1 redo; |
2 {This file contains functions that are re-implemented} |
3 {pas2c will add prefix fpcrtl_ to all these functions} |
4 type |
5 uinteger = uinteger; |
6 Integer = integer; |
7 LongInt = integer; |
8 LongWord = uinteger; |
9 Cardinal = uinteger; |
10 PtrInt = integer; |
11 Word = uinteger; |
12 Byte = integer; |
13 SmallInt = integer; |
14 ShortInt = integer; |
15 QWord = uinteger; |
16 GLint = integer; |
17 GLuint = integer; |
18 int = integer; |
19 size_t = integer; |
20 |
21 pointer = pointer; |
22 |
23 float = float; |
24 single = float; |
25 double = float; |
26 real = float; |
27 extended = float; |
28 GLfloat = float; |
29 |
30 boolean = boolean; |
31 LongBool = boolean; |
32 |
33 string = string; |
34 shortstring = string; |
35 ansistring = string; |
36 widechar = string; |
37 |
38 char = char; |
39 PChar = ^char; |
40 PPChar = ^Pchar; |
41 |
42 PByte = ^Byte; |
43 PLongInt = ^LongInt; |
44 PLongWord = ^LongWord; |
45 PInteger = ^Integer; |
46 |
47 Handle = integer; |
48 |
49 var |
50 write, writeLn, read, readLn, flush: procedure; |
51 |
52 halt:procedure; |
53 |
54 GetEnumName:function:shortstring; |
55 TypeInfo:function:Integer; |
56 |
57 lo:function:Integer; |
58 |
59 init:procedure; |
60 |
61 StrLen:function : integer; |
62 odd, even : function : boolean; |
63 |
64 Length : function : integer; |
65 |
66 Now : function : integer; |
67 |
68 new, dispose, FillChar, Move : procedure; |
69 |
70 trunc, round : function : integer; |
71 abs, sqr : function : integer; |
72 |
73 StrPas, FormatDateTime, copy, delete, str, pos, PosS, trim, LowerCase : function : shortstring; |
74 StrToInt : function : integer; |
75 SetLength, val : procedure; |
76 _pchar : function : PChar; |
77 pchar2str : function : string; |
78 memcpy : procedure; |
79 |
80 min, max:function:integer; |
81 assign, rewrite, rewrite_2, reset, reset_2, flush, BlockWrite, BlockRead, close : procedure; |
82 FileExists, DirectoryExists, eof : function : boolean; |
83 ExtractFileName : function : string; |
84 |
85 ParamCount : function : integer; |
86 ParamStr : function : string; |
87 |
88 arctan2, power: function : float; |
89 |
90 //TypeInfo, GetEnumName : function : shortstring; |
91 |
92 UTF8ToUnicode, WrapText: function : shortstring; |
93 |
94 GetMem : function : pointer; |
95 FreeMem : procedure; |
96 |
97 BeginThread, ThreadSwitch : procedure; |
98 InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement : procedure; |
99 |
100 random : function : integer; |
101 randomize : procedure; |
102 |
103 Assigned : function : boolean; |
104 |
105 //EnumToStr : function : string; |
106 |
107 initParams : procedure; |
108 |
109 Load_GL_VERSION_2_0 : procedure; |
110 |
111 |