Remove Qt SVG and Qt OpenGL as hard dependencies
Qt SVG is not used in the frontend (no SVGs are rendered).
Neither is Qt OpenGL used. Qt OpenGL is discouraged anyway.
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LOGGING_H_
#define LOGGING_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define FLIB_LOGLEVEL_ALL -100
* Returns a pointer to a static buffer, don't free or store.
char* flib_format_ip(uint32_t numip);
* Evaluates the expression cond. If it is true, a formatted error will be logged.
* Returns true if an error is logged, false otherwise (i.e. the boolean value of the argument)
* Usage: log_e_if(errorHasHappened, "Format string", formatArg, ...);
#define log_e_if(cond, ...) _flib_fassert(__func__, FLIB_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, !(bool)(cond), __VA_ARGS__)
#define log_w_if(cond, ...) _flib_fassert(__func__, FLIB_LOGLEVEL_WARNING, !(bool)(cond), __VA_ARGS__)
* Helper macros for log_badargs_if
* The t parameters are the textual representation of the c parameters. They need to be passed
* explicitly, to prevent them from being expanded in prescan.
#define _flib_lbi(c1,t1) log_e_if(c1, "Invalid Argument (%s)", t1)
#define _flib_lbi2(c1,t1,c2,t2) (_flib_lbi(c1,t1) || _flib_lbi(c2,t2))
#define _flib_lbi3(c1,t1,c2,t2,c3,t3) (_flib_lbi(c1,t1) || _flib_lbi2(c2,t2,c3,t3))
#define _flib_lbi4(c1,t1,c2,t2,c3,t3,c4,t4) (_flib_lbi(c1,t1) || _flib_lbi3(c2,t2,c3,t3,c4,t4))
#define _flib_lbi5(c1,t1,c2,t2,c3,t3,c4,t4,c5,t5) (_flib_lbi(c1,t1) || _flib_lbi4(c2,t2,c3,t3,c4,t4,c5,t5))
#define _flib_lbi6(c1,t1,c2,t2,c3,t3,c4,t4,c5,t5,c6,t6) (_flib_lbi(c1,t1) || _flib_lbi5(c2,t2,c3,t3,c4,t4,c5,t5,c6,t6))
* These macros log an "Invalid Argument" error for the first of their arguments that evaluates to true.
* The text of the argument is included in the log message.
* The expression returns true if any of its arguments is true (i.e. if an argument error was logged).
* For example, log_badargs_if(x==NULL) will log "Invalid Argument (x==NULL)" and return true if x is NULL.
#define log_badargs_if(c1) _flib_lbi(c1,#c1)
#define log_badargs_if2(c1, c2) _flib_lbi2(c1,#c1,c2,#c2)
#define log_badargs_if3(c1, c2, c3) _flib_lbi3(c1,#c1,c2,#c2,c3,#c3)
#define log_badargs_if4(c1, c2, c3, c4) _flib_lbi4(c1,#c1,c2,#c2,c3,#c3,c4,#c4)
#define log_badargs_if5(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) _flib_lbi5(c1,#c1,c2,#c2,c3,#c3,c4,#c4,c5,#c5)
#define log_badargs_if6(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) _flib_lbi6(c1,#c1,c2,#c2,c3,#c3,c4,#c4,c5,#c5,c6,#c6)
#define log_oom_if(cond) log_e_if(cond, "Out of Memory")
#define flib_log_e(...) _flib_flog(__func__, FLIB_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, __VA_ARGS__)
#define flib_log_w(...) _flib_flog(__func__, FLIB_LOGLEVEL_WARNING, __VA_ARGS__)
#define flib_log_i(...) _flib_flog(__func__, FLIB_LOGLEVEL_INFO, __VA_ARGS__)
#define flib_log_d(...) _flib_flog(__func__, FLIB_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__)
bool _flib_fassert(const char *func, int level, bool cond, const char *fmt, ...);
void _flib_flog(const char *func, int level, const char *fmt, ...);
* Only log messages that are at least the indicated level
void flib_log_setLevel(int level);
int flib_log_getLevel();
* Log to the indicated file. You can pass NULL to log to stdout.
* This overrides setCallback and vice versa.
void flib_log_setFile(FILE *logfile);
* Returns whether messages of this level are logged at the moment.
bool flib_log_isActive(int level);
* Allows logging through an arbitrary callback function. Useful for integrating into an
* existing logging system. This overrides setFile and vice versa.
void flib_log_setCallback(void (*logCallback)(int level, const char *msg));
#endif /* LOGGING_H_ */