changeset 10413 afd746a538ef
child 10580 17560eb73b4c
equal deleted inserted replaced
10411:ee4e6d392b31 10413:afd746a538ef
     1 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua")
     2 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Utils.lua")
     4 local hTag = nil
     5 local hTagHeight = 33000
     6 local tTag = nil
     7 local rTag = nil
     8 local startTime = 0
     9 local MaxHeight = 32640
    10 local RecordHeight = 33000
    11 local Fire = {}
    12 --local BoomFire = nil
    13 local HH = {}
    14 local MrMine -- in honour of sparkle's first arrival in the cabin
    15 local YouWon = false
    16 local WaterRise = nil
    17 local Cake = nil
    18 local CakeWasJustAdded = false
    19 local CakeTries = 0
    20 local Stars = {}
    22 function onGameInit()
    23     -- Ensure people get same map for same theme
    24     TurnTime = 999999999
    25     CaseFreq = 0
    26     Explosives = 0
    27     MineDudPercent = 0
    28     DisableGameFlags(gfBottomBorder+gfBorder)
    29     --This reduced startup time by only about 15% and looked ugly
    30     --EnableGameFlags(gfDisableLandObjects) 
    31     -- force seed instead.  Some themes will still be easier, but at least you won't luck out on the same theme
    32     Seed = ClimbHome
    33 end
    35 function onGearAdd(gear)
    36     if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
    37         HH[gear] = 1
    38     end
    39 end
    41 function onGearDelete(gear)
    42     if gear == MrMine then
    43         AddCaption("Once you set off the proximity trigger, Mr. Mine is not your friend",0xffffff,0)
    44         MrMine = nil
    45     elseif gear == Cake then
    46         Cake = nil
    47     end
    48 end
    50 function onGameStart()
    51     ShowMission(loc("Climb Home"),
    52                 loc("Rope to safety"),
    53                 loc("You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"),
    54                 -amRope, 0)
    55     local x = 1818
    56     for h,i in pairs(HH) do
    57        -- SetGearPosition(h,x,32549)
    58         SetGearPosition(h,x,108)
    59         SetHealth(h,1)
    60         if x < 1978 then x = x+32 else x = 1818 end
    61         SetState(h,bor(GetState(h),gstInvisible))
    62     end
    63 -- 1925,263 - Mr. Mine position
    64     MrMine = AddGear(1925,263,gtMine,0,0,0,0)
    65 end
    66 function onAmmoStoreInit()
    67     SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 0)
    68 end
    70 function onNewTurn()
    71     startTime = GameTime
    72     --disable to preserve highest over multiple turns
    73     --will need to change water check too ofc
    74     MaxHeight = 32640
    75     hTagHeight = 33000
    76     SetWaterLine(32768)
    77     if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then
    78         SetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog, 1951,32640)
    79         AddVisualGear(19531,32640,vgtExplosion,0,false)
    80         SetState(CurrentHedgehog,band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog),bnot(gstInvisible)))
    81     end
    82     for f,i in pairs(Fire) do
    83         DeleteGear(f)
    84     end
    85     for s,i in pairs(Stars) do
    86         DeleteVisualGear(s)
    87         Stars[s] = nil
    88     end
    90     for i = 0,12 do
    91         flame = AddGear(2000+i*2,308, gtFlame, gsttmpFlag,  0, 0, 0)
    92         SetTag(flame, 999999+i)
    93         Fire[flame]=1
    94     end
    95     if Cake ~= nil then DeleteGear(Cake) end
    96     CakeTries = 0
    97 end
    99 --function onGearDelete(gear)
   100 --    if gear == WaterRise and MaxHeight > 500 and CurrentHedgehog ~= nil and band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog),gstHHDriven) ~= 0 then
   101 --        WaterRise = AddGear(0,0,gtWaterUp, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   102 --    end
   103 --end
   105 function FireBoom(x,y,d) -- going to add for rockets too
   106     AddVisualGear(x,y,vgtExplosion,0,false)
   107     -- going to approximate circle by removing corners
   108     if BoomFire == nil then BoomFire = {} end
   109     for i = 0,50 do
   110         flame = AddGear(x+GetRandom(d),y+GetRandom(d), gtFlame, gsttmpFlag,  0, 0, 0)
   111         SetTag(flame, 999999+i)
   112         Fire[flame]=1
   113 --        BoomFire[flame]=1
   114     end
   115 end
   118 function onGameTick20()
   119     if math.random(20) == 1 then
   120         AddVisualGear(2012,56,vgtSmoke,0,false)
   121     end
   122     if CakeWasJustAdded then
   123         FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog)
   124         CakeWasJustAdded = false
   125     end
   126     --if BoomFire ~= nil then
   127     --    for f,i in pairs(BoomFire) do
   128     --        if band(GetState(f),gstCollision~=0) then DeleteGear(f) end
   129     --    end
   130     --    BoomFire = nil
   131     --end
   133     for s,i in pairs(Stars) do
   134         g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(s)
   135         if g1 > WaterLine + 500 then
   136             DeleteVisualGear(s)
   137             Stars[s] = nil
   138         end
   139         --else  wasn't really visible, pointless.
