#labels Documentation,Engine,Frontend The basic parameters to pass to the Hedgewars frontend and engine control the location of the game data, configuration files and saves. = Frontend = There are two options that enable to load the data directory and the configuration directory in non standard locations. * {{{--data-dir=[path containing 'hedgewars/Data']}}} * {{{--config-dir=[path containing 'Demos' 'Saves' etc.]}}} You can set up both on the command line. The program exits if either of the folders is not correct; quotes are optional, but needed if your path contains spaces _Example_ {{{ $ /usr/bin/hedgewars --data-dir="/opt/local/share/" --config-dir=".hedgewars/tesing config/" }}} = Engine = It is possible to start a replay or save file directly from the terminal issuing the standalone {{{hwengine}}} utility with very simple syntax. == Standard Use == {{{$ hwengine [options]}}} By default hwengine will look in the current folder for game assets, if you wish to use another directory you should set the --prefix option. The replay file can be stored anywhere. == Advanced Use == It is possible to specify settings by adding additional arguments: * {{{--prefix [path to hedgewars folder]}}} - Sets the path to game folder * {{{--user-prefix [path to hedgewars folder]}}} - Sets a secondary folder to find game content * {{{--locale [path to language file]}}} - Sets the game language * {{{--width [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given width (in pixels) * {{{--height [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given height (in pixels) * {{{--volume [level]}}} - Sets the volume level, possible values range from 0-100 (negative is muted) * {{{--frame-interval [interval]}}} - Sets minimum timer interval between each frame in milliseconds. Ex: 40 would make the game run at most 25 fps * {{{--raw-quality [flags]}}} - (For advanced users only). Manually specifies the reduced quality flags, see below. * {{{--nomusic}}} - Disables music * {{{--nosound}}} - Disables sound * {{{--fullscreen}}} - Starts in fullscreen * {{{--showfps}}} - Shows a fps counter in the top right * {{{--altdmg}}} - Uses an alternative damage indicator * {{{--low-quality}}} - Lowers the game quality * {{{--stats-only}}} - Outputs the round information without launching the game * {{{--help}}} - Shows this list of command line options Note: any modification to the command line arguments should be reflected in the autostart .desktop file. == Deprecated Options == These options are outdated and may be removed in the future, please use the above options: * {{{--depth [color depth]}}} * {{{--set-video [screen width] [screen height] [color dept]}}} * {{{--set-audio [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds]}}} * {{{--set-other [language file] [full screen] [show FPS]}}} * {{{--set-multimedia [screen height] [screen width] [color dept] [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds] [language file] [full screen]}}} * {{{--set-everything [screen height] [screen width] [color dept] [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds] [language file] [full screen] [show FPS] [alternate damage] [timer value] [reduced quality]}}} == Advanced Option Explanations == --prefix and --user-prefix should refer to an installation folder where the game content can be found (DATA_INSTALL_DIR cmake flag). Personal game data is by default it is contained in the following directory: * _Windows_: {{{%USERPROFILE%\Hedgewars}}} * _Linux_: {{{~/.hedgewars}}} * _Mac OS X_: {{{~/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars}}} --raw-quality value is determined by combining the values of the flags you wish to enable. Up to date variables (in hex) are online. [http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/source/browse/hedgewars/uConsts.pas#62 uConsts.pas] * {{{qLowRes = 1}}} * {{{rqBlurryLand = 2}}} * {{{rqNoBackground = 4}}} * {{{rqSimpleRope = 8}}} * {{{rq2DWater = 16}}} * {{{rqAntiBoom = 32}}} * {{{rqKillFlakes = 64}}} * {{{rqSlowMenu = 128}}} * {{{rqPlainSplash = 256}}} * {{{rqClampLess = 512}}} * {{{rqTooltipsOff = 1024}}} * {{{rqDesyncVBlank = 2048}}} Ex: to have blurry land and simple rope, you would use the number 10 (2+8) == Some examples == let's see some *GOOD* examples {{{ $ hwengine installpath/hedgewars/Data anywhere/replay.hwd $ hwengine pathtohedgewars/ installpath/hedgewars/Data anywhere/replay.hwd --width 1024 --height 768 $ hwengine installpath/hedgewars/Data anywhere/replay.hwd --nosound }}} and some *BAD* examples {{{ $ hwengine anywhere/replay.hwd $ hwengine installpath/hedgewars/Data anywhere/replay.hwd --set-video 1024 768 $ hwengine installpath/hedgewars/Data anywhere/replay.hwd --nosound 1 }}} If you want to get your hands dirty and see how the engine interprets commands, you can check out the source code. [http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/source/browse/hedgewars/ArgParsers.inc ArgParsers.inc]