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The revision graph only works with JavaScript-enabled browsers.
GearTypes: Fix gtSentry link
22 months ago, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: Add gtSentry
22 months ago, by Wuzzy
AmmoTypes: Add amSentry
22 months ago, by Wuzzy
LuaEvents: Rewrite onNewAmmoStore help
22 months ago, by Wuzzy
update windows build instructions
23 months ago, by alfadur
TableOfContents: TableOfContents: Adjust two Entries
23 months ago, by sheepluva
switch server
23 months ago, by nemo
latest on 1.0.0 branch is better
2022-01-27, by nemo
HWPlaySchemeSyntax: Remove "room=", it is not actually supported
2021-08-16, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: linetrail is thin
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: HealthTag number limitation
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: remove frameticks for smalldamagetag
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Ignore timer healthtag
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: `Angle` only effectful if `Frame` is non-zero (HealthTag)
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: add FrameTicks to SmallDamageTag
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Fix angle of healthtag
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Fix Scale argument for Healthtag
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: fix typos
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Add drowning tag info
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: SmallDamage: hardcoded speed
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Improve Health/damage tag documentation
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Can't use vgtSmallDamageTag
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Edited via web interface
2020-12-13, by Wuzzy
Translations: fix italic
2020-11-27, by Wuzzy
Translations: Hedgewars 2
2020-11-27, by Wuzzy
TableOfContents: Move translations to coredev
2020-11-27, by Wuzzy
Translations: Add TOC
2020-11-27, by Wuzzy
Translations: copy name
2020-11-27, by Wuzzy
Translations: Add conventions
2020-11-27, by Wuzzy
Translations: Remove AFK, this is no longer used
2020-11-27, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: fix gfBorder
2020-10-13, by Wuzzy
LuaRules: plusminus
2020-10-12, by Wuzzy
TableOfContents: add LuaRules
2020-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaOverview: LuaRules
2020-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaRules: fix bullet
2020-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaRules: cleanup
2020-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaAPI: Add scripting rules
2020-10-12, by Wuzzy
2020-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaGameplay: Max ammo crate probability is 8, not 9
2020-10-10, by Wuzzy
ThemeFiles: Add credits.txt
2020-10-10, by Wuzzy
fix package syntax
2020-09-07, by alfadur
update sdl2-mixer features
2020-08-30, by alfadur
2020-08-01, by nemo
GearTypes: Initial Tardis pos
2020-07-26, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: Clarify TimeBox tag
2020-07-26, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: Extend gtTardis info
2020-07-26, by Wuzzy
LuaGears: Update aihDoesntMatter
2020-07-22, by Wuzzy
TODO: Update sine gun
2020-07-19, by Wuzzy
TODO: Fix molotov
2020-07-19, by Wuzzy
TODO: fix typo
2020-07-17, by Wuzzy
TODO: molotov problem
2020-07-17, by Wuzzy
Flags: more cpu clarifiction
2020-07-16, by Wuzzy
Flags: clarify cpu flag
2020-07-16, by Wuzzy
TODO: update resurrect
2020-07-08, by Wuzzy
TODO: AI: Mudball is DONE!
