--- a/hedgewars/uSHA.pas Sun Apr 25 18:38:08 2010 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uSHA.pas Mon Apr 26 01:55:26 2010 +0000
@@ -122,41 +122,43 @@
procedure SHA1UpdateLongwords(var Context: TSHA1Context; Buf: PLongwordArray; Length: LongWord);
var i: Longword;
-for i:= 0 to Pred(Length div 4) do
+ for i:= 0 to Pred(Length div 4) do
- SDLNet_Write32(Buf^[i], @Context.Buf[Context.CurrLength]);
- inc(Context.CurrLength, 4);
- if Context.CurrLength = 64 then
- begin
- SHA1Hash(Context);
- inc(Context.Length, 512);
- Context.CurrLength:= 0
- end
+ SDLNet_Write32(Buf^[i], @Context.Buf[Context.CurrLength]);
+ inc(Context.CurrLength, 4);
+ if Context.CurrLength = 64 then
+ begin
+ SHA1Hash(Context);
+ inc(Context.Length, 512);
+ Context.CurrLength:= 0
+ end
function SHA1Final(Context: TSHA1Context): TSHA1Digest;
var i: LongWord;
-Context.Length:= Context.Length + Context.CurrLength shl 3;
-Context.Buf[Context.CurrLength]:= $80;
+ Context.Length:= Context.Length + Context.CurrLength shl 3;
+ Context.Buf[Context.CurrLength]:= $80;
+ inc(Context.CurrLength);
-if Context.CurrLength > 56 then
- begin
- FillChar(Context.Buf[Context.CurrLength], 64 - Context.CurrLength, 0);
- Context.CurrLength:= 64;
- SHA1Hash(Context);
- Context.CurrLength:=0
- end;
+ if Context.CurrLength > 56 then
+ begin
+ FillChar(Context.Buf[Context.CurrLength], 64 - Context.CurrLength, 0);
+ Context.CurrLength:= 64;
+ SHA1Hash(Context);
+ Context.CurrLength:=0
+ end;
-FillChar(Context.Buf[Context.CurrLength], 56 - Context.CurrLength, 0);
+ FillChar(Context.Buf[Context.CurrLength], 56 - Context.CurrLength, 0);
-for i:= 56 to 63 do
- Context.Buf[i] := (Context.Length shr ((63 - i) * 8)) and $FF;
-for i:= 0 to 4 do SHA1Final[i]:= Context.H[i];
-FillChar(Context, sizeof(Context), 0)
+ for i:= 56 to 63 do
+ Context.Buf[i] := (Context.Length shr ((63 - i) * 8)) and $FF;
+ SHA1Hash(Context);
+ for i:= 0 to 4 do
+ SHA1Final[i]:= Context.H[i];
+ FillChar(Context, sizeof(Context), 0)