changeset 2304 a6e733ad0366
parent 2150 45b695f3a7b9
child 2305 a51f5f88f3cf
equal deleted inserted replaced
2303:f411e9f8e6d4 2304:a6e733ad0366
     4 import Control.Concurrent.STM
     4 import Control.Concurrent.STM
     5 import Data.Char
     5 import Data.Char
     6 import Data.Word
     6 import Data.Word
     7 import qualified Data.Map as Map
     7 import qualified Data.Map as Map
     8 import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
     8 import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
     9 import qualified Data.Set as Set
     9 import Numeric
    10 import Numeric
    10 import Network.Socket
    11 import Network.Socket
    11 import System.IO
    12 import System.IO
    12 import qualified Data.List as List
    13 import qualified Data.List as List
    14 import Maybe
    13 -------------------------------------------------
    15 -------------------------------------------------
    14 import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as Base64
    16 import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as Base64
    15 import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
    17 import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
    16 import CoreTypes
    18 import CoreTypes
    24 		$ concatMap (\n -> (\(a, b) -> [showHex a, showHex b]) $ divMod n 65536) [a, b, c, d]) []
    26 		$ concatMap (\n -> (\(a, b) -> [showHex a, showHex b]) $ divMod n 65536) [a, b, c, d]) []
    26 toEngineMsg :: String -> String
    28 toEngineMsg :: String -> String
    27 toEngineMsg msg = Base64.encode (fromIntegral (length msg) : (UTF8.encode msg))
    29 toEngineMsg msg = Base64.encode (fromIntegral (length msg) : (UTF8.encode msg))
    29 --tselect :: [ClientInfo] -> STM ([String], ClientInfo)
    31 fromEngineMsg :: String -> Maybe String
    30 --tselect = foldl orElse retry . map (\ci -> (flip (,) ci) `fmap` readTChan (chan ci))
    32 fromEngineMsg msg = Base64.decode msg >>= return . UTF8.decode >>= removeLength
    33 	where
    34 		removeLength (x:xs) = if length xs == ord x then Just xs else Nothing
    35 		removeLength _ = Nothing
    37 isLegalNetCommand :: String -> Bool
    38 isLegalNetCommand msg = test decoded
    39 	where
    40 		decoded = fromEngineMsg msg
    41 		test Nothing = False
    42 		test (Just "") = False
    43 		test (Just (m:ms)) = m `Set.member` legalMessages
    44 		legalMessages = Set.fromList $ "M#+LlRrUuDdZzAaSjJ,sFNpPwtghb12345" ++ slotMessages
    45 		slotMessages = ['\128', '\129', '\130', '\131', '\132', '\133', '\134', '\135', '\136', '\137', '\138']
    32 maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
    47 maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
    33 maybeRead s = case reads s of
    48 maybeRead s = case reads s of
    34 	[(x, rest)] | all isSpace rest -> Just x
    49 	[(x, rest)] | all isSpace rest -> Just x
    35 	_         -> Nothing
    50 	_         -> Nothing