--- a/hedgewars/uLand.pas Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uLand.pas Tue Jan 17 09:01:31 2012 -0500
@@ -67,9 +67,11 @@
while (yd > 0) and (Land[yd, x] = 0) do dec(yd);
- if (yd < 0) then yd:= 0;
+ if (yd < 0) then
+ yd:= 0;
- while (yd < LAND_HEIGHT) and (Land[yd, x] <> 0) do inc(yd);
+ while (yd < LAND_HEIGHT) and (Land[yd, x] <> 0) do
+ inc(yd);
yu:= yd;
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@
while (yu < yd ) and (Land[yu, x] = 0) do inc(yu);
if (yd < LAND_HEIGHT - 1) and ((yd - yu) >= 16) then
- begin
+ begin
rr.x:= x;
rr.y:= yd - 15;
r.x:= x mod tmpsurf^.w;
@@ -85,9 +87,9 @@
r.w:= 1;
r.h:= 16;
SDL_UpperBlit(tmpsurf, @r, Surface, @rr);
- end;
+ end;
if (yu > 0) then
- begin
+ begin
rr.x:= x;
rr.y:= yu;
r.x:= x mod tmpsurf^.w;
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@
r.w:= 1;
r.h:= Min(16, yd - yu + 1);
SDL_UpperBlit(tmpsurf, @r, Surface, @rr);
- end;
+ end;
yd:= yu - 1;
until yd < 0;
@@ -106,25 +108,25 @@
var i: LongInt;
with Template do
- begin
- pa.Count:= BasePointsCount;
- for i:= 0 to pred(pa.Count) do
- begin
- pa.ar[i].x:= BasePoints^[i].x + LongInt(GetRandom(BasePoints^[i].w));
- if pa.ar[i].x <> NTPX then
- pa.ar[i].x:= pa.ar[i].x + ((LAND_WIDTH - Template.TemplateWidth) div 2);
- pa.ar[i].y:= BasePoints^[i].y + LongInt(GetRandom(BasePoints^[i].h)) + LAND_HEIGHT - LongInt(Template.TemplateHeight)
- end;
+ begin
+ pa.Count:= BasePointsCount;
+ for i:= 0 to pred(pa.Count) do
+ begin
+ pa.ar[i].x:= BasePoints^[i].x + LongInt(GetRandom(BasePoints^[i].w));
+ if pa.ar[i].x <> NTPX then
+ pa.ar[i].x:= pa.ar[i].x + ((LAND_WIDTH - Template.TemplateWidth) div 2);
+ pa.ar[i].y:= BasePoints^[i].y + LongInt(GetRandom(BasePoints^[i].h)) + LAND_HEIGHT - LongInt(Template.TemplateHeight)
+ end;
- if canMirror then
+ if canMirror then
if getrandom(2) = 0 then
- begin
- for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
- if pa.ar[i].x <> NTPX then
- pa.ar[i].x:= LAND_WIDTH - 1 - pa.ar[i].x;
- for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
- FillPoints^[i].x:= LAND_WIDTH - 1 - FillPoints^[i].x;
- end;
+ begin
+ for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
+ if pa.ar[i].x <> NTPX then
+ pa.ar[i].x:= LAND_WIDTH - 1 - pa.ar[i].x;
+ for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
+ FillPoints^[i].x:= LAND_WIDTH - 1 - FillPoints^[i].x;
+ end;
(* Experiment in making this option more useful
if ((not isNegative) and (cTemplateFilter = 4)) or
@@ -146,30 +148,30 @@
// template recycling. Pull these off the floor a bit
- if (not isNegative) and (cTemplateFilter = 4) then
- begin
- for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
- begin
- dec(pa.ar[i].y, 100);
- if pa.ar[i].y < 0 then
- pa.ar[i].y:= 0;
- end;
- for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
- begin
- dec(FillPoints^[i].y, 100);
- if FillPoints^[i].y < 0 then
- FillPoints^[i].y:= 0;
- end;
- end;
+ if (not isNegative) and (cTemplateFilter = 4) then
+ begin
+ for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
+ begin
+ dec(pa.ar[i].y, 100);
+ if pa.ar[i].y < 0 then
+ pa.ar[i].y:= 0;
+ end;
+ for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
+ begin
+ dec(FillPoints^[i].y, 100);
+ if FillPoints^[i].y < 0 then
+ FillPoints^[i].y:= 0;
+ end;
+ end;
- if (canFlip and (getrandom(2) = 0)) then
- begin
- for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
- pa.ar[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1 - pa.ar[i].y;
- for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
- FillPoints^[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1 - FillPoints^[i].y;
- end;
- end
+ if (canFlip and (getrandom(2) = 0)) then
+ begin
+ for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
+ pa.ar[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1 - pa.ar[i].y;
+ for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
+ FillPoints^[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1 - FillPoints^[i].y;
+ end;
+ end
@@ -190,7 +192,8 @@
- for i:= 1 to Template.RandPassesCount do RandomizePoints(pa);
+ for i:= 1 to Template.RandPassesCount do
+ RandomizePoints(pa);
BezierizeEdge(pa, _0_1);
@@ -212,9 +215,9 @@
topY:= LAND_HEIGHT - playHeight;
// HACK: force to only cavern even if a cavern map is invertable if cTemplateFilter = 4 ?
