#summary Drawing maps with Lua. = Drawing Maps With Lua = Starting in 0.9.18 it is possible to reliably use drawn map mode to draw maps with scripts. A simple example is given below = Details = First, a couple of convenience functions for drawing to the map. PointsBuffer = '' -- A string to accumulate points in function AddPoint(x, y, new, size, erase) PointsBuffer = PointsBuffer .. string.char(band(x,0xff00) / 256 , band(x,0xff) , band(y,0xff00) / 256 , band(y,0xff)) if new then size = bor(size,0x80) if erase then size = bor(size,0x40) end PointsBuffer = PointsBuffer .. string.char(size) else PointsBuffer = PointsBuffer .. string.char(0) end if #PointsBuffer > 245 then ParseCommand('draw '..PointsBuffer) PointsBuffer = '' end end function FlushPoints() if #PointsBuffer > 0 then ParseCommand('draw '..PointsBuffer) PointsBuffer = '' end end AddPoint takes an x and y location for the point, 2 booleans: new (start of a line or not), erase (whether the line is erasing from the map) and size (size of the line - a value from 1 to 63) FlushPoints writes out any values from PointsBuffer that had not already been sent to the engine. It would be called at the end of a drawing session. A simple example below. function onGameInit() MapGen = 2 TemplateFilter = 0 AddPoint(100,100,true,10) AddPoint(2000,2000) AddPoint(2000,100,true,10) AddPoint(100,2000) AddPoint(1000,1000,true,63,true) for i = 63,2,-4 do AddPoint(2000,1000,true,i) AddPoint(2000,1000,true,i-2,true) end for i = 1,2000,50 do AddPoint(i+2000,2000,true,1) AddPoint(4000,2000-i) end AddPoint(2000,2000,true,1) AddPoint(4000,2000) AddPoint(4000,0,true,1) AddPoint(4000,2000) FlushPoints() end The first set of AddPoints draws a large X and erases the centre. The following loop draws a set of nested points, alternating erasure and fill, which results in a set of concentric circles. The 2nd loop draws a web of lines and frames it using some final AddPoints.