2020-07-08, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: Snowball density
2020-07-08, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: Update more game flag info
2020-07-07, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: update gfSolidLand, gfLowGravity
2020-07-07, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: Update gfInvulnerable
2020-07-07, by Wuzzy
TODO: I don't think a shadow effect is needed
2020-07-06, by Wuzzy
TODO: Low gravity implemented for shots
2020-07-06, by Wuzzy
TODO: Resurrector
2020-07-06, by Wuzzy
TODO: drill strike complete
2020-07-05, by Wuzzy
TODO: Low Grav
2020-06-27, by Wuzzy
AmmoTypes: Rename napalm strike
2020-06-25, by Wuzzy
TODO: Laser sight done, gfMoreWind done
2020-06-25, by Wuzzy
LuaGears: Document most GetGearValues vars
2020-06-24, by Wuzzy
TODO: Update minigun, SMine is done
2020-06-12, by Wuzzy
TODO: Update more AI todos
2020-06-12, by Wuzzy
TODO: Add seduction
2020-06-12, by Wuzzy
TODO: AI know cleaver
2020-06-09, by Wuzzy
TODO: Air mine is done
2020-06-09, by Wuzzy
TODO: RC Plane
2020-06-08, by Wuzzy
TODO: Update mine strike
2020-06-08, by Wuzzy
TODO: Molotov cocktail, piano strike are done
2020-06-08, by Wuzzy
Graves: Add animated graves preview
2020-06-07, by Wuzzy
Hats: Add preview page
2020-06-07, by Wuzzy
Flags: Official flags
2020-06-07, by Wuzzy
LuaOverview: Fix syntax
2020-06-07, by Wuzzy
LuaOverview: Add coordinates
2020-06-07, by Wuzzy
TODO: AI knows Drill Strike
2020-06-07, by Wuzzy
TODO: Add more TODO
2020-06-06, by Wuzzy
ConfigurationFiles: Section length in ammo scheme
2020-06-05, by Wuzzy
ConfigurationFiles: Link to AmmoTypes
2020-06-05, by Wuzzy
AmmoTypes: Add numbers
2020-06-05, by Wuzzy
ConfigurationFiles: More ammo scheme info
2020-06-05, by Wuzzy
remove 12
2020-05-26, by nemo
Hats: Whitespace
2020-05-25, by Wuzzy
Graves: Add newlines
2020-05-25, by Wuzzy
Flags: Add newlines
2020-05-25, by Wuzzy
Add images to hats and graves pages
2020-05-25, by Wuzzy
Hats: fix link again
2020-05-16, by Wuzzy
Hats: fix link
2020-05-16, by Wuzzy
Hats: Add link to wiki
2020-05-16, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: Move Screen* vars to consts
2020-03-20, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: Make Screen vars read-only
2020-03-20, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: Change column name
2020-03-20, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: Add minimum sine radius
2020-01-29, by Wuzzy
BuildingOnLinux: Edited via web interface
2020-01-13, by Wuzzy
LuaGUI: fix link
2020-01-12, by Wuzzy
LuaGuide: Remove half sentence
2020-01-12, by Wuzzy
LuaGuide: link campaigns
2020-01-12, by Wuzzy
add server walkthrough
2019-12-26, by alfadur
LuaGears: Explain heResurrected better
2019-12-07, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: Edited via web interface
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: fix typo
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: Add gear table
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: Edited via web interface
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: fix syntax
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: remove TechRacer link
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: remove HedgeEditor link
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: All about special points
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
LuaEvents: Fix special flags value
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: More about polylines
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: location update
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
DrawnMapFormat: Update directory name
2019-12-05, by Wuzzy
HWPFormat: Sidecar
2019-12-04, by Wuzzy
HWPFormat: Update HWP nesting
2019-12-04, by Wuzzy
LuaUtil: add newline
2019-12-03, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: Add parachute timer
2019-11-24, by Wuzzy
LuaGameplay: rename campaign title
2019-11-15, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: add newline
2019-11-14, by Wuzzy
LuaGameplay: Mention AnimSetInputMask
2019-11-14, by Wuzzy
LuaLibraryAnimate: add newline
2019-11-14, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: Seed is a string
2019-11-02, by Wuzzy
Campaigns: fix incorrect example
2019-11-01, by Wuzzy
LuaAudio: add newline
2019-11-01, by Wuzzy
ThemeCfg: Mention RopeNode
2019-10-31, by Wuzzy
VideoRecorder: move /lua up
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
VideoRecorder: fix grammar
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
VideoRecorder: Fix syntax
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
VideoRecorder: /lua
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
ConfigurationFiles: add newline
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
States: Explain gstWinner
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
LuaEvents: vgtHealthTag plural
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Add Big Armory
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
LuaGUI: Add newline
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
LuaGears: add newline
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
LuaGameplay: add newline
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
LuaEvents: add newline
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
TODO: /quit was added
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Graves: add newline
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
ThemeCfg: add newline
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Themes: add newline
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
RacerRoomSetup: official racer
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Edited via web interface
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Releasing: mention racer.yaml
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
RacerRoomSetup: The vim code no longer works :/
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
RacerRoomSetup: Clean up grammar
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Remove outdated legacy hints as clutter
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Campaigns: fix
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Campaigns: campaign variables
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
ConfigurationFiles: Update Progress
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Missions: mission vars
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Campaigns: Mission vars
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Campaigns: add space
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
Add campaigns page
2019-10-30, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: simplify
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: fix default vgtStraightShot timer
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Add Tint for vgtLineTrail
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Use 0 for circular line
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Update SpeechBubble
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: remove blabla