- if (cTemplateFilter = 4) or
- (Template.canInvert and (getrandom(2) = 0)) or
- (not Template.canInvert and Template.isNegative) then
+ if (cTemplateFilter = 4)
+ or (Template.canInvert and (getrandom(2) = 0))
+ or (not Template.canInvert and Template.isNegative) then
hasBorder:= true;
for y:= 0 to LAND_HEIGHT - 1 do
@@ -222,12 +225,12 @@
if (y < topY) or (x < leftX) or (x > rightX) then
Land[y, x]:= 0
- begin
- if Land[y, x] = 0 then
- Land[y, x]:= lfBasic
- else if Land[y, x] = lfBasic then
- Land[y, x]:= 0;
- end;
+ begin
+ if Land[y, x] = 0 then
+ Land[y, x]:= lfBasic
+ else if Land[y, x] = lfBasic then
+ Land[y, x]:= 0;
+ end;
@@ -276,9 +279,9 @@
for x:= 0 to LAND_WIDTH - 1 do
if Land[y, x] <> 0 then
if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
- LandPixels[y, x]:= p^[x] or AMask
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= p^[x] or AMask
- LandPixels[y div 2, x div 2]:= p^[x] or AMask;
+ LandPixels[y div 2, x div 2]:= p^[x] or AMask;
p:= @(p^[Surface^.pitch div 4]);
@@ -318,11 +321,20 @@
if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
- if (Land[y, x-1] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y, x-1] and AMask <> 0) then LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y, x-1]
- else if (Land[y, x+1] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y, x+1] and AMask <> 0) then LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y, x+1]
- else if (Land[y-1, x] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y-1, x] and AMask <> 0) then LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y-1, x]
- else if (Land[y+1, x] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y+1, x] and AMask <> 0) then LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y+1, x];
- if (((LandPixels[y,x] and AMask) shr AShift) > 10) then LandPixels[y,x]:= (LandPixels[y,x] and (not AMask)) or (128 shl AShift)
+ if (Land[y, x-1] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y, x-1] and AMask <> 0) then
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y, x-1]
+ else if (Land[y, x+1] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y, x+1] and AMask <> 0) then
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y, x+1]
+ else if (Land[y-1, x] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y-1, x] and AMask <> 0) then
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y-1, x]
+ else if (Land[y+1, x] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y+1, x] and AMask <> 0) then
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y+1, x];
+ if (((LandPixels[y,x] and AMask) shr AShift) > 10) then
+ LandPixels[y,x]:= (LandPixels[y,x] and (not AMask)) or (128 shl AShift)
Land[y,x]:= lfObject
@@ -335,14 +347,27 @@
((Land[y-1, x] = lfBasic) and (Land[y-1,x+1] = lfBasic) and (Land[y,x+2] = lfBasic)) or
((Land[y+1, x] = lfBasic) and (Land[y+1,x-1] = lfBasic) and (Land[y,x-2] = lfBasic)) or
((Land[y-1, x] = lfBasic) and (Land[y-1,x-1] = lfBasic) and (Land[y,x-2] = lfBasic))) then
- begin
+ begin
if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
- if (Land[y, x-1] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y,x-1] and AMask <> 0) then LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y, x-1]
- else if (Land[y, x+1] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y,x+1] and AMask <> 0) then LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y, x+1]
- else if (Land[y+1, x] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y+1,x] and AMask <> 0) then LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y+1, x]
- else if (Land[y-1, x] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y-1,x] and AMask <> 0) then LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y-1, x];
