Reorganized layout and appearance of rooms list page.
Creating a new room uses a dialog prompt for the room name, which is preset to whatever your last room name was.
Removed dotted rectangle around selected cell in rooms list.
Removed bug where gamecfgwidget would be in master mode when joining a game as a slave.
Can now join selected room when return is pressed. Can also move room selection while room search box has focus.
module Main where
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Concurrent
import Network
import Control.OldException
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Posix
type SState = Handle
io = liftIO
readPacket :: StateT SState IO [String]
readPacket = do
h <- get
io $ hGetPacket h []
hGetPacket h buf = do
l <- hGetLine h
if not $ null l then hGetPacket h (buf ++ [l]) else return buf
waitPacket :: String -> StateT SState IO Bool
waitPacket s = do
p <- readPacket
return $ head p == s
sendPacket :: [String] -> StateT SState IO ()
sendPacket s = do
h <- get
io $ do
mapM_ (hPutStrLn h) s
hPutStrLn h ""
hFlush h
emulateSession :: StateT SState IO ()
emulateSession = do
n <- io $ randomRIO (100000::Int, 100100)
waitPacket "CONNECTED"
sendPacket ["NICK", "test" ++ show n]
waitPacket "NICK"
sendPacket ["PROTO", "41"]
waitPacket "PROTO"
b <- waitPacket "LOBBY:JOINED"
--io $ print b
sendPacket ["QUIT", "BYE"]
return ()
testing = Control.OldException.handle print $ do
putStr "+"
sock <- connectTo "" (PortNumber 46631)
evalStateT emulateSession sock
--hClose sock
putStr "-"
hFlush stdout
forks = forever $ do
delay <- randomRIO (0::Int, 80000)
threadDelay delay
forkIO testing
main = withSocketsDo $ do
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing;