Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:17:35 +0000
changeset 419 861e9e89e19c
parent 168 f4f73967aa4e
child 498 1a6fa9d619d3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update SetTag, add GetTag.

#summary Documentation of configuration files on desktop
#labels Documentation

= Introduction =

This documents the structure and content of the configuration (.ini) files found in the desktop version of Hedgewars.

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= Hedgewars.ini: =

== {{{[video]}}} ==
_Graphics rendering settings, back-end (engine)_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| resolution=1280x768 || String || Screen resolution the game is rendered at ||
|| fullscreen=false || Boolean || If the game is rendered in fullscreen ||
|| quality=5 || Integer || Quality of game rendering ||
|| stereo=0 || Integer || Mode of stereoscopic 3D rendering, 0 being no 3D ||

== {{{[frontend]}}} ==
_Graphics and sound settings, front-end (GUI)_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| effects=true || Boolean || If game effects are displayed ||
|| fullscreen=false || Boolean || If the game is in fullscreen-mode, instead of windowed-mode ||
|| width=800 || Integer || Width of the game window ||
|| height=600 || Integer || Height of the game window ||
|| sound=true || Boolean || If sounds are being played ||
|| music=true || Boolean || If background music is being played ||

== {{{[misc]}}} ==
_Miscellaneous settings_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| weaponTooltips=true || Boolean || If tooltips should be shown in the ammo menu ||
|| altdamage=false || Boolean || If damage pop-ups should be shown on every shot, instead of only at the end of a round ||
|| appendTimeToRecords=false || Boolean || If date and time should be appended to the file name when demo records are saved ||
|| locale=en_US || String || Language used in game in the format "ISO 639-1 Code underscore ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code", or system default if left blank ||

== {{{[audio]}}} ==
_Sound rendering settings, back-end_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| sound=true || Boolean || If sound effects should be rendered ||
|| music=true || Boolean || If background music should be rendered ||
|| volume=100 || Integer || Volume level of sound effects and music rendering ||

== {{{[net]}}} ==
_Online and LAN settings_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| nick=username || String || Username/nickname used for online play, or promt the user when first connecting if left blank ||
|| passwordhash=@ByteArray(d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) || Byte array || Hash of password used for online play ||
|| passwordlength=0 || Integer || Lenght of unhashed password string ||
|| ip= || String || Default IP-address when connecting to a LAN server, stored in human-readable dot-notation ||
|| port=46631 || Integer || Default port number when connecting to a LAN server ||
|| servername=hedgewars server || String || Default name when creating a LAN server ||
|| serverport=46631 || Integer || Default port number when creating a LAN server ||

== {{{[fps]}}} ==
_Frames per second settings_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| show=false || Boolean || If the number of frames rendered per second should be shown in-game ||
|| limit=27 || Integer || Maximum number of frames rendered per second, calculated as _1000 / (35 - limit)_ ||

= Weapons.ini: =

== {{{[General]}}} ==
_List of weapon settings as key-value pairs, each with a string name and integer value_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| Default=93919...11101 || Integer || Which weapons are allowed in the default mode ||

