author Wuzzy
Wed, 02 May 2018 23:42:11 +0100
changeset 1365 f7ca5312d2ff
parent 1117 635b23857d96
child 1500 e7ed946e433e
permissions -rw-r--r--
LuaLibraryTracker: Fix typos and stuff

#summary List of all sound effects (excluding taunts)

This is a list of sounds effects used in Hedgewars, excluding taunts. For taunts, see the [Taunts] page.

= List of sounds =
With the exception of `sndNone`, this list is sorted alphabetically by variable name.

|| *Variable name* || *File name* || *Description* ||
|| `sndNone` || *N/A* || Not a sound, this is used for the absense of a sound ||
|| `sndAirMineImpact` || `airmine_impact.ogg` || Air mine collides at high speed ||
|| `sndBaseballBat` || `baseballbat.ogg` || Baseball bat is used ||
|| `sndBee` || `bee.ogg` || Looped bee flight sound in air ||
|| `sndBeeWater` || `beewater.ogg` || Looped bee flight sound in water ||
|| `sndBirdyLay` || `BirdyLay.ogg` || Birdy drops an egg ||
|| `sndBump` || `bump.ogg` || Hedgehog falls on land at high speed ||
|| `sndBlowTorch` || `blowtorch.ogg` || Blowtorch is being used ||
|| `sndCountdown1` || `countdown1.ogg` || Time warning, 1 second left ||
|| `sndCountdown2` || `countdown2.ogg` || Time warning, 2 seconds left ||
|| `sndCountdown3` || `countdown3.ogg` || Time warning, 3 seconds left ||
|| `sndCountdown4` || `countdown4.ogg` || Time warning, 4 seconds left ||
|| `sndCustom1` || `custom1.ogg` || Custom sound. Silence by default. Intended to be overwritten in a [HWPFormat HWP file] ||
|| `sndCustom2` || `custom2.ogg` || Another custom sound ||
|| `sndCustom3` || `custom3.ogg` || Another custom sound ||
|| `sndCustom4` || `custom4.ogg` || Another custom sound ||
|| `sndCustom5` || `custom5.ogg` || Another custom sound ||
|| `sndCustom6` || `custom6.ogg` || Another custom sound ||
|| `sndCustom7` || `custom7.ogg` || Another custom sound ||
|| `sndCustom8` || `custom8.ogg` || Another custom sound ||
|| `sndDenied` || `denied.ogg` || Player tries something forbidden ||
|| `sndDrillRocket` || `drillgun.ogg` || Looped drill rocket drilling sound ||
|| `sndDroplet1` || `Droplet1.ogg` || Water droplet impact into water. See also `sndMudballImpact` ||
|| `sndDroplet2` || `Droplet2.ogg` || Water droplet impact into water ||
|| `sndDroplet3` || `Droplet3.ogg` || Water droplet impact into water ||
|| `sndDuckDrop` || `rubberduck_drop.ogg` || Rubber duck is dropped or bounces ||
|| `sndDuckWater` || `rubberduck_water.ogg` || Rubber duck hits water ||
|| `sndDuckDie` || `rubberduck_die.ogg` || Rubber duck explodes ||
|| `sndEggBreak` || `egg.ogg` || Egg (from Birdy) impact ||
|| `sndExplosion` || `explosion.ogg` || Explosion ||
|| `sndExtraTime` || `extratime.ogg` || Extra time is used ||
|| `sndFrozenHogImpact` || `frozen_hog_impact.ogg` || Frozen hog hits ground at high speed ||
|| `sndGraveImpact` || `graveimpact.ogg` || Collision of grave or crate ||
|| `sndGrenadeImpact` || `grenadeimpact.ogg` || Collision of grenade, old limburger, cluster bomb, and many other gears ||
|| `sndGun` || `gun.ogg` || Desert Eagle or snifer rifle shot ||
|| `sndHellish` || `hellish.ogg` || Evil laughter from hellish hand-grenade ||
|| `sndHellishImpact1` || `hell_growl.ogg` || Hellish hand-grenade impact ||
|| `sndHellishImpact2` || `hell_oof.ogg` || Hellish hand-grenade impact ||
|| `sndHellishImpact3` || `hell_ow.ogg` || Hellish hand-grenade impact ||
|| `sndHellishImpact4` || `hell_ugh.ogg` || Hellish hand-grenade impact ||
|| `sndHogFreeze` || `hog_freeze.ogg` || Something (hedgehog, crate, water, etc.) has been frozen with the freezer ||
|| `sndHomerun` || `homerun.ogg` || Hog is punched far away out of the left/right map bounds with a baseball bat ||
|| `sndIceBeam` || `ice_beam.ogg` || Looped sound used while freezer is active ||
|| `sndInvulnerable` || `invulnerable.ogg` || Invulnerable utility activated ||