- if (((LandPixels[y,x] and AMask) shr AShift) > 10) then LandPixels[y,x]:= (LandPixels[y,x] and (not AMask)) or (64 shl AShift)
+ if (Land[y, x-1] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y,x-1] and AMask <> 0) then
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y, x-1]
+ else if (Land[y, x+1] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y,x+1] and AMask <> 0) then
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y, x+1]
+ else if (Land[y+1, x] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y+1,x] and AMask <> 0) then
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y+1, x]
+ else if (Land[y-1, x] = lfBasic) and (LandPixels[y-1,x] and AMask <> 0) then
+ LandPixels[y, x]:= LandPixels[y-1, x];
+ if (((LandPixels[y,x] and AMask) shr AShift) > 10) then
+ LandPixels[y,x]:= (LandPixels[y,x] and (not AMask)) or (64 shl AShift)
Land[y,x]:= lfObject
@@ -364,12 +389,14 @@
WriteLnToConsole('Generating forts land...');
tmpsurf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptForts] + '/' + ClansArray[0]^.Teams[0]^.FortName + 'L', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
-if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptForts] + '/' + ClansArray[0]^.Teams[0]^.FortName + 'L', ifAlpha or ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
+if tmpsurf = nil then
+ tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptForts] + '/' + ClansArray[0]^.Teams[0]^.FortName + 'L', ifAlpha or ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(leftX+150, LAND_HEIGHT - tmpsurf^.h, tmpsurf^.w, tmpsurf);
tmpsurf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptForts] + '/' + ClansArray[1]^.Teams[0]^.FortName + 'R', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
-if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptForts] + '/' + ClansArray[1]^.Teams[0]^.FortName + 'R', ifAlpha or ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
+if tmpsurf = nil then
+ tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptForts] + '/' + ClansArray[1]^.Teams[0]^.FortName + 'R', ifAlpha or ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(rightX - 150 - tmpsurf^.w, LAND_HEIGHT - tmpsurf^.h, tmpsurf^.w, tmpsurf);
@@ -381,17 +408,19 @@
x, y, cpX, cpY: Longword;
tmpsurf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/mask', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
-if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/mask', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
+if tmpsurf = nil then
+ tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/mask', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
if tmpsurf = nil then
mapName:= ExtractFileName(Pathz[ptMapCurrent]);
tmpsurf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptMissionMaps] + '/' + mapName + '/mask', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
- if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptMissionMaps] + '/' + mapName + '/mask', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
+ if tmpsurf = nil then
+ tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptMissionMaps] + '/' + mapName + '/mask', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
if (tmpsurf <> nil) and (tmpsurf^.w <= LAND_WIDTH) and (tmpsurf^.h <= LAND_HEIGHT) and (tmpsurf^.format^.BytesPerPixel = 4) then
+ begin
disableLandBack:= true;
cpX:= (LAND_WIDTH - tmpsurf^.w) div 2;
@@ -427,8 +456,10 @@
// freed in freeModule() below
LandBackSurface:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/LandBackTex', ifIgnoreCaps or ifTransparent);
- if LandBackSurface = nil then LandBackSurface:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/LandBackTex', ifIgnoreCaps or ifTransparent);
- if (LandBackSurface <> nil) and cGrayScale then Surface2GrayScale(LandBackSurface)
+ if LandBackSurface = nil then