   140         --    g5 = g5+1
   141         --    if g5 > 360 then g5 = 0 end
   142         --    SetVisualGearValues(s, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10)
   143         --end
   144     end
   146     if Cake ~= nil and CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then
   147         local cx,cy = GetGearPosition(Cake)
   148         local x,y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog)
   149         if y < cy-1500 then
   150             DeleteGear(Cake)
   151             Cake = nil
   152         end
   153         if gearIsInCircle(CurrentHedgehog,cx,cy,450) then
   154             FireBoom(cx,cy,350) -- todo animate
   155             DeleteGear(Cake)
   156             Cake = nil
   157         end
   158     end
   160     if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil and TurnTimeLeft > 0 and band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog),gstHHDriven) ~= 0 then
   161         if MaxHeight < 32000 and MaxHeight > 286 and WaterLine > 286  then SetWaterLine(WaterLine-2) end
   162         local x,y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog)
   163         if y > 0 and y < 30000 and MaxHeight > 286 and math.random(y) < 500 then
   164             local s = AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtStraightShot, 0, true)
   165             local c = div(250000,y)
   166             if c > 255 then c = 255 end
   167             c = c * 0x10000 + 0xFF0000FF
   168             SetVisualGearValues(s,
   169                 math.random(2048), -5000, 0, -1-(1/y*1000), 
   170                 math.random(360),
   171                 0,
   172                 999999999, -- frameticks
   173                 171, -- star
   174                 0, c)
   175                 --,  0xFFCC00FF) -- could be fun to make colour shift as you rise...
   176             Stars[s] = 1
   177         end    
   178     end
   180     if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil and band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog),gstHHDriven) == 0 then
   181         for f,i in pairs(Fire) do -- takes too long to fall otherwise
   182             DeleteGear(f)
   183         end
   184         if Cake ~= nil then
   185             DeleteGear(Cake)
   186             Cake = nil
   187         end
   188     end
   190     if GameTime % 500 == 0 and CurrentHedgehog ~= nil and TurnTimeLeft > 0 then
   191         --if isSinglePlayer and MaxHeight < 32000 and WaterRise == nil then
   192         --    WaterRise = AddGear(0,0,gtWaterUp, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   193         --end
   194         if isSinglePlayer and not YouWon and gearIsInBox(CurrentHedgehog, 1920, 252, 50, 50) then
   195             ShowMission(loc("Climb Home"),
   196                         loc("Made it!"),
   197                         string.format(loc("AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."),(GameTime-startTime)/1000),
   198                         -amRope, 0)
   199             PlaySound(sndVictory,CurrentHedgehog)
   200             EndGame()
   201             YouWon = true
   202         end
   204         local x,y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog)
   205         if CakeTries < 10 and y < 32600 and y > 3000 and Cake == nil and band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog),gstHHDriven) ~= 0 then 
   206             -- doing this just after the start the first time to take advantage of randomness sources
   207             -- there's a small chance it'll jiggle the camera though, so trying not to do it too often
   208             -- Pick a clear y to start with
   209             if y > 31000 then cy = 24585 elseif
   210                y > 28000 then cy = 21500 elseif
   211                y > 24000 then cy = 19000 elseif
   212                y > 21500 then cy = 16000 elseif
   213                y > 19000 then cy = 12265 elseif
   214                y > 16000 then cy =  8800 elseif
   215                y > 12000 then cy =  5700 else
   216                cy = 400 end
   217             Cake = AddGear(GetRandom(2048), cy, gtCake, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   218             SetHealth(Cake,999999)
   219             CakeWasJustAdded = true
   220             CakeTries = CakeTries + 1  -- just try twice right now
   221         end
   222         if (y > 286) or (y < 286 and MaxHeight > 286) then
   223             if y < MaxHeight and y > 286 then MaxHeight = y end
   224             if y < 286 then MaxHeight = 286 end
   225             if MaxHeight < hTagHeight then
   226                 hTagHeight = MaxHeight
   227                 if hTag ~= nil then DeleteVisualGear(hTag) end
   228                 hTag = AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtHealthTag, 0, true)
   229                 local g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(hTag)
   230                 -- snagged from space invasion
   231                 SetVisualGearValues (
   232                         hTag,        --id
   233                         -(ScreenWidth/2) + 40, --xoffset
   234                         ScreenHeight - 60, --yoffset
   235                         0,          --dx
   236                         0,          --dy
   237                         1.1,        --zoom
   238                         1,          --~= 0 means align to screen
   239                         g7,         --frameticks
   240         -- 116px off bottom for lowest rock, 286 or so off top for position of chair
   241         -- 32650 is "0"
   242                         32640-hTagHeight,    --value
   243                         99999999999,--timer
   244                         GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
   245                         )
   246             end
   247             if MaxHeight < RecordHeight then
   248                 RecordHeight = MaxHeight
   249                 if rTag ~= nil then DeleteVisualGear(rTag) end
   250                 rTag = AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtHealthTag, 0, true)
   251                 local g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(hTag)
   252                 -- snagged from space invasion
   253                 SetVisualGearValues (
   254                         rTag,        --id
   255                         -(ScreenWidth/2) + 100, --xoffset
   256                         ScreenHeight - 60, --yoffset
   257                         0,          --dx
   258                         0,          --dy
   259                         1.1,        --zoom
   260                         1,          --~= 0 means align to screen
   261                         g7,         --frameticks
   262         -- 116px off bottom for lowest rock, 286 or so off top for position of chair
   263         -- 32650 is "0"
   264                         32640-RecordHeight,    --value
   265                         99999999999,--timer
   266                         GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
   267                         )
   268             end
   269         end
   270         if MaxHeight > 286 then
   271             if tTag ~= nil then DeleteVisualGear(tTag) end
   272             tTag = AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtHealthTag, 0, true)
   273             local g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tTag)
   274             -- snagged from space invasion
   275             SetVisualGearValues (
   276                     tTag,        --id
   277                     -(ScreenWidth/2) + 40, --xoffset
   278                     ScreenHeight - 100, --yoffset
   279                     0,          --dx
   280                     0,          --dy
   281                     1.1,        --zoom
   282                     1,          --~= 0 means align to screen
   283                     g7,         --frameticks
   284                     (GameTime-startTime)/1000,    --value
   285                     99999999999,--timer
   286                     0xffffffff
   287                     )
   288         end
   289     end
   290 end