|| `sndJetpackBoost` || `jetpackboost.ogg` || Flying saucer applies a short boost ||
|| `sndJetpackLaunch` || `ufo.ogg` || Flying saucer activated ||
|| `sndKnifeImpact` || `knife_impact.ogg` || Collision of cleaver ||
|| `sndLaserSight` || `lasersight.ogg` || Laser sight utility activated ||
|| `sndLowGravity` || `lowgravity.ogg` || Low gravity utility activated ||
|| `sndMelonImpact` || `melonimpact.ogg` || Watermelon bomb impact; also used for other gears colliding with rubber ||
|| `sndMineImpact` || `mineimpact.ogg` || Collision of mine ||
|| `sndMineTick` || `minetick.ogg` || Warning beep of mine, sticky mine, air mine ||
|| `sndMolotov` || `molotov.ogg` || Molotov cocktail impact ||
|| `sndMortar` || `mortar.ogg` || Mortar is launched ||
|| `sndMudballImpact` || `Droplet1.ogg` || Mudball impact. Uses the same sound as `sndDroplet1` ||
|| `sndParachute` || `parachute.ogg` || Parachute opens ||
|| `sndPiano0` || `1C.ogg` || Piano key (slot 1) ||
|| `sndPiano1` || `2D.ogg` || Piano key (slot 2) ||
|| `sndPiano2` || `3E.ogg` || Piano key (slot 3) ||
|| `sndPiano3` || `4F.ogg` || Piano key (slot 4) ||
|| `sndPiano4` || `5G.ogg` || Piano key (slot 5) ||
|| `sndPiano5` || `6A.ogg` || Piano key (slot 6) ||
|| `sndPiano6` || `7B.ogg` || Piano key (slot 7) ||
|| `sndPiano7` || `8C.ogg` || Piano key (slot 8) ||
|| `sndPiano8` || `9D.ogg` || Piano key (slot 9) ||
|| `sndPickhammer` || `pickhammer.ogg` || Looped pickhammer noise ||
|| `sndPlaced` || `placed.ogg` || Successful placement of construction or rubber ||
|| `sndPlane` || `plane.ogg` || Looped airplane flight sound (from air attack, mine strike, napalm and drill strike) ||
|| `sndPortalOpen` || `portalopen.ogg` || Portal created ||
|| `sndPortalShot` || `portalshot.ogg` || Fire the portable portal device ||
|| `sndPortalSwitch` || `portalswitch.ogg` || Switch color of portable portal device ||
|| `sndRCPlane` || `rcplane.ogg` || Looped RC plane flight sound ||
|| `sndResurrector` || `hogchant3.ogg` || Looped sound used while using resurrector ||
|| `sndRideOfTheValkyries` || `ride_of_the_valkyries.ogg` || “Ride of the Valkyries” music from RC plane ||
|| `sndRopeAttach` || `ropeattach.ogg` || Rope hook attaches ||
|| `sndRopeRelease` || `roperelease.ogg` || Rope hook is released ||
|| `sndRopeShot` || `ropeshot.ogg` || Rope is fired ||
|| `sndShotgunFire` || `shotgunfire.ogg` || Shotgun fires ||
|| `sndShotgunReload` || `shotgunreload.ogg` || Played shotly before the shotgun fires or after collecting a crate ||
|| `sndShutter` || `shutterclick.ogg` || Screenshot is taken ||
|| `sndSineGun` || `sinegun.ogg` || Sine gun is fired ||
|| `sndSkip` || `skip.ogg` || Gear is skipping (“bouncing”) over water ||
|| `sndSniperReload` || `sniperreload.ogg` || Sniper rifle starts to aim (internal laser sight enabled) ||
|| `sndSplash` || `splash.ogg` || Water splash when something fell into water ||
|| `sndSuddenDeath` || `suddendeath.ogg` || Sudden Death started ||
|| `sndSteps` || `steps.ogg` || Hedgehog walks ||
|| `sndSwitchHog` || `switchhog.ogg` || Hog is switched using Switch Hedgehog ||
|| `sndTardis` || `TARDIS.ogg` || !TimeBox appears or disappears ||
|| `sndThrowPowerUp` || `throwpowerup.ogg` || The “weapon power” bar is increasing ||
|| `sndThrowRelease` || `throwrelease.ogg` || Projectile is launched (e.g. bazooka) ||
|| `sndVaporize` || `steam.ogg` || Flame is extinguished, e.g. in water ||
|| `sndWarp` || `warp.ogg` || Teleportation ||
|| `sndWhack` || `hammer.ogg` || Hammer is used ||
|| `sndWhipCrack` || `whipcrack.ogg` || Whip is used ||
|| `sndWhistle` || `Whistle.ogg` || Birdy appears ||
|| `sndYoohoo` || `Yoohoo.ogg` || “Yoohoo!” voice from seduction ||

== Reference ==
For a current list of sounds, look at `hedgewars/uTypes.pas`: [] 

== See also ==

 * [Taunts]