changeset 4359 83ef50815535
child 4361 64ea345ab655
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uVariables.pas	Wed Nov 17 17:45:55 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+{$INCLUDE options.inc}
+unit uVariables;
+uses SDLh, uTypes, uFloat, GLunit, uConsts, Math, uMobile;
+/////// init flags ///////
+    cScreenWidth    : LongInt     = 1024;
+    cScreenHeight   : LongInt     = 768;
+    cBits           : LongInt     = 32;
+    //ipcPort is in uIO
+    cFullScreen     : boolean     = false;
+    isSoundEnabled  : boolean     = true;
+    isMusicEnabled  : boolean     = false;
+    cLocaleFName    : shortstring = 'en.txt';
+    cInitVolume     : LongInt     = 100;
+    cTimerInterval  : LongInt     = 8;
+    PathPrefix      : shortstring = './';
+    cShowFPS        : boolean     = false;
+    cAltDamage      : boolean     = true;
+    cReducedQuality : LongWord    = rqNone;
+    //userNick is in uChat
+    recordFileName  : shortstring = '';
+    cReadyDelay     : Longword    = 0;
+    cLogfileBase    : shortstring = 'debug';
+    isCursorVisible : boolean;
+    isTerminated    : boolean;
+    isInLag         : boolean;
+    isPaused        : boolean;
+    isSEBackup      : boolean;
+    isInMultiShoot  : boolean;
+    isSpeed         : boolean;
+    isFirstFrame    : boolean;
+    fastUntilLag    : boolean;
+    GameState       : TGameState;
+    GameType        : TGameType;
+    GameFlags       : Longword;
+    TrainingFlags   : Longword;
+    TurnTimeLeft    : Longword;
+    ReadyTimeLeft   : Longword;
+    cSuddenDTurns   : LongInt;
+    cDamagePercent  : LongInt;
+    cMineDudPercent : LongWord;
+    cTemplateFilter : LongInt;
+    cMapGen         : LongInt;
+    cMazeSize       : LongInt;
+    cHedgehogTurnTime: Longword;
+    cMinesTime       : LongInt;
+    cMaxAIThinkTime  : Longword;
+    cHealthCaseProb  : LongInt;
+    cHealthCaseAmount: LongInt;
+    cWaterRise       : LongInt;
+    cHealthDecrease  : LongInt;
+    cCloudsNumber    : LongInt;
+    cTagsMask        : byte;
+    zoom             : GLfloat;
+    ZoomValue        : GLfloat;
+    cWaterLine       : LongInt;
+    cGearScrEdgesDist: LongInt;
+    GameTicks   : LongWord;
+    TrainingTimeInc : Longword;
+    TrainingTimeInD : Longword;
+    TrainingTimeInM : Longword;
+    TrainingTimeMax : Longword;
+    TimeTrialStartTime: Longword;
+    TimeTrialStopTime : Longword;
+    // originally from uConsts
+    Pathz: array[TPathType] of shortstring;
+    CountTexz: array[1..Pred(AMMO_INFINITE)] of PTexture;
+    LAND_WIDTH       : LongInt;
+    LAND_HEIGHT      : LongInt;
+    LAND_WIDTH_MASK  : LongWord;
+    LAND_HEIGHT_MASK : LongWord;
+    cMaxCaptions     : LongInt;
+    cLeftScreenBorder     : LongInt;
+    cRightScreenBorder    : LongInt;
+    cScreenSpace          : LongInt;
+    cCaseFactor     : Longword;
+    cLandMines      : Longword;
+    cExplosives     : Longword;
+    cSeed           : shortstring;
+    cVolumeDelta    : LongInt;
+    cHasFocus       : boolean;
+    cInactDelay     : Longword;
+    bBetweenTurns   : boolean;
+    bWaterRising    : boolean;
+    ShowCrosshair   : boolean;
+    CursorMovementX : LongInt;
+    CursorMovementY : LongInt;
+    cDrownSpeed     : hwFloat;
+    cDrownSpeedf    : float;
+    cMaxWindSpeed   : hwFloat;
+    cWindSpeed      : hwFloat;
+    cWindSpeedf     : float;
+    cGravity        : hwFloat;
+    cGravityf       : float;
+    cDamageModifier : hwFloat;
+    cLaserSighting  : boolean;
+    cVampiric       : boolean;
+    cArtillery      : boolean;
+    WeaponTooltipTex : PTexture;
+    flagMakeCapture : boolean;
+    InitStepsFlags  : Longword;
+    RealTicks       : Longword;
+    AttackBar       : LongInt;
+    WaterColorArray : array[0..3] of HwColor4f;
+    CursorPoint     : TPoint;
+    TargetPoint     : TPoint;
+    TextureList     : PTexture;
+    ScreenFade      : TScreenFade;
+    ScreenFadeValue : LongInt;
+    ScreenFadeSpeed : LongInt;
+    SDLwindow       : PSDL_Window;