+ LandBackSurface:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/LandBackTex', ifIgnoreCaps or ifTransparent);
+ if (LandBackSurface <> nil) and cGrayScale then
+ Surface2GrayScale(LandBackSurface)
if (tmpsurf <> nil) then
@@ -446,33 +477,38 @@
WriteLnToConsole('Loading land from file...');
tmpsurf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/map', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
-if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/map', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
+if tmpsurf = nil then
+ tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/map', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
if tmpsurf = nil then
mapName:= ExtractFileName(Pathz[ptMapCurrent]);
tmpsurf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptMissionMaps] + '/' + mapName + '/map', ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
- if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptMissionMaps] + '/' + mapName + '/map', ifAlpha or ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
+ if tmpsurf = nil then
+ tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptMissionMaps] + '/' + mapName + '/map', ifAlpha or ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps);
TryDo((tmpsurf^.w <= LAND_WIDTH) and (tmpsurf^.h <= LAND_HEIGHT), 'Map dimensions too big!', true);
// unC0Rr - should this be passed from the GUI? I am not sure which layer does what
s:= UserPathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/map.cfg';
-if not FileExists(s) then s:= Pathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/map.cfg';
+if not FileExists(s) then
+ s:= Pathz[ptMapCurrent] + '/map.cfg';
WriteLnToConsole('Fetching map HH limit');
Assign(f, s);
filemode:= 0; // readonly
if IOResult <> 0 then
+ begin
s:= Pathz[ptMissionMaps] + '/' + mapName + '/map.cfg';
Assign(f, s);
+ end;
-if not eof(f) then Readln(f, MaxHedgehogs);
+if not eof(f) then
+ Readln(f, MaxHedgehogs);
-if (MaxHedgehogs = 0) then MaxHedgehogs:= 18;
+if (MaxHedgehogs = 0) then
+ MaxHedgehogs:= 18;
playHeight:= tmpsurf^.h;
playWidth:= tmpsurf^.w;
@@ -597,14 +633,17 @@
-if (GameFlags and gfBottomBorder) <> 0 then DrawBottomBorder;
+if (GameFlags and gfBottomBorder) <> 0 then
+ DrawBottomBorder;
-if (GameFlags and gfDisableGirders) <> 0 then hasGirders:= false;
+if (GameFlags and gfDisableGirders) <> 0 then
+ hasGirders:= false;
-if ((GameFlags and gfForts) = 0)
- and (Pathz[ptMapCurrent] = '')
- then AddObjects
-else AddProgress();
+if ((GameFlags and gfForts) = 0) and (Pathz[ptMapCurrent] = '') then
+ AddObjects
+ AddProgress();
@@ -618,7 +657,8 @@
w:= round(((w shr RShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED +
(w shr BShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN +
(w shr GShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE));
- if w > 255 then w:= 255;
+ if w > 255 then
+ w:= 255;
w:= (w and $FF shl RShift) or (w and $FF shl BShift) or (w and $FF shl GShift) or (LandPixels[y,x] and AMask);
LandPixels[y,x]:= w or (LandPixels[y, x] and AMask)
@@ -628,8 +668,9 @@
w:= LandPixels[y div 2,x div 2];
w:= ((w shr RShift and $FF) + (w shr BShift and $FF) + (w shr GShift and $FF)) div 3;
- if w > 255 then w:= 255;
- w:= (w and $FF shl RShift) or (w and $FF shl BShift) or (w and $FF shl GShift) or (LandPixels[y div 2,x div 2] and AMask);
+ if w > 255 then
+ w:= 255;
+ w:= (w and $FF shl RShift) or (w and $FF shl BShift) or (w and $FF shl GShift) or (LandPixels[y div 2,x div 2] and AMask);
LandPixels[y,x]:= w or (LandPixels[y div 2, x div 2] and AMask)
@@ -662,7 +703,8 @@
cbit:= bit * 8;
for yy:= y * lh to y * lh + 7 do
for xx:= x * lw + cbit to x * lw + cbit + 7 do
- if Land[yy, xx] <> 0 then inc(t);
+ if Land[yy, xx] <> 0 then
+ inc(t);
if t > 8 then
Preview[y, x]:= Preview[y, x] or ($80 shr bit);