changeset 9308 4bddcc1a1450
parent 9266 199c1f066aad
child 9310 1469147c110f
equal deleted inserted replaced
9296:5cc010e79431 9308:4bddcc1a1450
     1 ------------------- ABOUT ----------------------
     2 --
     3 -- This map works as a menu for the hero hog to
     4 -- navigate through planets. It portrays the hogs
     5 -- planet and above the planets that he'll later
     6 -- visit.
     8 -- TODO
     9 -- Save and Load All Check Points
    10 -- Save hero health
    11 -- Decide and implement if hero will use gas bombs...
    12 -- ofc add custom stats page
    13 -- PROBLEM : What if one makes a bad choice and wants to replay it map, how to reset?
    14 -- POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: In game function keys, frontend button...
    16 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua")
    17 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Animate.lua")
    19 ----------------- VARIABLES --------------------
    20 -- globals
    21 local campaignName = loc("A Space Adventure")
    22 local missionName = loc("Cosmos")
    23 local timeForGuard1ToTurn = 1000 * 5 -- 5 sec
    24 local timeForGuard1ToTurnLeft = timeForGuard1ToTurn
    25 local saucerAcquired = false
    26 local checkPointReached = 1 -- 1 is start of the game
    27 -- dialogs
    28 local dialog01 = {}
    29 local dialog02 = {}
    30 local dialog03 = {}
    31 local dialog04 = {}
    32 local dialog05 = {}
    33 local dialog06 = {}
    34 -- mission objectives
    35 local goals = {
    36 	[dialog01] = {missionName, loc("Getting ready"), loc("Go and collect the crate on top of the column").."|"..loc("Use the sleep gas bomb if the guards spot you!"), 1, 4500},
    37 	[dialog02] = {missionName, loc("The adventure begins!"), loc("Use the saucer and fly to the moon").."|"..loc("Drive carefully as your fuels are limited"), 1, 4500},
    38 	[dialog03] = {missionName, loc("An unexpected event!"), loc("Use the saucer and fly away or use the gas bomb to neutralize the guards").."|"..loc("Beware, any damage taken will stay until you take some medicine or visit moon"), 1, 7000}
    39 }
    40 -- crates
    41 local saucerX = 3270
    42 local saucerY = 1500
    43 -- hogs
    44 local hero = {}
    45 local director = {}
    46 local doctor = {}
    47 local guard1 = {}
    48 local guard2 = {}
    49 -- teams
    50 local teamA = {}
    51 local teamB = {}
    52 local teamC = {}
    53 -- hedgehogs values
    54 = loc("Hog Solo")
    55 hero.x = 1450
    56 hero.y = 1550
    57 = loc("H")
    58 director.x = 1350
    59 director.y = 1550
    60 = loc("Dr.Cornelius")
    61 doctor.x = 1300
    62 doctor.y = 1550
    63 = loc("Bob")
    64 guard1.x = 3350
    65 guard1.y = 1800
    66 guard1.turn = false
    67 guard1.keepTurning = true
    68 = loc("Sam")
    69 guard2.x = 3400
    70 guard2.y = 1800
    71 = loc("PAoTH")
    72 teamA.color = tonumber("FF0000",16) -- red
    73 = loc("Guards")
    74 teamB.color = tonumber("0033FF",16) -- blue
    75 = loc("Hog Solo")
    76 teamC.color = tonumber("38D61C",16) -- green
    78 -------------- LuaAPI EVENT HANDLERS ------------------
    79 function onGameInit()
    80 	Seed = 35
    81 	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableWind
    82 	TurnTime = 40000
    83 	CaseFreq = 0
    84 	MinesNum = 0
    85 	Explosives = 0
    86 	Delay = 5
    87 	Map = "cosmos_map" -- custom map included in file
    88 	Theme = "Nature"
    89 	-- I had originally hero in PAoTH team and changed it, may reconsider though
    90 	-- PAoTH
    91 	AddTeam(, teamC.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")	
