2015-08-15 antonc27 - Improved fix for UI elements positioning at GameConfigViewController ios-revival
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Localization for SingleSchemeViewController fixed ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian Scheme.strings localized ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian Localizable.strings localized ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Fix for localization of detail labels at AboutViewController ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian About.strings localized ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Rus localization started ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian localization files added ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Small fix for debug view frame ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Fix for initial wrong UI positioning for GameConfigViewController ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Fix for show/hide helpPage animations ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - HelpPageLobbyViewController updated: various UI fixes, autorotation fixes, help bubbles for iPad grouped ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - HelpPageLobbyViewController returned to project (back from 2012!), also help bubble images added ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Fix for loading missions descriptions ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Fix for strange problem with table view in StatsPage - rowHeight is 1 by default. So, fixed by implicit size. ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - RestoreViewController functionality uncommented ios-revival
2015-08-14 Anton Malmygin - Interscreen transitions fixed ios-revival
2015-08-13 antonc27 - MGSplitViewController updated to last version with iOS 8 fixes ios-revival
2015-08-13 antonc27 - Fix for main view orientation problems ios-revival
2015-08-13 antonc27 - Fix for app crash after ending game ios-revival
2015-08-12 antonc27 - Name fixing for buttons ios-revival
2015-08-12 antonc27 - Using come for internal memory management ios-revival
2015-08-12 antonc27 - 'Generate position dependent code' et to NO. Otherwise crashed at initialization step. ios-revival
2015-08-11 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS reduced for all projects ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS changed ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Small warning fix ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Actually fix for rendering on iOS ]:-> ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Fix for hiding launch window after launch and not blocking SDL window on engine anymore ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Some weird staff with bounds commented here ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Bogus 'lodeNiceHogs' disabled ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Restore game functionality disabled, because it blocks main screen ios-revival
2015-08-09 antonc27 Added tag Nice one for changeset 0f5961910e27 ios-revival
2015-08-09 antonc27 - Resolves problem with wrong path to chef hat on iOS ios-revival
2015-08-09 antonc27 - Fix for wrong start paramIndex in case of Hwlibrary ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for new name of SDL 2 libraries ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for launching with SDL ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "Exception: Could not load OpenGL from /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib" at start of app ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "error: invalid abbreviation code [115] for DIE at" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for PascalImports and for GenLandPreview ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "operator delete[](void*)", referenced from: not found for architecture x86_64" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Small reorg of project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - CoreMotion framework added to project for SDL 2 ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "uWorld.s:4736:8: error: base register is 64-bit, but index register is not leal (%rax,%edx),%eax" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for ArgParsers.pas:368: 23: Identifier not found "cDefaultPathPrefix" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for uTouch.pas:365: 34: Identifier not found "nilFingerId" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for uPhysFSLayer.pas:167: 17: Identifier not found "cFontsPaths" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Another fix for uRender.pas ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for compiling 'uRender.pas' ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Missed pascal source files added to project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Turkish localization removed from Xcode project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - fpc updated to 3.1.1 ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - 'Default-568h@2x.png' added for retina screen ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS updated for main project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Xcode projects updated to recommended settings (auto done by Xcode) ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - .hgignore file updated for Xcode related files ios-revival
2015-09-10 sheepluva small code cleanup
2015-09-08 unc0rr more work qmlfrontend
2015-09-05 unc0rr Generate handlers for lists qmlfrontend
2015-09-04 nemo fix a couple of typos
2015-09-03 unc0rr Generate handlers accepting parameters dummies qmlfrontend
2015-09-03 Wuzzy Updated shoppa tournament winners
2015-09-03 unc0rr Merge default qmlfrontend
2015-09-03 nemo Add some HHGear nil checks to teleport. google bug #974
2015-09-03 Wuzzy tip changes, mostly new strategy suggestions
2015-09-02 sheepluva allow holding PRECISE key to switch portal ball colors in reverse order
2015-09-02 nemo Trying to get these scripts to behave properly, still WIP though.
2015-09-02 sheepluva fix internal function name
2015-09-02 wuzzy make tunnels script use MapFeatureSize
2015-09-02 sheepluva some more tweaks
2015-09-02 sheepluva make diagonal maze use map feature size
2015-09-02 sheepluva also expose MapFeatureSize in onPreviewInit
2015-09-02 sheepluva Lua API: expose MapFeatureSize during init
2015-09-02 sheepluva fix on-code documentation of EraseSprite
2015-09-01 sheepluva display circle for custom build dist values, display nothing if no limit. map borders are not taken into account at this point
2015-09-01 sheepluva Lua API: SetMaxBuildDistance([ distInPx ]) -- set to 0 for no limit; call with no param to reset to default
2015-09-01 sheepluva global variable for defining construction distance limit. value smaller 1 means no limit (wip)
2015-08-30 unc0rr Restore player clan on rejoin (issue 934, not tested)
2015-08-30 unc0rr Fix inverse paused state for spectators joining paused game (not tested)
2015-08-27 unc0rr Check for CMD message a bit further down the control flow
2015-08-27 unC0Rr Don't accept any password from players banned on the website
2015-08-17 nemo add missing state binds in lua
2015-08-17 nemo just some indentation tweaks to help me read this while looking for possible causes of the iOS crasher
2015-08-15 unc0rr Some fixes qmlfrontend
2015-08-09 Wuzzy Update English weapon descriptions
2015-08-14 unC0Rr Break it even more during refactoring qmlfrontend
2015-08-12 unC0Rr Generate parameters structures qmlfrontend
2015-08-10 sheepluva more copyright fixes
2015-08-10 sheepluva update copyright year in manpage
2015-08-09 sheepluva this should prevent hogs from hovering in air after using hammer
2015-08-09 sheepluva Hammer had been accessing dangling pointers under particular circumstances (e.g. when hitting a mine/barrel right when it exploded)
2015-08-09 sheepluva fix the fix
2015-08-08 sheepluva comment tweaks
2015-08-08 sheepluva tweak prev commit
2015-08-08 sheepluva Hammer changes/fixes: honor extra-damage (Issue 975), round up damage, do correct damage when being spammed in infinite-attack mode
2015-08-07 nemo Fix weapon name - bug #967
2015-08-06 mikade HedgeEditor (bring on the bug reports, wahey!)
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