+procedure initModule;
+procedure freeModule;
+procedure initModule;
+    Pathz:= cPathz;
+        {*  REFERENCE
+      4096 -> $FFFFF000
+      2048 -> $FFFFF800
+      1024 -> $FFFFFC00
+       512 -> $FFFFFE00  *}
+    if (cReducedQuality and rqLowRes) <> 0 then
+    begin
+        LAND_WIDTH:= 2048;
+        LAND_HEIGHT:= 1024;
+        LAND_WIDTH_MASK:= $FFFFF800;
+    end
+    else
+    begin
+        LAND_WIDTH:= 4096;
+        LAND_HEIGHT:= 2048;
+        LAND_WIDTH_MASK:= $FFFFF000;
+    end;
+    cDrownSpeed.QWordValue  := 257698038;       // 0.06
+    cDrownSpeedf            := 0.06;
+    cMaxWindSpeed.QWordValue:= 1073742;     // 0.00025
+    cWindSpeed.QWordValue   := 429496;      // 0.0001
+    cWindSpeedf             := 0.0001;
+    cGravity                := cMaxWindSpeed * 2;
+    cGravityf               := 0.00025 * 2;
+    cDamageModifier         := _1;
+    TargetPoint             := cTargetPointRef;
+    TextureList             := nil;
+    // int, longint longword and byte
+    CursorMovementX     := 0;
+    CursorMovementY     := 0;
+    GameTicks           := 0;
+    TrainingTimeInc     := 10000;
+    TrainingTimeInD     := 500;
+    TrainingTimeInM     := 5000;
+    TrainingTimeMax     := 60000;
+    TimeTrialStartTime  := 0;
+    TimeTrialStopTime   := 0;
+    cWaterLine          := LAND_HEIGHT;
+    cGearScrEdgesDist   := 240;
+    GameFlags           := 0;
+    TrainingFlags       := 0;
+    TurnTimeLeft        := 0;
+    cSuddenDTurns       := 15;
+    cDamagePercent      := 100;
+    cMineDudPercent     := 0;
+    cTemplateFilter     := 0;
+    cMapGen             := 0;   // MAPGEN_REGULAR
+    cMazeSize           := 0;
+    cHedgehogTurnTime   := 45000;
+    cMinesTime          := 3;
+    cMaxAIThinkTime     := 9000;
+    cCloudsNumber       := 9;
+    cHealthCaseProb     := 35;
+    cHealthCaseAmount   := 25;
+    cWaterRise          := 47;
+    cHealthDecrease     := 5;
+    cTagsMask       := 0;
+    InitStepsFlags  := 0;
+    RealTicks       := 0;
+    AttackBar       := 0; // 0 - none, 1 - just bar at the right-down corner, 2 - from weapon
+    cCaseFactor     := 5;  {0..9}
+    cLandMines      := 4;
+    cExplosives     := 2;
+    GameState       := Low(TGameState);
+    GameType        := gmtLocal;
+    zoom            := cDefaultZoomLevel;
+    ZoomValue       := cDefaultZoomLevel;
+    WeaponTooltipTex:= nil;
+    cLaserSighting  := false;
+    cVampiric       := false;
+    cArtillery      := false;
+    flagMakeCapture := false;
+    bBetweenTurns   := false;
+    bWaterRising    := false;
+    isCursorVisible := false;
+    isTerminated    := false;
+    isInLag         := false;
+    isPaused        := false;
+    isInMultiShoot  := false;
+    isSpeed         := false;
+    fastUntilLag    := false;
+    isFirstFrame    := true;
+    isSEBackup      := true;
+    cSeed           := '';
+    cVolumeDelta    := 0;
+    cHasFocus       := true;
+    cInactDelay     := 1250;
+    ReadyTimeLeft   := 0;
+    ScreenFade      := sfNone;
+    SDLwindow       := nil;
+    // those values still aren't perfect
+    cLeftScreenBorder:= round(-cMinZoomLevel * cScreenWidth);
+    cRightScreenBorder:= round(cMinZoomLevel * cScreenWidth + LAND_WIDTH);
+    cScreenSpace:= cRightScreenBorder - cLeftScreenBorder;
+    if isPhone() then
+        cMaxCaptions:= 3
+    else
+        cMaxCaptions:= 4;
+procedure freeModule;
+    // re-init flags so they will always contain safe values
+    cScreenWidth    := 1024;
+    cScreenHeight   := 768;
+    cBits           := 32;
+    //ipcPort is in uIO
+    cFullScreen     := false;
+    isSoundEnabled  := true;
+    isMusicEnabled  := false;
+    cLocaleFName    := 'en.txt';
+    cInitVolume     := 100;
+    cTimerInterval  := 8;
+    PathPrefix := './';
+    cShowFPS        := false;
+    cAltDamage      := true;
+    cReducedQuality := rqNone;
+    //userNick is in uChat
+    recordFileName  := '';
+    cReadyDelay     := 0;
\ No newline at end of file