    92 	hero.gear = AddHog(, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1")
    93 	AnimSetGearPosition(hero.gear, hero.x, hero.y)	
    94 	HogTurnLeft(hero.gear, true)
    95 	AddTeam(, teamA.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")	
    96 	director.gear = AddHog(, 0, 100, "hair_yellow")
    97 	AnimSetGearPosition(director.gear, director.x, director.y)
    98 	doctor.gear = AddHog(, 0, 100, "Glasses")
    99 	AnimSetGearPosition(doctor.gear, doctor.x, doctor.y)
   100 	-- Guards
   101 	AddTeam(, teamB.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
   102 	guard1.gear = AddHog(, 1, 100, "policecap")
   103 	AnimSetGearPosition(guard1.gear, guard1.x, guard1.y)
   104 	guard2.gear = AddHog(, 1, 100, "policecap")
   105 	AnimSetGearPosition(guard2.gear, guard2.x, guard2.y)
   107 	-- get the check point
   108 	if tonumber(GetCampaignVar("CosmosCheckPoint")) then
   109 		checkPointReached = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("CosmosCheckPoint"))
   110 	end
   111 	-- do checkpoint stuff needed before game starts
   112 	if checkPointReached == 1 then
   113 		-- Start of the game
   114 	elseif checkPointReached == 2 then
   115 		-- Hero on the column, just took space ship unnoticed
   116 		AnimSetGearPosition(hero.gear, saucerX, saucerY)
   117 	elseif checkPointReached == 3 then
   118 		-- Hero near column, without space ship unnoticed
   119 	elseif checkPointReached == 4 then
   120 		-- Hero visited moon for fuels
   121 		AnimSetGearPosition(hero.gear, 1110, 850)
   122 	elseif checkPointReached == 5 then
   123 		-- Hero has visited a planet, he has plenty of fuels and can change planet
   124 	end
   126 	AnimInit()
   127 	AnimationSetup()
   128 end
   130 function onGameStart()
   131 	-- wait for the first turn to start
   132 	AnimWait(hero.gear, 3000)
   134 	FollowGear(hero.gear)
   135 	ShowMission(loc("A Space Adventure"), loc("Cosmos"), loc("Help Hog Solo to find all the parts of the anti-gravity device.")..
   136 	"|"..loc("Travel to all the neighbor planets and collect all the pieces"), -amSkip, 0)
   138 	-- do checkpoint stuff needed after game starts
   139 	if checkPointReached == 1 then	
   140 		AddAnim(dialog01)
   141 		AddAmmo(hero.gear, amGasBomb, 5)
   142 		AddAmmo(hero.gear, amRope, 2)
   143 		-- Added for dev/debug purposes, remove before release
   144 		AddAmmo(hero.gear, amJetpack, 2)
   145 		AddAmmo(guard1.gear, amDEagle, 2)
   146 		AddAmmo(guard2.gear, amDEagle, 2)
   147 		SpawnAmmoCrate(saucerX, saucerY, amJetpack)	
   148 		-- EVENT HANDLERS
   149 		AddEvent(onHeroBeforeTreePosition, {hero.gear}, heroBeforeTreePosition, {hero.gear}, 0)
   150 		AddEvent(onHeroAtSaucerPosition, {hero.gear}, heroAtSaucerPosition, {hero.gear}, 0)
   151 		AddEvent(onHeroOutOfGuardSight, {hero.gear}, heroOutOfGuardSight, {hero.gear}, 0)
   152 	elseif checkPointReached == 2 then
   153 		AddAmmo(hero.gear, amJetpack, 1)
   154 		AddAnim(dialog02)
   155 	elseif checkPointReached == 3 then
   156 		-- Hero near column, without space ship unnoticed
   157 	elseif checkPointReached == 4 then
   158 		-- Hero visited moon for fuels
   159 		AddAnim(dialog05)
   160 	elseif checkPointReached == 5 then
   161 		-- Hero has visited a planet, he has plenty of fuels and can change planet
   162 	end
   163 	-- always check for landings
   164 	if GetCampaignVar("Planet") ~= "moon" then
   165 		AddEvent(onMoonLanding, {hero.gear}, moonLanding, {hero.gear}, 0)
   166 	end
   167 	if GetCampaignVar("Planet") ~= "desertPlanet" then
   168 		AddEvent(onDesertPlanetLanding, {hero.gear}, desertPlanetLanding, {hero.gear}, 0)
   169 	end	
