author Wuzzy
Wed, 21 Jun 2023 15:54:45 +0000
changeset 2251 97c035342b4c
parent 1991 657ff12d44b9
child 2269 7a834d2cb993
permissions -rw-r--r--
LuaLibraryAnimate: Add big code example

#summary List of all taunts used by voicepacks
= Taunts =
This page is a quick overview over all available taunts in Hedgewars. This list is important if you want to create [Voicepacks voicepacks] to ensure that you didn’t forget a taunt. For a list of all sound effects which are not taunts, see [Sounds]. There is also a brief description when these taunts are played in Normal mode. Lastly, there is a transscription of the taunt for the Default voicepack for better orientation.

All files have to be in the Ogg Vorbis format. The file names are *case-sensitive*!

When playing taunts, there is often a bit of randomness involved, especially if there are multiple taunts for the same events. Additionally, scripts can play these sounds at any occacion. If you are a script author, it is recommended that you try to stick as close to the intended meaning as possible but this is not a requirement, of course.

When creating a voicepack, you _should_ try to cover all the files listed here for the greatest variety. To avoid awkward silence, try to have at least the core taunts.

Some taunts have fallbacks. This means, if a particular voice file is missing, Hedgewars will try to use the fallback option (or one of the fallback options) instead. If the sound file is missing and there is no fallback, the hedgehog stays silent.

== Lists of taunts ==
Thes lists are sorted alphabetically by file name.

The “General idea” column gives the rough idea/style this taunt is supposed to have. The “Used when …” column says when the taunt is actually used in the current Hedgewars version.

The actual usage might be subject to minor changes from time to time, but the general idea will stay the same, so it's generally a good idea to focus the general idea to make your voicepack future-proof.

=== List of core taunts ===
These taunts are taunts which every voicepack _should_ have to have a decent quality and to avoid awkward silence.

