--- a/tools/pas2c.hs Sat Apr 14 22:24:09 2012 +0400
+++ b/tools/pas2c.hs Sat Apr 14 22:40:23 2012 +0400
@@ -375,9 +375,15 @@
initExpr2C (InitRange a) = return $ text "<<range>>"
initExpr2C (InitSet []) = return $ text "0"
initExpr2C (InitSet a) = return $ text "<<set>>"
-initExpr2C (BuiltInFunction {}) = return $ text "<<built-in function>>"
+initExpr2C (BuiltInFunction "low" [InitReference e]) = return $
+ case e of
+ (Identifier "LongInt" _) -> int (-2^31)
+ _ -> error $ show e
+initExpr2C (BuiltInFunction "succ" [InitReference e]) = liftM (<> text " + 1") $ id2C IOLookup e
+initExpr2C b@(BuiltInFunction _ _) = error $ show b
initExpr2C a = error $ "initExpr2C: don't know how to render " ++ show a
range2C :: InitExpression -> State RenderState [Doc]
range2C (InitString [a]) = return [quotes $ text [a]]
range2C (InitRange (Range i)) = liftM (flip (:) []) $ id2C IOLookup i
@@ -413,7 +419,7 @@
type2C' (RangeType r) = return (text "<<range type>>" <+>)
type2C' (Sequence ids) = do
is <- mapM (id2C IOInsert . setBaseType bt) ids
- return (text "enum" <+> (braces . vcat . punctuate comma . map (\(a, b) -> a <+> equals <+> text "0x" <> text (showHex b "")) $ zip is (iterate (*2) 1)) <+>)
+ return (text "enum" <+> (braces . vcat . punctuate comma . map (\(a, b) -> a <+> equals <+> text "0x" <> text (showHex b "")) $ zip is [1..]) <+>)
bt = BTEnum $ map (\(Identifier i _) -> map toLower i) ids
type2C' (ArrayDecl Nothing t) = do