AI from flooding +L/+R messages
2019-09-01 unc0rr Set dX sign early so jump calculations always get correct value
2019-08-31 alfadur remove winutils
2019-08-31 alfadur allow registering zero-sized types
2019-08-31 Wuzzy Change credits for Hungarian translator
2019-08-30 S-D- Allow playing Racer without invulnerability
2019-08-29 alfadur ignore overflow in point norm computation
2019-08-28 alfadur avoid time multiplication when not skipping ticks
2019-08-28 alfadur remove velocity check
2019-08-28 alfadur add gravity
2019-08-28 alfadur update hwphysics motion to use the new system
2019-08-28 alfadur allow iterating with gear id
2019-08-28 Wuzzy Merge with Hungarian update commits
2019-08-28 Wuzzy For Hungarian update: Update changelog, credits and German translation
2019-08-28 Timothy Vichra Major update to Hungarian translation
2019-08-28 alfadur properly update gear id lookup on block modifications
2019-08-28 unC0Rr Prevent loading already loaded sounds
2019-08-28 alfadur refill memory when moving out of block
2019-08-27 alfadur fix block addition
2019-08-27 alfadur add multicomponent iteration test
2019-08-27 Wuzzy Tempoary (!!!) workaround for incorrect key combination description in frontend
2019-08-27 alfadur fix tupo
2019-08-27 alfadur expand iteration implementation to larger tuples
2019-08-27 alfadur make sure component slice order corresponds to the type args
2019-08-27 unC0Rr Fix a couple more uses of uninitialized variables
2019-08-27 unC0Rr Prevent leaking of thread objects
2019-08-27 Wuzzy King Mode: Automatically select teleport in king placement phase
2019-08-26 raptor Merge
2019-08-26 raptor Add DARWIN flag to fix BUILD_ENGINE_C compilation on macOS
2019-08-26 raptor Remove last vestiges of GLEW
2019-08-26 alfadur add permenent digest logging
2019-08-26 nemo flag some of the renderstringtex which are taking up a ton of processing time with --stats-only and pas2c
2019-08-26 alfadur complete basic ecs
2019-08-26 alfadur implement moving between blocks
2019-08-26 alfadur implement addition to/removal from blocks
2019-08-26 unC0Rr Fix usage of wrong (and uninitialized) variable
2019-08-25 alfadur convert ecs storage to untyped
2019-08-25 alfadur fix world test
2019-08-23 alfadur reduce casting
2019-08-23 alfadur digest with byte arrays
2019-08-23 alfadur install win64 builds into ProgramFiles by default
2019-08-22 alfadur update windows build to detect when a cross-compiler is necessary
2019-08-22 alfadur update .gitignore
2019-08-20 alfadur don't build server with vcpkg by default after all
2019-08-20 alfadur build everything in vcpkg build by default
2019-08-19 alfadur only digest masks for masked land object
2019-08-19 alfadur remove per line digest logging
2019-08-19 alfadur copy alpha extraction to the other digest computation
2019-08-19 nemo make the mask colours more liberal due to possibility that OSX/SDL2 are slightly distorting them
2019-08-19 alfadur fix alpha index
2019-08-19 alfadur alpha digest test
2019-08-19 nemo merge
2019-08-16 raptor Handle a possible linker error on macOS
2019-08-16 Wuzzy gfSwitchHog+gfKing: Fix hog switching being delayed one round too many
2019-08-16 alfadur update library names
2019-08-16 alfadur reduce memory usage of screenshot mirroring
2019-08-16 raptor Merge of 0.9.25 branch with back-grafted macOS changes
2019-08-16 raptor Merge 0.9.25 branch pre-macOS fixes. Discard desyncing changes at nemo's direction
2019-08-13 raptor Remove usage of macdeployqt in favor of CMake BundleUtilities. BundleUtilities properly finds all dependencies and adds them to the .app automatically. It also fixes rpath and install_name issues for any of the binaries or dependencies 0.9.25
2019-08-13 raptor Fix compiling on MacOS X by requiring c++11 standard. Building now requires MacOS X 10.8+ and CMake 3.9+ 0.9.25