|| *Variable name* || *File name* || *General idea* || *Used when …* || *Fallback* || *Transcription of Default voicepack* ||
|| `sndBoring` || `Boring.ogg` || boredom || … tean runs out of turn time without attacking. || — ||“This is so boring.” ||
|| `sndByeBye` || `Byebye.ogg` || farewell || … a hedgehog dies or is removed from the game because the a player left the room in online play. Duration: 1.2s (you might stretch this a bit because of the explosion) || — ||“See ya!” ||
|| `sndComeonthen` || `Comeonthen.ogg` || hustle || … when the ready timer is about to run out and the player still didn’t made any decisions. || — || “I’m waiting.” ||
|| `sndCoward` || `Coward.ogg` || taunting a coward ||  … an opposing team ended their turn with Skip. || — || “Wimp!” ||
|| `sndEnemyDown` || `Enemydown.ogg` || enemy dead || … an enemy hedgehog died. || — || “Got one!” ||
|| `sndFirePunch1` || `Firepunch1.ogg` || shoryuken || … hedgehog does a shoryuken. || — || “Firepunch!” ||
|| `sndFirePunch2` || `Firepunch2.ogg` || shoryuken || … hedgehog does a shoryuken. || `sndFirePunch1` || “Take this!” ||
|| `sndFirePunch3` || `Firepunch3.ogg` || shoryuken || … hedgehog does a shoryuken. || `sndFirePunch1` || “Hoar!” ||
|| `sndFirePunch4` || `Firepunch4.ogg` || shoryuken || … hedgehog does a shoryuken. || `sndFirePunch1` ||  “Har!” ||
|| `sndFirePunch5` || `Firepunch5.ogg` || shoryuken || … hedgehog does a shoryuken. || `sndFirePunch1` || “Woo!” ||
|| `sndFirePunch6` || `Firepunch6.ogg` || shoryuken || … hedgehog does a shoryuken. || `sndFirePunch1` || “Ha-dee-wooztee-wooztee-woo!” ||
|| `sndFirstBlood` || `Firstblood.ogg` || first damage || … a hedgehog suffered from damage the first time in the match. || — ||  “This is only the beginning.” ||
|| `sndFlawless` || `Flawless.ogg` || flawless victory || … a team won without any damage taken. || — || “Flawless victory!” ||
|| `sndHello` || `Hello.ogg` || generic greeting || … hedgehog is in the time box and waves hello or a player enters a room in online play. || — || “Hi!” ||
|| `sndHmm` || `Hmm.ogg` || thinking || … turn of a remote team (in network games) or a computer team starts || — || “Hmm …” ||
|| `sndHurry` || `Hurry.ogg` || hustle || … 5 seconds on the clock are remaining. || — || “Hurry!” ||
|| `sndIllGetYou` || `Illgetyou.ogg` || threatening the enemy || … after hog got hit. || — || “You’ve ticked off the wrong hog, buddy.” ||
|| `sndIncoming` || `Incoming.ogg` || air attack || … an airborne attack is ordered. || — || “This is going to hurt.” ||
|| `sndJump1` || `Jump1.ogg` || long jump || … a hedgehog makes a long jump. || — || “Hep!” ||
|| `sndJump2` || `Jump2.ogg` || backjump || … a hedgehog makes a backjump. || — || “Woah!” ||
|| `sndJump3` || `Jump3.ogg` || high jump || … a hedgehog makes a high jump. || — || “Hep!” ||
|| `sndJustYouWait` || `Justyouwait.ogg` || threatening the enemy || … after hog got hit. || — || "You're gonna pay for that!" ||
|| `sndKamikaze` || `Kamikaze.ogg` || kamikaze || … a hedgehog launches kamikaze. Note the sound should be very short (less than 1 second). In-game testing recommended! || — || “Kamikaze!” ||
|| `sndLaugh` || `Laugh.ogg` || evil laughter || … a hedgehog uses a mine, dynamite or cake. || — || “He-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he!” ||
|| `sndMelon` || `Melon.ogg` || watermelon bomb || … a hedgehog throws a watermelon bomb || — || “Melon’s away!” ||
|| `sndMissed` || `Missed.ogg` || missed attack || … a hedgehog makes an attack but makes no damage or kills. || — || “Heh! Is that the best you can do?” ||
|| `sndNooo` || `Nooo.ogg` || imminent danger || … an explosive (i.e. dynamite) is about to explode near a victim. || — || “No!” ||
|| `sndNutter` || `Nutter.ogg` || silliness/craziness/clumsiness || … a hedgehog hits the enemy, but also clumsily deals damage to clam members. || — || “What are you doing?” ||
|| `sndOoff1` || `Ooff1.ogg` || pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage by falling or explosions. || — || “Ooff!” ||
|| `sndOoff2` || `Ooff2.ogg` || pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage by falling or explosions. || `sndOoff1` || “Ooff!” ||
|| `sndOoff3` || `Ooff3.ogg` || pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage by falling or explosions. Duration: 1.0s || `sndOoff1` || “Ooff!” ||
|| `sndOops` || `Oops.ogg` || Oops! || … a timed weapon fired by a hedgehog is about to detonate dangeoursly close to it. || — || “Oops!” ||
|| `sndOw1` || `Ow1.ogg` || pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage from an source other than falling, explosion and sickness, or it activates vampirism. || — || “Ah!” ||
|| `sndOw2` || `Ow2.ogg` || pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage from an source other than falling, explosion and sickness. || `sndOw1` || “Oi!” ||
|| `sndOw3` || `Ow3.ogg` || pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage from an source other than falling, explosion and sickness. || `sndOw1` || “Oh!” ||
|| `sndOw4` || `Ow4.ogg` || pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage from an source other than falling, explosion and sickness. || `sndOw1` || “Ow!” ||
|| `sndPoisonCough` || `PoisonCough.ogg` || poison pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage from sickness. || — || _coughing_ ||
|| `sndPoisonMoan` || `PoisonMoan.ogg` || poison pain || … a hedgehog suffers damage from sickness. || — || _moaning_ ||
|| `sndReinforce` || `Reinforcements.ogg` || reinforcements/supplies arrived || … a crate appears. || — || “Surprise inbound!” ||
|| `sndSameTeam` || `Sameteam.ogg` || same team attacked || … a hedgehog deals damage, most of which is suffered by hedgehogs of the same team. || — || “I’m on your team!” ||
|| `sndStupid` || `Stupid.ogg` || complaining about stupidity || … a hedgehog clumsily deals damage to itself. Since 0.9.25, this is also used for round draw. || — || “That was pathetic!” ||
|| `sndTraitor` || `Traitor.ogg` || calling someone a traitor || … a hedgehog deals damage, most of which is suffered by hedgehogs of the same clan/team. || — || “Why, you backstabbing little!” ||
|| `sndUhOh` || `Uh-oh.ogg` || imminent danger || … a heavy explosive (i.e. dynamite or hellish hand grenade) is dangerously close to a hedgehog and about to detonate. Duration: 1.0s || — || “Uh-oh!” ||
|| `sndVictory` || `Victory.ogg` || victory || … a team wins with at least 1 hedgehog lost on their side. || — || “Victory is ours!” ||
|| `sndWatchIt` || `Watchit.ogg` || clumsy outcome || … a hedgehog hits the enemy, but also clumsily deals damage to clam members. || — || “Watch where you’re shooting!” ||
|| `sndYesSir` || `Yessir.ogg` || turn start || … the turn of your own team begins (not played for computer players and teams controlled by players over the network, see `sndIllGetYou` and `sndJustYouWait`). || — || “Yes, sir!” ||
|| `sndRegret` || `Youllregretthat.ogg` || vow for revenge || … an enemy team attacked your hedgehog, but did not kill it. || — || “You gonna wish you haven’t done that.” ||

=== List of extra taunts ===
You should generally support these taunts as well, if you can. But if you don't it's not a big deal, since there are sane fallbacks or the silence is not awkwards.