= Schemes.ini: =

== {{{[schemes]}}} ==
_List of custom scheme settings as key-value pairs, each with a key of "index number of scheme backslash setting name"_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| size=1 || Integer || Number of custom scheme settings ||
|| 1\name=new || String || Name of scheme ||
|| 1\fortsmode=false || Boolean || If forts are enabled ||
|| 1\divteams=false || Boolean || If teams start at the opposite side of the terrain ||
|| 1\solidland=false || Boolean || If land is indestructible ||
|| 1\border=false || Boolean || If an insestructible border is added around the map ||
|| 1\lowgrav=false || Boolean || If gravity is lowered ||
|| 1\laser=false || Boolean || If aiming is assisted with laser sights ||
|| 1\invulnerability=false || Boolean || If hogs have a personal forcefield ||
|| 1\resethealth=false || Boolean || If living hogs' health is reset to 100 at end of round ||
|| 1\vampiric=false || Boolean || If hogs gain life equal to 80 percent of the damage they deal ||
|| 1\karma=false || Boolean || If hogs lose life equal to the damage they deal ||
|| 1\artillery=false || Boolean || If hogs are unable to move ||
|| 1\randomorder=true || Boolean || If turn order is generated randomly ||
|| 1\king=false || Boolean || If a chess-like king is used ||
|| 1\placehog=false || Boolean || If players take turns placing their hogs before the start of a game ||
|| 1\sharedammo=false || Boolean || If ammo is shared between all teams of the same color ||
|| 1\disablegirders=false || Boolean || If girders are removed from randomly-generated maps ||
|| 1\disablelandobjects=false || Boolean || If land objects are removed from randomly-generated maps ||
|| 1\aisurvival=false || Boolean || If AI hogs respawn on death ||
|| 1\infattack=false || Boolean || If hogs can attack an unlimited number of times each turn ||
|| 1\resetweps=false || Boolean || If weapons are reset at end of each turn ||
|| 1\perhogammo=false || Boolean || If each hog has seperate ammo ||
|| 1\disablewind=false || Boolean || If wind is disabled ||
|| 1\morewind=false || Boolean || If wind is much stronger then usually ||
|| 1\tagteam=false || Boolean || If players in a team share time on each turn ||
|| 1\bottomborder=false || Boolean || If an indestructible border is added at the bottom of the map ||
|| 1\damagefactor=100 || Integer || Percentage of damage dealt ||
|| 1\turntime=45 || Integer || Maximum time in seconds of each turn ||
|| 1\health=100 || Integer || The initial health of the hogs ||
|| 1\suddendeath=15 || Integer || Turns before "Sudden Death" mode begins ||
|| 1\caseprobability=5 || Integer || Number of turns between cases drops ||
|| 1\minestime=3 || Integer || Seconds before mines explode ||
|| 1\minesnum=4 || Integer || Number of mines on a level ||
|| 1\minedudpct=0 || Integer || Percentage chance of each mine being a dud ||
|| 1\explosives=2 || Integer || Number of explosives on a level ||
|| 1\healthprobability=35 || Integer || Percentage chance of each crate being a health crate ||
|| 1\healthcaseamount=25 || Integer || Amount of life restored by each health crate ||
|| 1\waterrise=47 || Integer || Number of pixels the water rises each turn in "Sudden Death" mode ||
|| 1\healthdecrease=5 || Integer || Damage dealth each turn to hogs in water during "Sudden Death" mode ||
|| 1\ropepct=100 || Integer || Maximum length of rope as a percentage ||
|| 1\getawaytime=100 || Integer || Time you have to get away from an explosive after arming it, as a percentage ||

= TeamName.hwt: =
_One file per team_

== {{{[Team]}}} ==
_General team settings_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| Name=TeamName || String || Name of team ||
|| Grave=Statue || String || Type of grave created when hog dies ||
|| Fort=Plane || String || Type of fort if Forts Mode is enabled ||
|| Voicepack=Default || String || Sounds used for hog voice ||
|| Flag=hedgewars || String || Type of flag if Forts Mode is enabled ||
|| Difficulty=0 || Integer || Diffuculty of AI, or human if left at zero ||
|| Rounds=0 || Integer || Number of rounds played with team _(Currently unused)_ ||
|| Wins=0 || Integer || Number of rounds won with team _(Currently unused)_ ||
|| CampaignProgress=0 || Integer || Campain progress using team as a percentage _(Currently unused)_ ||

== {{{[Hedgehog0]}}} ==
_One per hog on the team_

|| *Setting* || *Type* || *Description* ||
|| Name=Hedgehog Name || String || Name of hog ||
|| Hat=NoHat || String || Type of hat used by hog ||
|| Rounds=0 || Integer || Number of rounds played with hog _(Currently unused)_ ||
|| Kills=0 || Integer || Kills comitted by hog _(Currently unused)_ ||
|| Deaths=0 || Integer || Deaths experienced by hog _(Currently unused)_ ||
|| Suicides=0 || Integer || Suicides comitted by hog _(Currently unused)_ ||