# HG changeset patch
# User vittorio.giovara@gmail.com
# Date 1327327916 0
# Node ID f5d06a4bfcaeb525726c28e6ab9befa2622a565d
# Parent  6f44db041544cad1125fca63a9275c0e4b69098d
A typo and more explanation

diff -r 6f44db041544 -r f5d06a4bfcae TODO.wiki
--- a/TODO.wiki	Mon Jan 23 00:51:04 2012 +0000
+++ b/TODO.wiki	Mon Jan 23 14:11:56 2012 +0000
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
   * Turn savefiles compatible between iOS and desktop format. This involves getting familiar with engine protocol and keybind interaction.
   * When you download something from our DLC page, you usually have to restart the game to load the new contents. Propagate the right signals so that it gets loaded automatically and don't have to restart the game.
   * Drop a shadow effect to every widget in our frontend. This will help you: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/stable/qgraphicsdropshadoweffect.html
-  * Notify players about room name change.
+  * Notify players about room name change: there should be a new message type added to the protocol. ("ROOM", "RENAME", "oldName", "newname"). A possible implementation could be to pdate the Qt-Frontend that it accepts messages of the format posted below at that it updates the room list; after accepting the message the user interface should reflect the name change. So room list gets updated and if player is in that room s/he'll see a notice message in chat about the room name.
   * Write a simple shell script (bash, ruby, perl, python, awk...) to update the localization strings and propagate the diff to all the localized files. This task doesn't require coding or having an i-Device, just basic shell scripting.
-  * Enable some commands while in engine chat, for example /quit to exit.
+  * Enable some commands while in engine chat, for example /quit to exit (you may want to just stop the game brutally with chForceQuit), /fullscreen to set the max window dimensions, /pause to pause the game, /bind for binding keys, /finish which would just have the game end by teleporting all hedgehogs out, then showing statistics (see chFinish ) .
   * Make a cross-platform tool (for instance a script) that identifies new phrases in our mission, traning and gameplay scripts and adds them (marked untranslated) into our lua locaization files.
   * Enable some commands while in frontend: fpr example /leave ( = /part  - for leaving room), /quit ( - disconnects from server ),  /exit ( - closes hedgewars), /addFriend, /removeFriend, /ignore, /unignore
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 == Other tests ==
   * Prepare a waterfall (eg. http://buildbot.libsdl.org/waterfall ) so that we are able to catch warning and compile failures early on.
-  * Run valgrind on engine, report the leaderboard of most used functions and optimise two of them so that their usage is reduce.
+  * Run valgrind on engine, report the leaderboard of most used functions and optimise them so that performance increases.
 = Translation =