#summary Drawing maps with Lua. = Drawing Maps With Lua = Starting in 0.9.18 it is possible to reliably use drawn map mode to draw maps with scripts. A simple example is given below. Note that Drawn maps use an area of 4096x2048 = Details = First, a couple of convenience functions for drawing to the map. PointsBuffer = '' -- A string to accumulate points in function AddPoint(x, y, size, erase) PointsBuffer = PointsBuffer .. string.char(band(x,0xff00) / 256 , band(x,0xff) , band(y,0xff00) / 256 , band(y,0xff)) if size then size = bor(size,0x80) if erase then size = bor(size,0x40) end PointsBuffer = PointsBuffer .. string.char(size) else PointsBuffer = PointsBuffer .. string.char(0) end if #PointsBuffer > 245 then ParseCommand('draw '..PointsBuffer) PointsBuffer = '' end end function FlushPoints() if #PointsBuffer > 0 then ParseCommand('draw '..PointsBuffer) PointsBuffer = '' end end AddPoint takes an x and y location for the point, a size (required to start a line) and erase (whether the line is erasing from the map) FlushPoints writes out any values from PointsBuffer that had not already been sent to the engine. It would be called at the end of a drawing session. A simple example below. function onGameInit() MapGen = 2 TemplateFilter = 0 AddPoint(100,100,10) AddPoint(2000,2000) AddPoint(2000,100,10) AddPoint(100,2000) AddPoint(1000,1000,63,true) for i = 63,2,-4 do AddPoint(2000,1000,i) AddPoint(2000,1000,i-2,true) end for i = 1,2000,50 do AddPoint(i+2000,2000,1) AddPoint(4000,2000-i) end AddPoint(2000,2000,1) AddPoint(4000,2000) AddPoint(4000,0,1) AddPoint(4000,2000) FlushPoints() end The first set of AddPoints draws a large X and erases the centre. The following loop draws a set of nested points, alternating erasure and fill, which results in a set of concentric circles. The 2nd loop draws a web of lines and frames it using some final AddPoints.