|| *Variable name* || *File name* || *General idea* || *Used when …* || *Fallback* || *Transcription of Default voice* ||
|| `sndAmazing` || `Amazing.ogg` || truly great turn (better than `sndExcellent` and `sndBrilliant`) || … 3 or more enemies were killed without screwing up || `sndEnemyDown` || “Amazing!” || 
|| `sndBrilliant` || `Brilliant.ogg` || great turn (better than `sndExcellent`, but worse than `sndAmazing`) || … 2 enemies were killed without screwing up || `sndEnemyDown` || “Brilliant!” || 
|| `sndBugger` || `Bugger.ogg` || swear about own clumsiness || … hedgehog hurts itself only || `sndStupid` || “Bugger!” || 
|| `sndCover` || `Takecover.ogg` || warn others to take cover || … a hedgehog throws a grenade or similar weapon. || — || “Get down!” ||
|| `sndCutItOut` || `Cutitout.ogg` || repeatedly attacked || … hog was repeatedly attacked || `sndRegret` ||  “Oy! Cut it out!” ||
|| `sndDrat` || `Drat.ogg` || swear about own clumsiness || … hedgehog hurts itself only || `sndStupid` || “Drat!” ||
|| `sndExcellent` || `Excellent.ogg` || good turn (worse than `sndBrilliant` and `sndAmazing`) || … 2 enemies were killed without screwing up || `sndEnemyDown` || “I bet that looks all too easy.” ||
|| `sndFire` || `Fire.ogg` || attack || … hog attacks (for some launched weapons) || — || “Attack!” ||
|| `sndFlyAway` || `Flyaway.ogg` || panic scream while it flies out of map || … a hog (that is not active) flies out very far away to the left or right side of the map || — || “Nooo!” ||
|| `sndGonnaGetYou` || `Gonnagetyou.ogg` || vow for revenge || … after an enemy was hit || `sndRegret` || “You just made my hit list!” ||
|| `sndGrenade` || `Grenade.ogg` || imminent danger from grenade || … a grenade is about to blow up near a hog. Duration: 1.0s || `sndNooo`, `sndUhOh` || “Grenade!” ||
|| `sndLeaveMeAlone` || `Leavemealone.ogg` || repeatedly attacked || … hedgehog was repeatedly attacked || `sndRegret` || ''Dude! Leave me alone!'' ||
|| `sndRevenge` || `Revenge.ogg` || got revenge || … hog attacked an enemy who attacked them the last time || `sndRegret`, `sndGonnaGetYou`, `sndIllGetYou`, `sndJustYouWait` || “I got you back! Na-na-na-na-na-na!” ||
|| `sndOhDear` || `Ohdear.ogg` || death/farewell || … hog dies. Duration: 1.2s || `sndByeBye` || “Oh dear!” ||
|| `sndOuch` || `Ouch.ogg` || very painful || … a hog takes at least 55 damage from falling, a punch, hammer, cleaver or bullet. || `sndOw1` || “Ow!” ||
|| `sndRunAway` || `Runaway.ogg` || warning to flee from imminent danger || … something is going to blow up near the active hog, which is standing on the floor. Duration: 1.0s || `sndOops` || “Run away!” ||
|| `sndSoLong` || `Solong.ogg` || death/farewell || … hog dies. Duration: 1.2s || `sndByeBye` || “Tell my mum I love her!” ||
|| `sndThisOneIsMine` || `Thisoneismine.ogg` || claiming ownership to a crate || … a crate drops close to hog || `sndReinforce` || “This one is mine!” ||
|| `sndWatchThis` || `Watchthis.ogg` || attack || … hog attacks (for some thrown weapons) || — || “Watch this!” ||
|| `sndWhatThe` || `Whatthe.ogg` || imminent danger || … something is about to blow up near a hog. Duration: 1.0s || `sndNooo` || “What the …?” ||

=== List of *unused* taunt files ===
There are a couple of taunt files found in the repository which *aren't used in the game yet*. You don't have to record these. Adding these files to your voice pack won't have any effect at the moment.

We might add `Perfect.ogg` eventually (with fallback, of course!), but don't even bother about the other 4 ones.

|| *File name* || *Supposedly used when …* || *Example* ||
|| `Perfect.ogg` || … a perfect shot was made (we're not sure yet how a “perfect shot” is defined) || “I bet that stings a bit.” ||
|| `Bungee.ogg` || … hog does bungee-jumping. Unlikely this will be added || “Geronimo!” ||
|| `FlawlessPossibility.ogg` || … team sees a chance for a flawless victory. Unlikely this will be added || _Unknown_ ||
|| `VictoryPossibility.ogg` || … team sees a chance for a victory. Unlikely this will be added || “We stand victorious.” ||
|| `Whoopsee.ogg` || … no idea what this is good for. Maybe when hog screws up or falls down? Unlikely this will be added || “Woah!” ||

== See also ==
For a list of all sound effects which are not taunts, see [Sounds].