# HG changeset patch
# User Wuzzy
# Date 1452978396 0
# Node ID 63cad3d4a62b5e4dd110ba7f490428e9854fa318
# Parent  5e67a58c136198c52f10d104ba41a69de34b1fe1
CommandLineOptions: Reorder text and simple copy-editing

diff -r 5e67a58c1361 -r 63cad3d4a62b CommandLineOptions.wiki
--- a/CommandLineOptions.wiki	Sat Jan 16 20:55:58 2016 +0000
+++ b/CommandLineOptions.wiki	Sat Jan 16 21:06:36 2016 +0000
@@ -6,84 +6,12 @@
-= Engine =
-It is possible to start a replay or save file directly from the terminal issuing the standalone {{{hwengine}}} utility with very simple syntax. 
-== Standard Use ==
-{{{$ hwengine [options] <path to replay file>}}}
-By default hwengine will look in the current folder for game assets, if you wish to use another directory you should set the --prefix and --user-prefix option. See below for even more commands.
-The replay file can be stored anywhere. Note that, as always, engine can only load replay files generated from the same Hedgewars version.
-== Advanced Use ==
-It is possible to specify almost any settings by adding additional arguments:
-  * {{{--prefix [path to Hedgewars data folder]}}} - Sets the path to the system game data folder
-  * {{{--user-prefix [path to custom Hedgewars folder]}}} - Sets the path to the custom data folder to find game content
-  * {{{--locale [language file]}}} - Sets the game language (en.txt for sample)
-  * {{{--nick [string]}}} - Represents the user nickname
-  * {{{--width [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given width (in pixels)
-  * {{{--height [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given height (in pixels)
-  * {{{--volume [level]}}} - Sets the volume level, possible values range from 0-100 (negative is muted)
-  * {{{--nomusic}}} - Disables music
-  * {{{--nosound}}} - Disables sound effects
-  * {{{--fullscreen}}} - Starts game in fullscreen
-  * {{{--showfps}}} - Shows a fps counter in the top right
-  * {{{--altdmg}}} - Uses an alternative damage indicator
-  * {{{--low-quality}}} - Lowers the game quality
-  * {{{--stereo [type]}}} - Sets stereoscopic rendering type (1 to 14)
-  * {{{--help}}} - Shows this list of command line options
-=== More Advanced use ===
-Generally you don't need to set these options but here they are for full documentation:
-  * {{{--frame-interval [interval]}}} - Sets minimum interval (in ms) between each frame. Eg, 40 would make the game run at most 25 fps
-  * {{{--raw-quality [flags]}}} - (For advanced users only). Manually specifies the reduced quality flags, see below. 
-  * {{{--stats-only}}} - Outputs the round information without launching the game, useful for statistics only
-  * {{{--fullscreen-width [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given width (in pixels) when fullscreen
-  * {{{--fullscreen-height [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given height (in pixels) when fullscreen
-Note: any modification to the command line arguments should be reflected in the autostart .desktop file, game.cpp, GameInterfaceBridge.m.
---prefix location is usually hardcoded at compile time, but should you changed the installation directory, then you can use this flag to override it; alternatively you can just specify --user-prefix.
-Personal game data is by default contained in the following directory:
-  * _Windows_: {{{%USERPROFILE%\Hedgewars}}}
-  * _Linux_: {{{~/.hedgewars}}}
-  * _Mac OS X_: {{{~/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars}}}
---raw-quality value is determined by combining the values of the flags you wish to enable. Up to date variables (in hex) are online. [http://hg.hedgewars.org/hedgewars/file/default/hedgewars/uConsts.pas#l62 uConsts.pas]
-  * {{{qLowRes        = 1}}}
-  * {{{rqBlurryLand   = 2}}}
-  * {{{rqNoBackground = 4}}}
-  * {{{rqSimpleRope   = 8}}}
-  * {{{rq2DWater      = 16}}}
-  * {{{rqAntiBoom     = 32}}}
-  * {{{rqKillFlakes   = 64}}}
-  * {{{rqSlowMenu     = 128}}}
-  * {{{rqPlainSplash  = 256}}}
-  * {{{rqClampLess    = 512}}}
-  * {{{rqTooltipsOff  = 1024}}}
-  * {{{rqDesyncVBlank = 2048}}}
-Eg: to have blurry land and simple rope, you would use the number 10 (2+8)
-There are some internal commands, such as --internal, --port [int], that are not meant for command line usage.
-If you want to get your hands dirty and see how the engine interprets commands, you can check out the source code.
-[http://hg.hedgewars.org/hedgewars/file/default/hedgewars/ArgParsers.inc ArgParsers.inc]
 = Frontend =
+The frontend in Hedgewars refers to the main and all the other menus before an actual game has started. It does *not* refer to the part where the actual game takes place (see “Engine” for this).
 Symtax: `hedgewars [OPTION …] [CONNECTSTRING]`
-All command-line arguments are optional. When invoked without any command-line arguments, Hedgewars will start normally with standard directory locations.
+All command-line arguments are optional. When invoked without any command-line arguments, the Hedgewars frontend will start normally with standard directory locations.