   170 	if GetCampaignVar("Planet") ~= "fruitPlanet" then
   171 		AddEvent(onFruitPlanetLanding, {hero.gear}, fruitPlanetLanding, {hero.gear}, 0)
   172 	end
   173 	if GetCampaignVar("Planet") ~= "icePlanet" then
   174 		AddEvent(onIcePlanetLanding, {hero.gear}, icePlanetLanding, {hero.gear}, 0)
   175 	end
   176 end
   178 function onGameTick()
   179 	-- maybe alert this to avoid timeForGuard1ToTurnLeft overflow
   180 	if timeForGuard1ToTurnLeft == 0 and guard1.keepTurning then
   181 		guard1.turn = not guard1.turn
   182 		HogTurnLeft(guard1.gear, guard1.turn)
   183 		timeForGuard1ToTurnLeft = timeForGuard1ToTurn
   184 	end
   185 	timeForGuard1ToTurnLeft = timeForGuard1ToTurnLeft - 1
   186 	AnimUnWait()
   187 	if ShowAnimation() == false then
   188 		return
   189 	end
   190 	ExecuteAfterAnimations()
   191 	CheckEvents()
   192 end
   194 function onPrecise()
   195 	if GameTime > 3000 then
   196 		SetAnimSkip(true)   
   197 	end
   198 end
   200 function onAmmoStoreInit()
   201 	SetAmmo(amJetpack, 0, 0, 0, 1)
   202 end
   204 function onNewTurn()
   205 	if CurrentHedgehog == director.gear or CurrentHedgehog == doctor.gear then
   206 		TurnTimeLeft = 0
   207 	end
   208 	if guard1.keepTurning then
   209 		AnimSwitchHog(hero.gear)
   210 		TurnTimeLeft = -1
   211 	end
   212 end
   214 -------------- EVENTS ------------------
   216 function onHeroBeforeTreePosition(gear)
   217 	if GetX(gear) > 2444 then
   218 		return true
   219 	end
   220 	return false
   221 end
   223 function onHeroAtSaucerPosition(gear)
   224 	if GetX(gear) >= saucerX-32 and GetX(gear) <= saucerX+32 and GetY(gear) >= saucerY-32 and GetY(gear) <= saucerY+32 then
   225 		saucerAcquired = true
   226 	end
   227 	if saucerAcquired and StoppedGear(gear) then
   228 		return true
   229 	end
   230 	return false
   231 end
   233 function onHeroOutOfGuardSight(gear)
   234 	if GetX(gear) < 3100 and GetY(gear) > saucerY-25 and StoppedGear(gear) and not guard1.keepTurning then
   235 		return true
   236 	end
   237 	return false
   238 end
   239 --
   240 function onMoonLanding(gear)
   241 	if GetX(gear) > 1010 and GetX(gear) < 1220  and GetY(gear) < 1300 and StoppedGear(gear) then
   242 		return true
   243 	end
   244 	return false
   245 end
   247 function onFruitPlanetLanding(gear)
   248 	if GetX(gear) > 2240 and GetX(gear) < 2540  and GetY(gear) < 1100 and StoppedGear(gear) then
   249 		return true
   250 	end
   251 	return false
   252 end
   254 function onDesertPlanetLanding(gear)
   255 	if GetX(gear) > 3568 and GetX(gear) < 4052  and GetY(gear) < 500 and StoppedGear(gear) then
   256 		return true
   257 	end
   258 	return false
   259 end
   261 function onIcePlanetLanding(gear)
   262 	if GetX(gear) > 1330 and GetX(gear) < 1650  and GetY(gear) < 500 and StoppedGear(gear) then
   263 		return true
   264 	end
   265 	return false
   266 end
   268 -------------- OUTCOMES ------------------
   270 function heroBeforeTreePosition(gear)
   271 	AnimSay(gear,loc("Now I have to climb the trees"), SAY_SAY, 4000)
   272 	AnimCaption(hero.gear, loc("Use the rope to get to the crate"),  4000)
   273 end
   275 function heroAtSaucerPosition(gear)
   276 	TurnTimeLeft = 0
   277 	-- save check point	
   278 	SaveCampaignVar("CosmosCheckPoint", "2")
   279 	AddAnim(dialog02)
   280 	-- check if he was spotted by the guard
   281 	if guard1.turn then
   282 		guard1.keepTurning = false
   283 		AddAnim(dialog03)
   284 	end	
   285 end
   287 function heroOutOfGuardSight(gear)
   288 	guard1.keepTurning = true
   289 	AddAnim(dialog04)
   290 end
   292 function moonLanding(gear)
