2010-08-29 tobias.neumann States: improve listing
2010-08-29 tobias.neumann LuaAPI: minor changes
2010-08-29 Tobias Neumann LuaAPI page + GearTypes,AmmoTypes,Sounds,States listing pages
2010-08-14 mario.liebisch (none)
2010-08-12 mario.liebisch Fixed(?) summary.
2010-08-12 mario.liebisch Step-by-step guide to configure the free firewall to allow Hedgewars to run properly
2010-08-02 vittorio giovara Created wiki page through web user interface.
2010-06-28 vittorio giovara fixed e$maze_size (thanks prg)
2010-06-23 kyberneticist Edited wiki page through web user interface.
2010-06-23 vittorio giovara Added frontend options
2010-06-23 vittorio giovara fix example section
2010-06-23 vittorio giovara Ported command line options from http://www.hedgewars.org/node/1465
2010-06-22 vittorio giovara toc + fix
2010-06-22 vittorio giovara added explanation of returning array and fixed links
2010-06-22 vittorio giovara Map preview protocol documentation
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