 `OPTION` is a sequence of one or more options (seperated by spaces. There are options that enable to load the data directory and the configuration directory in non-standard locations. The following options are available:
@@ -111,11 +39,84 @@
 Makes Hedgewars join an alternative server `example.org` on start.
+= Engine =
+The engine is the program which runs the actual game.
+It is possible to start a replay or save file directly from the console issuing the standalone {{{hwengine}}} utility with a very simple syntax. 
+== Standard usage ==
+{{{hwengine [options] <path to replay file>}}}
+By default, `hwengine` will look in the current folder for game assets, if you wish to use another directory you should set the `--prefix` and `--user-prefix` options. See below for even more commands.
+The replay file can be stored anywhere. Note that, as always, engine can only load replay files generated from the same Hedgewars version.
+== Advanced usage ==
+It is possible to specify almost any settings by adding additional arguments:
+  * {{{--prefix [path to Hedgewars data folder]}}} - Sets the path to the system game data folder
+  * {{{--user-prefix [path to custom Hedgewars folder]}}} - Sets the path to the custom data folder to find game content
+  * {{{--locale [language file]}}} - Sets the game language (en.txt for sample)
+  * {{{--nick [string]}}} - Represents the user nickname
+  * {{{--width [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given width (in pixels)
+  * {{{--height [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given height (in pixels)
+  * {{{--volume [level]}}} - Sets the volume level, possible values range from 0-100 (negative is muted)
+  * {{{--nomusic}}} - Disables music
+  * {{{--nosound}}} - Disables sound effects
+  * {{{--fullscreen}}} - Starts game in fullscreen
+  * {{{--showfps}}} - Shows a fps counter in the top right
+  * {{{--altdmg}}} - Uses an alternative damage indicator
+  * {{{--low-quality}}} - Lowers the game quality
+  * {{{--stereo [type]}}} - Sets stereoscopic rendering type (1 to 14)
+  * {{{--help}}} - Shows a list of command line options and exits the program directly after
+=== More advanced usage ===
+Generally you don't need to set these options but here they are for full documentation:
+  * {{{--frame-interval [interval]}}} - Sets minimum interval (in ms) between each frame. Eg, 40 would make the game run at most 25 fps
+  * {{{--raw-quality [flags]}}} - (For advanced users only). Manually specifies the reduced quality flags, see below. 
+  * {{{--stats-only}}} - Outputs the round information without launching the game, useful for statistics only
+  * {{{--fullscreen-width [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given width (in pixels) when fullscreen
+  * {{{--fullscreen-height [size]}}} - Starts the game with the given height (in pixels) when fullscreen
+Note: any modification to the command line arguments should be reflected in the autostart `.desktop` file, `game.cpp`, `GameInterfaceBridge.m`.
+`--prefix location` is usually hardcoded at compile time, but should you changed the installation directory, then you can use this flag to override it; alternatively you can just specify `--user-prefix`.
+Personal game data is by default contained in one of the following directories:
+  * _Windows_: {{{%USERPROFILE%\Hedgewars}}}
+  * _GNU/Linux_: {{{~/.hedgewars}}}
+  * _Mac OS X_: {{{~/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars}}}
+`--raw-quality value` is determined by combining the values of the flags you wish to enable. Up-to-date variables (in hexadecimal) are online here: [http://hg.hedgewars.org/hedgewars/file/default/hedgewars/uConsts.pas#l62 uConsts.pas]
+  * {{{qLowRes        = 1}}}
+  * {{{rqBlurryLand   = 2}}}
+  * {{{rqNoBackground = 4}}}
+  * {{{rqSimpleRope   = 8}}}
+  * {{{rq2DWater      = 16}}}
+  * {{{rqAntiBoom     = 32}}}
+  * {{{rqKillFlakes   = 64}}}
+  * {{{rqSlowMenu     = 128}}}
+  * {{{rqPlainSplash  = 256}}}
+  * {{{rqClampLess    = 512}}}
+  * {{{rqTooltipsOff  = 1024}}}
+  * {{{rqDesyncVBlank = 2048}}}
+E.g., to have blurry land and simple rope, you would use the number 10 (2+8).
+There are some internal commands, such as `--internal`, `--port [int]`, that are not meant for command-line usage.
+If you want to get your hands dirty and see how the engine interprets commands, you can check out the source code:
+[http://hg.hedgewars.org/hedgewars/file/default/hedgewars/ArgParsers.inc ArgParsers.inc]
 = Server =
-Server can be configured to run on non standard port or to run as separate process.
+The server can be configured to run on non standard port or to run as separate process.
-  * {{{--port=PORT}}} - Server listens on PORT (-p)
-  * {{{--dedicated=BOOL}}} - Spawn a separate process (-d)
\ No newline at end of file
+  * {{{--port=PORT}}} or {{{-p PORT}}}: Server listens on `PORT`
+  * {{{--dedicated=BOOL}}} or {{{-d BOOL}}}: Spawn a separate process (`BOOL` is either “True” or “False”)
+  * {{{--help}}}: Shows a short text explaining the command-line arguments and exists the program thereafter.
\ No newline at end of file