   293 	WriteLnToConsole("MOON LANDING, HOORAY!")
   294 	AnimCaption(hero.gear,loc("Welcome to the moon!"))
   295 	SaveCampaignVar("CosmosCheckPoint", "4")
   296 	SaveCampaignVar("Planet", "moon")
   297 	EndGame()
   298 end
   300 function fruitPlanetLanding(gear)
   301 	if checkPointReached < 5 then
   302 		AddAnim(dialog06)
   303 	end
   304 end
   306 function desertPlanetLanding(gear)
   307 	if checkPointReached < 5 then
   308 		AddAnim(dialog06)
   309 	end
   310 end
   312 function icePlanetLanding(gear)
   313 	if checkPointReached < 5 then
   314 		AddAnim(dialog06)
   315 	end
   316 end
   318 -------------- ANIMATIONS ------------------
   320 function Skipanim(anim)
   321 	if goals[anim] ~= nil then
   322 		ShowMission(unpack(goals[anim]))
   323     end
   324     if CurrentHedgehog ~= hero.gear and anim ~= dialog03 then
   325 		AnimSwitchHog(hero.gear)
   326 	elseif anim == dialog03 then
   327 		startCombat()
   328 	elseif anim == dialog05 or anim == dialog06 then
   329 		EndGame()
   330 	end
   331 end
   333 function AnimationSetup()
   334 	-- DIALOG 01 - Start
   335 	AddSkipFunction(dialog01, Skipanim, {dialog01})
   336 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {doctor.gear, 3000}})
   337 	--table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 2500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = dialog01})
   338 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("Near secret base 17 of PAoTH in the rural Hogland..."),  4000}})
   339 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {director.gear, loc("So Hog Solo, here we are..."), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
   340 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {director.gear, loc("Behind these trees on the East there is secret base 17"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
   341 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {director.gear, loc("You have to continue alone from now on."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
   342 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {director.gear, loc("Be careful, the future of Hogera is in your hands!"), SAY_SAY, 7200}})
   343 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {doctor.gear, loc("We'll use our communicators to contact you"), SAY_SAY, 2600}})
   344 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {doctor.gear, loc("In am also entrusting you with a rope and a sleep gas bomb"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
   345 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {doctor.gear, loc("You may find them handy"), SAY_SAY, 2300}})
   346 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("Thank you Dr.Cornelius"), SAY_SAY, 1600}})
   347 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("I'll make good use of them"), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
   348 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {director.gear, loc("It would be wiser to steal the space ship while PAoTH guards are taking a brake!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
   349 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {director.gear, loc("Remember! Many will seek the anti-gravity device! Now go, hurry up!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
   350 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {hero.gear}})
   351 	-- DIALOG 02 - Hero got the saucer
   352 	AddSkipFunction(dialog02, Skipanim, {dialog02})
   353 	table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 500}})
   354 	table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("CheckPoint reached!"),  4000}})
   355 	table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("Got the saucer!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
   356 	table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {director.gear, loc("Nice!"), SAY_SHOUT, 1000}})
   357 	table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {director.gear, loc("Now use it and go to the moon PAoTH station to get more fuels!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
   358     table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {hero.gear, 500}})
   359     -- DIALOG 03 - Hero got spotted by guard
   360 	AddSkipFunction(dialog03, Skipanim, {dialog03})
   361 	table.insert(dialog03, {func = AnimWait, args = {guard1.gear, 4000}})
   362 	table.insert(dialog03, {func = AnimCaption, args = {guard1.gear, loc("Prepare to battle or flee!"),  4000}})	
   363 	table.insert(dialog03, {func = AnimSay, args = {guard1.gear, loc("Hey").." ""! "..loc("Look, someone is stealing the saucer!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
   364 	table.insert(dialog03, {func = AnimSay, args = {guard2.gear, loc("I'll get him!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
   365 	table.insert(dialog03, {func = startCombat, args = {guard1.gear}})
   366 	-- DIALOG 04 - Hero out of sight
   367 	AddSkipFunction(dialog04, Skipanim, {dialog04})
   368 	table.insert(dialog04, {func = AnimCaption, args = {guard1.gear, loc("You are out of danger, time to go to the moon!"),  4000}})
   369 	table.insert(dialog04, {func = AnimSay, args = {guard1.gear, loc("I guess we lost him!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
   370 	table.insert(dialog04, {func = AnimSay, args = {guard2.gear, loc("We should better report this and continue our watch!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
   371 	table.insert(dialog04, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {hero.gear}})
   372 	-- DIALOG 05 - Hero returned from moon without fuels
   373 	AddSkipFunction(dialog05, Skipanim, {dialog05})
   374 	table.insert(dialog05, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("I guess I can't go far without fuels!"), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
   375 	table.insert(dialog05, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("Go to go back"), SAY_THINK, 2000}})
   376 	table.insert(dialog05, {func = EndGame, args = {hero.gear}})
   377 	-- DIALOG 06 - Landing on wrong planet or on earth if not enough fuels
   378 	AddSkipFunction(dialog06, Skipanim, {dialog06})
   379 	table.insert(dialog06, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("You have to try again!"),  5000}})
   380 	table.insert(dialog06, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("Hm... Now I run out of fuels..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
   381 	table.insert(dialog06, {func = EndGame, args = {hero.gear}})
   382 end
   384 ------------------- custom "animation" functions --------------------------
   386 function startCombat()
   387 	-- use this so guard2 will gain control
   388 	AnimSwitchHog(hero.gear)
   389 	TurnTimeLeft = 0
   390 end