#summary little tidbits that await proper structuring = Introduction = This page is a collection of random unsorted or unfinished stuff which is not good or structured enough to be put into one of the “real” wiki pages. Wiki editors: If something becomes actually useable, please move it to the appropriate wiki page and remove it from this page. This page is intentionally chaotic and may change rapidliy at any time. = Undocumented LuaAPI functions = Full list (without parameters, but automatically generated) at http://hw.ercatec.net/docs/lua_wiki_check.php. * CampaignLock * Marked as “TODO” in source code * CampaignUnlock * Marked as “TODO” in source code * SetGearCollisionMask(gearUid, mask) * GetGearCollisionMask(gearUid) * DeclareAchievement(achievementId, teamname, location, value) * EndLuaTest(state) * state is `TEST_SUCCESSFUL` or `TEST_FAILED` * GetCampaignVar(varname) * SaveCampaignVar(varname, value) * GetFlightTime(gearUid) * SetFlightTime(gearUid, flighttime) * PlaceSprite(x, y, sprite, frameIdx, ...) * SetAmmoDelay(ammoType, delay) * Changes delay of ammoType to delay, the question remains where it is safe to be called. * SetAmmoStore(loadouts, probabilities, delays, reinforcements) * SetGearAIHints(gearUid, aiHints) * onAchievementsDeclaration() * onSpecialPoint(x, y, flags) = How to add a settings option = * `QStringList HWGame::setArguments()` in `game.cpp` is the function that prepares the argument list * `void GameUIConfig::SaveOptions()` in `gameuiconfig.cpp` loads (or initializes) values and set the widgets to those values * `PageOptions::PageOptions(QWidget* parent) : AbstractPage(parent)` is where you would add your widget = Test Test 123 = Just to test the web interface.