2019-08-13 raptor Add build/ directory .hgignore 0.9.25
2019-08-13 raptor Make hardware acceleration optional on MacOS X 0.9.25
2019-08-15 Wuzzy Make color of switch arrows match the team color perfectly (was a bit too bright)
2019-08-15 Wuzzy Fix switching arrows overlapping with hog tags of own hog (while finger is active)
2019-08-15 nemo just to make it build against nightly
2019-08-15 Wuzzy Clean up Switch files
2019-08-15 Wuzzy Update icons for switch hog
2019-08-15 alfadur ensure switch sprite color is black
2019-08-15 alfadur update switch sprite
2019-08-15 Wuzzy Improve Switch outline, add vector files
2019-08-15 Wuzzy Update ChangeLog.txt and CREDITS
2019-08-14 alfadur replace jungle with ogg
2019-08-14 alfadur use different flag for vcpkg debug
2019-08-14 Wuzzy Remove accidental DEBUG flag in Pascal builds
2019-08-14 alfadur update sdl library name
2019-08-14 alfadur remove nopng from vcpkg build
2019-08-14 alfadur remove direct libpng dependency on windows
2019-08-13 raptor Remove usage of macdeployqt in favor of CMake BundleUtilities. BundleUtilities properly finds all dependencies and adds them to the .app automatically. It also fixes rpath and install_name issues for any of the binaries or dependencies
2019-08-13 raptor Fix compiling on MacOS X by requiring c++11 standard. Building now requires MacOS X 10.8+ and CMake 3.9+
2019-08-13 raptor Add build/ directory .hgignore
2019-08-13 raptor Make hardware acceleration optional on MacOS X
2019-08-12 alfadur make sure keys.csv is installed
2019-08-12 alfadur add background to switch animation
2019-08-09 alfadur add crocodile hat
2019-08-09 alfadur replace jungle with opus
2019-08-07 alfadur start gear data group implementation
2019-08-06 alfadur fix check for static gears
2019-08-06 Wuzzy Restrict girder placement in other land objects, too
2019-08-06 alfadur disallow placing girders over airmines and moving hogs
2019-08-06 alfadur add helper to find if a spite intersects gears
2019-08-06 Wuzzy ArgParsers: Remove deprecated command-line arguments
2019-08-06 Wuzzy Remember maximized state of game window
2019-08-06 Wuzzy Remember maximized state of frontend window
2019-08-05 Wuzzy Saucer: Restore dX after "freeze" state
2019-08-05 Wuzzy Fix movement stopping when activating saucer after longjump
2019-08-04 sheepluva In hindsight my emscripten-ifdef (70d416a8f63f) is nonsense.
2019-08-03 Wuzzy Rewrite a few CMake flag descriptions
2019-08-03 alfadur fix shader uniform access
2019-08-03 sheepluva fix Bug 750: workaround GL2 function params const-iness issues with pas2c
2019-08-03 alfadur fix condition
2019-08-03 alfadur transpose atlas sprites where necessary
2019-08-03 alfadur add function to retrieve texture data
2019-08-02 alfadur fix buffer sizes
2019-08-02 alfadur fix gear lookup allocated on stack
2019-08-02 alfadur ship the atlas to the gpu
2019-08-02 alfadur add an empty texture constructor
2019-08-02 unc0rr Move messages queue to hedgewars-engine-messages lib
2019-07-31 sheepluva merge 1.0.0 beta 1 into ui-scaling branch ui-scaling
2019-07-30 alfadur implement empty gear lookup entries
2019-07-30 alfadur add gear lookup to the physics processor
2019-07-29 Wuzzy No longer explode dying hogs that take damage
2019-07-27 Wuzzy Remove hardcoded default gamepad bindings
2019-07-27 Wuzzy Prevent saving of demo after /lua command was used
2019-07-25 Wuzzy Fix incorrect German translation of "scheme" in context of URI scheme
2019-07-25 Wuzzy Enable "replay" button after playing a demo or saved game
2019-07-25 alfadur replace time with milliseconds
2019-07-25 alfadur add gear allocator
2019-07-25 alfadur use better contact point for inter-gear collision
2019-07-25 Wuzzy Fix bad pixel offsets in CPU flag preview
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -224 +224 tip