1 unit uFLRunQueue; |
2 interface |
3 uses uFLTypes; |
4 |
5 procedure queueExecution(var config: TGameConfig); |
6 procedure passFlibEvent(p: pointer); cdecl; |
7 |
8 implementation |
9 uses uFLGameConfig, hwengine, uFLData, uFLUICallback; |
10 |
11 var runQueue: PGameConfig = nil; |
12 |
13 procedure nextRun; |
14 begin |
15 if runQueue <> nil then |
16 begin |
17 if runQueue^.gameType = gtPreview then |
18 sendUI(mtRenderingPreview, nil, 0); |
19 |
20 RunEngine(runQueue^.argumentsNumber, @runQueue^.argv); |
21 |
22 sendConfig(runQueue) |
23 end |
24 end; |
25 |
26 procedure cleanupConfig; |
27 var t: PGameConfig; |
28 begin |
29 t:= runQueue; |
30 runQueue:= t^.nextConfig; |
31 dispose(t) |
32 end; |
33 |
34 procedure queueExecution(var config: TGameConfig); |
35 var pConfig, t, tt: PGameConfig; |
36 i: Longword; |
37 begin |
38 new(pConfig); |
39 pConfig^:= config; |
40 |
41 with pConfig^ do |
42 begin |
43 nextConfig:= nil; |
44 |
45 for i:= 0 to Pred(MAXARGS) do |
46 begin |
47 if arguments[i][0] = #255 then |
48 arguments[i][255]:= #0 |
49 else |
50 arguments[i][byte(arguments[i][0]) + 1]:= #0; |
51 argv[i]:= @arguments[i][1] |
52 end; |
53 end; |
54 |
55 if runQueue = nil then |
56 begin |
57 runQueue:= pConfig; |
58 |
59 nextRun |
60 end else |
61 begin |
62 t:= runQueue; |
63 while t^.nextConfig <> nil do |
64 begin |
65 if (pConfig^.gameType = gtPreview) and (t^.nextConfig^.gameType = gtPreview) then |
66 begin |
67 tt:= t^.nextConfig; |
68 pConfig^.nextConfig:= tt^.nextConfig; |
69 t^.nextConfig:= pConfig; |
70 dispose(tt); |
71 exit // boo |
72 end; |
73 t:= t^.nextConfig; |
74 end; |
75 t^.nextConfig:= pConfig |
76 end; |
77 end; |
78 |
79 procedure passFlibEvent(p: pointer); cdecl; |
80 begin |
81 case TFLIBEvent(p^) of |
82 flibGameFinished: begin |
83 cleanupConfig; |
84 nextRun |
85 end; |
86 end; |
87 end; |
88 |
89 end. |