changeset 4918 c6d3aec73f93
parent 4906 22cc9c2b5ae5
child 4921 2efad3acbb74
--- a/gameServer/OfficialServer/DBInteraction.hs	Sat Feb 05 11:05:16 2011 +0300
+++ b/gameServer/OfficialServer/DBInteraction.hs	Sat Feb 05 11:32:15 2011 +0300
@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@
 fakeDbConnection serverInfo = forever $ do
     q <- readChan $ dbQueries serverInfo
     case q of
-        CheckAccount clUid _ clHost -> do
-            writeChan (coreChan serverInfo) $ ClientAccountInfo (clUid,
-                if clHost `elem` localAddressList then Admin else Guest)
+        CheckAccount clId clUid _ clHost -> do
+            writeChan (coreChan serverInfo) $ ClientAccountInfo clId clUid (if clHost `elem` localAddressList then Admin else Guest)
         ClearCache -> return ()
         SendStats {} -> return ()
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@
     q <- readChan queries
     updatedCache <- case q of
-        CheckAccount clUid clNick _ -> do
+        CheckAccount clId clNick _ -> do
             let cacheEntry = clNick `Map.lookup` accountsCache
             currentTime <- getCurrentTime
             if (isNothing cacheEntry) || (currentTime `diffUTCTime` (fst . fromJust) cacheEntry > 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) then
@@ -44,16 +43,16 @@
                     hPutStrLn hIn $ show q
                     hFlush hIn
-                    (clId, accountInfo) <- hGetLine hOut >>= (maybeException . maybeRead)
+                    (clId', accountInfo) <- hGetLine hOut >>= (maybeException . maybeRead)
-                    writeChan coreChan $ ClientAccountInfo (clId, accountInfo)
+                    writeChan coreChan $ ClientAccountInfo (clId', accountInfo)
                     return $ Map.insert clNick (currentTime, accountInfo) accountsCache
                     (unGetChan queries q)
-                    writeChan coreChan $ ClientAccountInfo (clUid, snd $ fromJust cacheEntry)
+                    writeChan coreChan $ ClientAccountInfo (clId, snd $ fromJust cacheEntry)
                     return accountsCache
         ClearCache -> return Map.empty