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
Sprites: remove header
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
Sprites: update version
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Clarify default gear values
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
VisualGearTypes: Update vgtStraightShot
2019-10-28, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: clarify
2019-10-26, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: PoisonCloud WDTimer
2019-10-26, by Wuzzy
PresetMaps: fix link (2)
2019-10-24, by Wuzzy
PresetMaps: Fix link
2019-10-24, by Wuzzy
PresetMaps: paragraph
2019-10-24, by Wuzzy
PresetMaps: Explain basic terms
2019-10-24, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Edited via web interface
2019-10-18, by unC0Rr
Releasing: Mention win installer symlink
2019-10-18, by unC0Rr
RacerRoomSetup: Shorten intro
2019-10-14, by Wuzzy
Translations: fix DLC lnk
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Translations: fix win8 path
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Bump number of grave frames
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaGears: Explain density
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Hedgeroid_explained: Remove broken image
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
HWPlaySchemeSyntax: fix background
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
CommandLineOptions: Edited via web interface
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: creeper name
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: more creeper
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: Edited via web interface
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GearTypes: Remove gtDuck
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
AmmoTypes: Remove amDuck
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Sprites: creeper
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Sounds: creeper sounds
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Sounds: Add a couple of new sounds
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Sounds: Add sndExtraDamage
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Sounds: syntax
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Sounds: Add kiss
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Sprites: 1.0.0 update
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GameStyles: add missing tick
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GameStyles: Pointless!
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GameStyles: DLC
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GameStyles: More intro
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GameStyles: Indent
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
GameStyles: remove newline
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
Add GameStyles page
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: remove 1.0.0 redundancy
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaStats: Localize
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaStats: Warnings for siPointType
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaStats: remove 1.0.0 redundancy
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
LuaStats: Extend siPointType table
2019-10-12, by Wuzzy
PascalSyntax: add link
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
pas2CTutorial: Haskell
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
BuildingHedgewars: Add pas2c
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
PascalSyntax: Add Unicode character restriction
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
pas2CTutorial: typo
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
pas2CTutorial: fix syntax
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
pas2CTutorial: so crazy
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
pas2CTutorial: Write a lot more about Pas2C
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Add source to RC checklist
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Edited via web interface
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Add branch todo
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Add common pitfalls
2019-10-11, by Wuzzy
LuaGameplay: add paragraph in GetRandom
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
LuaGameplay: Clarify limitations of GetRandom
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Numbered list
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
BuildingOnLinux: Update 1.0.0
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
Dependencies: Remove qttstyleplugins
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Add purge
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
BuildingForIos: Fix formatting
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
BuildingForAndroid: remove link
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
BuildingForAndroid: Clean up formatting
2019-10-10, by Wuzzy
BuildingOnLinux: Fix CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
2019-10-09, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Add source tarball in todo list
2019-10-09, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Move tag todo point
2019-10-09, by Wuzzy
Releasing: Mention wiki
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
ProtocolNumbers: Add proto numbers 59, 60
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: Clarify MapFeatureSize range
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
LuaGlobals: Update MapFeatureSize
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
Taunts: clarify Flyaway
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
Taunts: Add sndFlyAway
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
Taunts: Simplify case-sensitivity
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
Voicepacks: Edited via web interface
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
Voicepacks: 1.0.0 update
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
LuaGears: Special IsHogLocal behaviour
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
LuaLibraryAnimate: Optional args in AnimOutOfNowhere
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
LuaGears: SpawnFake*Crate optional arguments
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
LuaGameplay: clarify SetClanColor
2019-10-08, by Wuzzy
LuaGears: Add mention of aihAmmosChanged
2019-10-07, by Wuzzy
TODO: AI can use dynamite
2019-10-06, by Wuzzy
Hats: alternative word for alpha channel
2019-09-29, by Wuzzy
LuaGears: heResurrectable fail
2019-09-20, by Wuzzy
BuildingOnMac: More formatting (3)
2019-09-18, by Wuzzy
BuildingOnMac: More formatting (2)
2019-09-18, by Wuzzy
BuildingOnMac: Formatting tweaks
2019-09-18, by Wuzzy
Update macOS building instructions
2019-09-18, by raptor
LuaGameplay: Mention special case of delay >= 10000
2019-09-16, by Wuzzy
LuaEvents: fix syntax
2019-09-08, by Wuzzy
LuaEvents: Add ammo initialization hints
2019-09-08, by Wuzzy
LuaGameplay: Fix misleading AddAmmo help
2019-09-08, by Wuzzy