2014-12-03 almikes Add onSpritePlacement.
2014-12-03 almikes Small formatting fixes.
2014-12-03 almikes Add a more readable table of ammo types.
2014-12-03 almikes Move SetNextWeapon in text
2014-12-03 almikes Add HedgewarsScriptLoad
2014-12-03 almikes Add SetWeapon and SetNextWeapon
2014-12-03 almikes Add GetInputMask
2014-12-03 almikes Reorganize the section “other functions” into several logical subunits.
2014-12-03 almikes Fix bad intendation.
2014-12-03 almikes Documented 0.9.21 functions onGirderPlacement and onRubberPlacement.
2014-12-03 almikes Documented the following functions: band, bnot, bor.
2014-12-03 almikes Documented the following functions:
2014-12-02 RedGrinner update list of ammotypes
2014-12-02 RedGrinner Added entries for SetHogTeamName, SetWeapon
2014-10-28 sheepyluva adding icegun crash and stats screen ranking BS to known bugs
2014-10-25 kyberneticist g++ wasn't pulled in by the other deps
2014-10-17 sheepyluva Violated wiki page BuildingOnLinux through web user interface.
2014-07-01 sheepyluva Edited wiki page LuaAPI through web abuser interface.
2014-06-18 sheepyluva Remove some useless captions
2014-06-18 sheepyluva Edited wiki page KnownBugs through web user interface, which sadly shares accounts with youtube and such.
2014-06-05 sheepyluva I forgot a closing bracket )
2014-06-05 sheepyluva added 0.9.20 issues
2014-03-13 kyberneticist Bump size, explain why.
2014-02-05 kyberneticist Edited wiki page BuildingOnLinux through web user interface.
2014-01-28 kyberneticist new server dependencies
2014-01-23 kyberneticist add new server dep
2014-01-23 kyberneticist Edited wiki page SVGImport through web user interface.
2014-01-22 sheepyluva SetWaterLine
2014-01-22 sheepyluva I really have to get used to using preview on google code wiki...
2014-01-21 sheepyluva add div()
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