--- a/hedgewars/uLandObjects.pas Tue Mar 26 18:52:42 2013 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandObjects.pas Sun Apr 07 22:53:40 2013 +0200
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
procedure LoadThemeConfig;
procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface); inline;
procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface; extraFlags: Word);
+procedure BlitImageUsingMask(cpX, cpY: Longword; Image, Mask: PSDL_Surface);
procedure AddOnLandObjects(Surface: PSDL_Surface);
+procedure SetLand(var LandWord: Word; Pixel: LongWord); inline;
uses uStore, uConsts, uConsole, uRandom, uSound, GLunit
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@
type TRectsArray = array[0..MaxRects] of TSDL_Rect;
PRectArray = ^TRectsArray;
TThemeObject = record
- Surf: PSDL_Surface;
+ Surf, Mask: PSDL_Surface;
inland: TSDL_Rect;
outland: array[0..Pred(MAXOBJECTRECTS)] of TSDL_Rect;
rectcnt: Longword;
@@ -68,6 +70,26 @@
ThemeObjects: TThemeObjects;
SprayObjects: TSprayObjects;
+procedure SetLand(var LandWord: Word; Pixel: LongWord); inline;
+ // this an if instead of masking colours to avoid confusing map creators
+ if ((AMask and Pixel) = 0) then
+ LandWord:= 0
+ else if Pixel = $FFFFFFFF then // white
+ LandWord:= lfObject
+ else if Pixel = AMask then // black
+ begin
+ LandWord:= lfBasic;
+ disableLandBack:= false
+ end
+ else if Pixel = (AMask or RMask) then // red
+ LandWord:= lfIndestructible
+ else if Pixel = (AMask or BMask) then // blue
+ LandWord:= lfObject or lfIce
+ else if Pixel = (AMask or GMask) then // green
+ LandWord:= lfObject or lfBouncy
procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface); inline;
BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width, Image, 0);
@@ -119,6 +141,47 @@
+procedure BlitImageUsingMask(cpX, cpY: Longword; Image, Mask: PSDL_Surface);
+var p, mp: PLongwordArray;
+ x, y: Longword;
+ bpp: LongInt;
+WriteToConsole('Generating collision info... ');
+if SDL_MustLock(Image) then
+ SDLTry(SDL_LockSurface(Image) >= 0, true);
+bpp:= Image^.format^.BytesPerPixel;
+TryDo(bpp = 4, 'Land object should be 32bit', true);
+p:= Image^.pixels;
+mp:= Mask^.pixels;
+for y:= 0 to Pred(Image^.h) do
+ begin
+ for x:= 0 to Pred(Image^.w) do
+ begin
+ if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
+ begin
+ if (LandPixels[cpY + y, cpX + x] = 0)
+ or (((p^[x] and AMask) <> 0) and (((LandPixels[cpY + y, cpX + x] and AMask) shr AShift) < 255)) then
+ LandPixels[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= p^[x];
+ end
+ else
+ if LandPixels[(cpY + y) div 2, (cpX + x) div 2] = 0 then
+ LandPixels[(cpY + y) div 2, (cpX + x) div 2]:= p^[x];
+ if (Land[cpY + y, cpX + x] <= lfAllObjMask) or (Land[cpY + y, cpX + x] and lfObject <> 0) then
+ SetLand(Land[cpY + y, cpX + x], mp^[x]);
+ end;
+ p:= @(p^[Image^.pitch shr 2]);
+ mp:= @(mp^[Mask^.pitch shr 2])
+ end;
+if SDL_MustLock(Image) then
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(Image);
procedure AddRect(x1, y1, w1, h1: LongInt);
with Rects^[RectCount] do
@@ -326,7 +389,9 @@
if bRes then
i:= getrandom(cnt);
- BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(ar[i].x, ar[i].y, 0, Obj.Surf);
+ if Obj.Mask <> nil then
+ BlitImageUsingMask(ar[i].x, ar[i].y, Obj.Surf, Obj.Mask)
+ else BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(ar[i].x, ar[i].y, 0, Obj.Surf);
AddRect(ar[i].x, ar[i].y, Width, Height);
@@ -555,9 +620,10 @@
with ThemeObjects.objs[Pred(ThemeObjects.Count)] do
i:= Pos(',', s);
- Surf:= LoadDataImage(ptCurrTheme, Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i))), ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
+ Surf:= LoadDataImage(ptCurrTheme, Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i))), ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps or ifCritical);
Width:= Surf^.w;
Height:= Surf^.h;
+ Mask:= LoadDataImage(ptCurrTheme, Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))+'_mask', ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
Delete(s, 1, i);
i:= Pos(',', s);
Maxcnt:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i))));