Have make move the actual libhwengine.so to the SDL-android-project folder, rather than having the ndk-build reference to it. This removes the circular dependency
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}unit uGears;(* * This unit defines the behavior of gears. * * Gears are "things"/"objects" that may be visible to the player or not, * but always have an effect on the course of the game. * * E.g.: weapons, hedgehogs, etc. * * Note: The visual appearance of gears is defined in the unit "uGearsRender". * * Note: Gears that do not have an effect on the game but are just visual * effects are called "Visual Gears" and defined in the respective unit! *)interfaceuses SDLh, uConsts, uFloat, uTypes;procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;function AddGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TGearType; State: Longword; dX, dY: hwFloat; Timer: LongWord): PGear;function SpawnCustomCrateAt(x, y: LongInt; crate: TCrateType; content: Longword ): PGear;procedure ResurrectHedgehog(gear: PGear);procedure ProcessGears;procedure EndTurnCleanup;procedure ApplyDamage(Gear: PGear; AttackerHog: PHedgehog; Damage: Longword; Source: TDamageSource);procedure SetAllToActive;procedure SetAllHHToActive;procedure DrawGears;procedure FreeGearsList;procedure AddMiscGears;procedure AssignHHCoords;function GearByUID(uid : Longword) : PGear;procedure InsertGearToList(Gear: PGear);procedure RemoveGearFromList(Gear: PGear);function ModifyDamage(dmg: Longword; Gear: PGear): Longword;procedure FindPlace(var Gear: PGear; withFall: boolean; Left, Right: LongInt; skipProximity: boolean = false);procedure DeleteGear(Gear: PGear); implementationuses uStore, uSound, uTeams, uRandom, uCollisions, uIO, uLandGraphics, uAIMisc, uLocale, uAI, uAmmos, uStats, uVisualGears, uScript, GLunit, uMobile, uVariables, uCommands, uUtils, uTextures, uRenderUtils, uGearsRender, uCaptions, uDebug, uLandTexture;procedure doMakeExplosion(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; AttackingHog: PHedgehog; Mask: Longword; const Tint: LongWord = $FFFFFFFF); forward;procedure AmmoShove(Ammo: PGear; Damage, Power: LongInt); forward;//procedure AmmoFlameWork(Ammo: PGear); forward;function GearsNear(X, Y: hwFloat; Kind: TGearType; r: LongInt): TPGearArray; forward;function CheckGearNear(Gear: PGear; Kind: TGearType; rX, rY: LongInt): PGear; forward;procedure SpawnBoxOfSmth; forward;procedure AfterAttack; forward;procedure HedgehogStep(Gear: PGear); forward;procedure doStepHedgehogMoving(Gear: PGear); forward;procedure doStepHedgehogReturn(Gear: PGear); forward;procedure HedgehogChAngle(HHGear: PGear); forward;procedure ShotgunShot(Gear: PGear); forward;procedure PickUp(HH, Gear: PGear); forward;procedure HHSetWeapon(HHGear: PGear); forward;procedure doStepCase(Gear: PGear); forward;// For better maintainability the step handlers of gears are stored in// separate files.// Note: step handlers of gears that are hedgehogs are in a different file// than the handlers for all other gears.{$INCLUDE "GSHandlers.inc"}{$INCLUDE "HHHandlers.inc"}const doStepHandlers: array[TGearType] of TGearStepProcedure = ( @doStepBomb, @doStepHedgehog, @doStepShell, @doStepGrave, @doStepBee, @doStepShotgunShot, @doStepPickHammer, @doStepRope, @doStepMine, @doStepCase, @doStepDEagleShot, @doStepDynamite, @doStepBomb, @doStepCluster, @doStepShover, @doStepFlame, @doStepFirePunch, @doStepActionTimer, @doStepActionTimer, @doStepActionTimer, @doStepParachute, @doStepAirAttack, @doStepAirBomb, @doStepBlowTorch, @doStepGirder, @doStepTeleport, @doStepSwitcher, @doStepTarget, @doStepMortar, @doStepWhip, @doStepKamikaze, @doStepCake, @doStepSeduction, @doStepWatermelon, @doStepCluster, @doStepBomb, @doStepWaterUp, @doStepDrill, @doStepBallgun, @doStepBomb, @doStepRCPlane, @doStepSniperRifleShot, @doStepJetpack, @doStepMolotov, @doStepCase, @doStepBirdy, @doStepEggWork, @doStepPortalShot, @doStepPiano, @doStepBomb, @doStepSineGunShot, @doStepFlamethrower, @doStepSMine, @doStepPoisonCloud, @doStepHammer, @doStepHammerHit, @doStepResurrector, @doStepNapalmBomb, @doStepSnowball, @doStepSnowflake, @doStepStructure, @doStepLandGun, @doStepTardis);procedure InsertGearToList(Gear: PGear);var tmp, ptmp: PGear;begin tmp:= GearsList; ptmp:= GearsList; while (tmp <> nil) and (tmp^.Z <= Gear^.Z) do begin ptmp:= tmp; tmp:= tmp^.NextGear end; if ptmp <> tmp then begin Gear^.NextGear:= ptmp^.NextGear; Gear^.PrevGear:= ptmp; if ptmp^.NextGear <> nil then ptmp^.NextGear^.PrevGear:= Gear; ptmp^.NextGear:= Gear end else begin Gear^.NextGear:= GearsList; if Gear^.NextGear <> nil then Gear^.NextGear^.PrevGear:= Gear; GearsList:= Gear; end;end;procedure RemoveGearFromList(Gear: PGear);beginif Gear^.NextGear <> nil then Gear^.NextGear^.PrevGear:= Gear^.PrevGear;if Gear^.PrevGear <> nil then Gear^.PrevGear^.NextGear:= Gear^.NextGearelse GearsList:= Gear^.NextGearend;procedure spawnHealthTagForHH(HHGear: PGear; dmg: Longword);var tag: PVisualGear;begintag:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(HHGear^.X), hwRound(HHGear^.Y), vgtHealthTag, dmg);if (tag <> nil) then tag^.Hedgehog:= HHGear^.Hedgehog; // the tag needs the tag to determine the text colorAllInactive:= false;HHGear^.Active:= true;end;function AddGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TGearType; State: Longword; dX, dY: hwFloat; Timer: LongWord): PGear;const Counter: Longword = 0;var gear: PGear;begininc(Counter);AddFileLog('AddGear: #' + inttostr(Counter) + ' (' + inttostr(x) + ',' + inttostr(y) + '), d(' + floattostr(dX) + ',' + floattostr(dY) + ') type = ' + EnumToStr(Kind));New(gear);FillChar(gear^, sizeof(TGear), 0);gear^.X:= int2hwFloat(X);gear^.Y:= int2hwFloat(Y);gear^.Kind := Kind;gear^.State:= State;gear^.Active:= true;gear^.dX:= dX;gear^.dY:= dY;gear^.doStep:= doStepHandlers[Kind];gear^.CollisionIndex:= -1;gear^.Timer:= Timer;gear^.Z:= cUsualZ;gear^.FlightTime:= 0;gear^.uid:= Counter;gear^.SoundChannel:= -1;gear^.ImpactSound:= sndNone;gear^.nImpactSounds:= 0;if CurrentHedgehog <> nil then begin gear^.Hedgehog:= CurrentHedgehog; gear^.IntersectGear:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear end;case Kind of gtGrenade, gtClusterBomb, gtGasBomb: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_8; gear^.Friction:= _0_8; gear^.Density:= _1_5; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; if gear^.Timer = 0 then gear^.Timer:= 3000 end; gtWatermelon: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndMelonImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 6; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_8; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _2; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; if gear^.Timer = 0 then gear^.Timer:= 3000 end; gtMelonPiece: begin gear^.Density:= _2; end; gtHedgehog: begin gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= cHHRadius; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_35; gear^.Friction:= _0_999; gear^.Angle:= cMaxAngle div 2; gear^.Density:= _3; gear^.Z:= cHHZ; if (GameFlags and gfAISurvival) <> 0 then if gear^.Hedgehog^.BotLevel > 0 then gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[heResurrectable] := true; end; gtShell: begin gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Density:= _1; end; gtSnowball: begin gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Elasticity:= _1; gear^.Friction:= _1; gear^.Density:= _0_5; end; gtFlake: begin with Gear^ do begin Radius:= 1; DirAngle:= random * 360; dx.isNegative:= GetRandom(2) = 0; dx.QWordValue:= GetRandom(100000000); dy.isNegative:= false; dy.QWordValue:= GetRandom(70000000); if GetRandom(2) = 0 then dx := -dx; Health:= random(vobFrameTicks); Timer:= random(vobFramesCount); Angle:= (random(2) * 2 - 1) * (1 + random(10000)) * vobVelocity end end; gtGrave: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGraveImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 10; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_6; end; gtBee: begin gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Timer:= 500; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_9; gear^.Tag:= getRandom(32); end; gtShotgunShot: begin gear^.Timer:= 900; gear^.Radius:= 2 end; gtPickHammer: begin gear^.Radius:= 10; gear^.Timer:= 4000 end; gtHammerHit: begin gear^.Radius:= 8; gear^.Timer:= 125 end; gtRope: begin gear^.Radius:= 3; gear^.Friction:= _450 * _0_01 * cRopePercent; RopePoints.Count:= 0; end; gtMine: begin gear^.Health:= 10; gear^.State:= gear^.State or gstMoving; gear^.Radius:= 2; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_55; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _0_9; if cMinesTime < 0 then gear^.Timer:= getrandom(51)*100 else gear^.Timer:= cMinesTime; end; gtSMine: begin gear^.Health:= 10; gear^.State:= gear^.State or gstMoving; gear^.Radius:= 2; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_55; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _0_9; gear^.Timer:= 500; end; gtCase: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGraveImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 16; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_3 end; gtExplosives: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 16; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_4; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _6; gear^.Health:= cBarrelHealth end; gtDEagleShot: begin gear^.Radius:= 1; gear^.Health:= 50 end; gtSniperRifleShot: begin gear^.Radius:= 1; gear^.Health:= 50 end; gtDynamite: begin gear^.Radius:= 3; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_55; gear^.Friction:= _0_03; gear^.Density:= _2; gear^.Timer:= 5000; end; gtCluster: begin gear^.Radius:= 2; gear^.Density:= _1_5; gear^.RenderTimer:= true end; gtShover: gear^.Radius:= 20; gtFlame: begin gear^.Tag:= GetRandom(32); gear^.Radius:= 1; gear^.Health:= 5; gear^.Density:= _1; if (gear^.dY.QWordValue = 0) and (gear^.dX.QWordValue = 0) then begin gear^.dY:= (getrandom - _0_8) * _0_03; gear^.dX:= (getrandom - _0_5) * _0_4 end end; gtFirePunch: begin gear^.Radius:= 15; gear^.Tag:= Y end; gtAirBomb: begin gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Density:= _2; end; gtBlowTorch: begin gear^.Radius:= cHHRadius + cBlowTorchC; gear^.Timer:= 7500 end; gtSwitcher: begin gear^.Z:= cCurrHHZ end; gtTarget: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 10; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_3; gear^.Timer:= 0 end; gtMortar: begin gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_2; gear^.Friction:= _0_08; gear^.Density:= _1; end; gtWhip: gear^.Radius:= 20; gtHammer: gear^.Radius:= 20; gtKamikaze: begin gear^.Health:= 2048; gear^.Radius:= 20 end; gtCake: begin gear^.Health:= 2048; gear^.Radius:= 7; gear^.Z:= cOnHHZ; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; gear^.DirAngle:= -90 * hwSign(Gear^.dX); if not dX.isNegative then gear^.Angle:= 1 else gear^.Angle:= 3 end; gtHellishBomb: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndHellishImpact1; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 4; gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_5; gear^.Friction:= _0_96; gear^.Density:= _1_5; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; gear^.Timer:= 5000 end; gtDrill: begin if gear^.Timer = 0 then gear^.Timer:= 5000; // Tag for drill strike. if 1 then first impact occured already gear^.Tag := 0; gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Density:= _1; end; gtBall: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Tag:= random(8); gear^.Timer:= 5000; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_7; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _1_5; end; gtBallgun: begin gear^.Timer:= 5001; end; gtRCPlane: begin gear^.Timer:= 15000; gear^.Health:= 3; gear^.Radius:= 8 end; gtJetpack: begin gear^.Health:= 2000; gear^.Damage:= 100 end; gtMolotov: begin gear^.Radius:= 6; gear^.Density:= _2; end; gtBirdy: begin gear^.Radius:= 16; // todo: check gear^.Timer:= 0; gear^.Health := 2000; gear^.FlightTime := 2; end; gtEgg: begin gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_6; gear^.Friction:= _0_96; gear^.Density:= _1; if gear^.Timer = 0 then gear^.Timer:= 3000 end; gtPortal: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndMelonImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.AdvBounce:= 0; gear^.Radius:= 16; // set color gear^.Tag:= 2 * gear^.Timer; gear^.Timer:= 15000; gear^.RenderTimer:= false; gear^.Health:= 100; end; gtPiano: begin gear^.Radius:= 32; gear^.Density:= _50; end; gtSineGunShot: begin gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Health:= 6000; end;gtFlamethrower: begin gear^.Tag:= 10; gear^.Timer:= 10; gear^.Health:= 500; gear^.Damage:= 100; end; gtLandGun: begin gear^.Tag:= 10; gear^.Timer:= 10; gear^.Health:= 1000; gear^.Damage:= 100; end; gtPoisonCloud: begin gear^.Timer:= 5000; gear^.dY:= int2hwfloat(-4 + longint(getRandom(8))) / 1000; end; gtResurrector: begin gear^.Radius := 100; gear^.Tag := 0 end; gtWaterUp: begin gear^.Tag := 47; end; gtNapalmBomb: begin gear^.Timer:= 1000; gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Density:= _1_5; end; gtStructure: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 13; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_3; gear^.Health:= 50; gear^.Tag:= 3; end; end;InsertGearToList(gear);AddGear:= gear;ScriptCall('onGearAdd', gear^.uid);end;procedure DeleteGear(Gear: PGear);var team: PTeam; t,i: Longword; k: boolean;beginScriptCall('onGearDelete', gear^.uid);DeleteCI(Gear);if Gear^.Tex <> nil then begin FreeTexture(Gear^.Tex); Gear^.Tex:= nil end;// make sure that portals have their link removed before deletionif (Gear^.Kind = gtPortal) then begin if (Gear^.IntersectGear <> nil) then if (Gear^.IntersectGear^.IntersectGear = Gear) then Gear^.IntersectGear^.IntersectGear:= nil; endelse if Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog then if (CurAmmoGear <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = Gear) then begin Gear^.Message:= gmDestroy; CurAmmoGear^.Message:= gmDestroy; exit end else begin if (hwRound(Gear^.Y) >= cWaterLine) then begin t:= max(Gear^.Damage, Gear^.Health); Gear^.Damage:= t; if ((not SuddenDeathDmg and (cWaterOpacity < $FF)) or (SuddenDeathDmg and (cWaterOpacity < $FF))) and (hwRound(Gear^.Y) < cWaterLine + 256) then spawnHealthTagForHH(Gear, t); end; team:= Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team; if CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = Gear then begin FreeActionsList; // to avoid ThinkThread on drawned gear if ((Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NoRoundEnd) <> 0) and (CurrentHedgehog^.MultiShootAttacks > 0) then OnUsedAmmo(CurrentHedgehog^); end; Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear:= nil; if Gear^.Hedgehog^.King then begin // are there any other kings left? Just doing nil check. Presumably a mortally wounded king will get reaped soon enough k:= false; for i:= 0 to Pred(team^.Clan^.TeamsNumber) do if (team^.Clan^.Teams[i]^.Hedgehogs[0].Gear <> nil) then k:= true; if not k then for i:= 0 to Pred(team^.Clan^.TeamsNumber) do begin team^.Clan^.Teams[i]^.hasGone:= true; TeamGoneEffect(team^.Clan^.Teams[i]^) end end; // should be not CurrentHedgehog, but hedgehog of the last gear which caused damage to this hog // same stand for CheckHHDamage if (Gear^.LastDamage <> nil) then uStats.HedgehogDamaged(Gear, Gear^.LastDamage, 0, true) else uStats.HedgehogDamaged(Gear, CurrentHedgehog, 0, true); inc(KilledHHs); RecountTeamHealth(team); if (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and CurrentHedgehog^.Effects[heResurrectable] and not Gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[heResurrectable] then with CurrentHedgehog^ do begin inc(Team^.stats.AIKills); if Team^.AIKillsTex <> nil then FreeTexture(Team^.AIKillsTex); Team^.AIKillsTex := RenderStringTex(inttostr(Team^.stats.AIKills), Team^.Clan^.Color, fnt16); end end;with Gear^ do AddFileLog('Delete: #' + inttostr(uid) + ' (' + inttostr(hwRound(x)) + ',' + inttostr(hwRound(y)) + '), d(' + floattostr(dX) + ',' + floattostr(dY) + ') type = ' + EnumToStr(Kind));if CurAmmoGear = Gear then CurAmmoGear:= nil;if FollowGear = Gear then FollowGear:= nil;if lastGearByUID = Gear then lastGearByUID := nil;RemoveGearFromList(Gear);Dispose(Gear)end;function CheckNoDamage: boolean; // returns TRUE in case of no damaged hhsvar Gear: PGear; dmg: LongInt;beginCheckNoDamage:= true;Gear:= GearsList;while Gear <> nil do begin if (Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (((GameFlags and gfInfAttack) = 0) or ((Gear^.dX.QWordValue < _0_000004.QWordValue) and (Gear^.dY.QWordValue < _0_000004.QWordValue))) then begin if (not isInMultiShoot) then inc(Gear^.Damage, Gear^.Karma); if (Gear^.Damage <> 0) and (not Gear^.Invulnerable) then begin CheckNoDamage:= false; dmg:= Gear^.Damage; if Gear^.Health < dmg then begin Gear^.Active:= true; Gear^.Health:= 0 end else dec(Gear^.Health, dmg); if (Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team = CurrentTeam) and (Gear^.Damage <> Gear^.Karma) and not Gear^.Hedgehog^.King and not Gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[hePoisoned] and not SuddenDeathDmg then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstLoser; spawnHealthTagForHH(Gear, dmg); RenderHealth(Gear^.Hedgehog^); RecountTeamHealth(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team); end; if (not isInMultiShoot) then Gear^.Karma:= 0; Gear^.Damage:= 0 end; Gear:= Gear^.NextGear end;end;procedure HealthMachine;var Gear: PGear; team: PTeam; i: LongWord; flag: Boolean; tmp: LongWord;begin Gear:= GearsList; while Gear <> nil do begin if Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog then begin tmp:= 0; if Gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[hePoisoned] then begin inc(tmp, ModifyDamage(5, Gear)); if (GameFlags and gfResetHealth) <> 0 then dec(Gear^.Hedgehog^.InitialHealth) // does not need a minimum check since <= 1 basically disables it end; if (TotalRounds > cSuddenDTurns - 1) then begin inc(tmp, cHealthDecrease); if (GameFlags and gfResetHealth) <> 0 then dec(Gear^.Hedgehog^.InitialHealth, cHealthDecrease) end; if Gear^.Hedgehog^.King then begin flag:= false; team:= Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team; for i:= 0 to Pred(team^.HedgehogsNumber) do if (team^.Hedgehogs[i].Gear <> nil) and (not team^.Hedgehogs[i].King) and (team^.Hedgehogs[i].Gear^.Health > team^.Hedgehogs[i].Gear^.Damage) then flag:= true; if not flag then begin inc(tmp, 5); if (GameFlags and gfResetHealth) <> 0 then dec(Gear^.Hedgehog^.InitialHealth, 5) end end; if tmp > 0 then begin inc(Gear^.Damage, min(tmp, max(0,Gear^.Health - 1 - Gear^.Damage))); HHHurt(Gear^.Hedgehog, dsPoison); end end; Gear:= Gear^.NextGear end;end;procedure ProcessGears;const delay: LongWord = 0; delay2: LongWord = 0; step: (stDelay, stChDmg, stSweep, stTurnReact, stAfterDelay, stChWin, stWater, stChWin2, stHealth, stSpawn, stNTurn) = stDelay;var Gear, t: PGear; i, AliveCount: LongInt; s: shortstring;beginPrvInactive:= AllInactive;AllInactive:= true;if (StepSoundTimer > 0) and (StepSoundChannel < 0) then StepSoundChannel:= LoopSound(sndSteps)else if (StepSoundTimer = 0) and (StepSoundChannel > -1) then begin StopSound(StepSoundChannel); StepSoundChannel:= -1 end;if StepSoundTimer > 0 then dec(StepSoundTimer, 1);t:= GearsList;while t <> nil do begin Gear:= t; t:= Gear^.NextGear; if Gear^.Active then begin if Gear^.RenderTimer and (Gear^.Timer > 500) and ((Gear^.Timer mod 1000) = 0) then begin if Gear^.Tex <> nil then FreeTexture(Gear^.Tex); Gear^.Tex:= RenderStringTex(inttostr(Gear^.Timer div 1000), cWhiteColor, fntSmall); end; Gear^.doStep(Gear); // might be useful later //ScriptCall('onGearStep', Gear^.uid); end end;if AllInactive thencase step of stDelay: begin if delay = 0 then delay:= cInactDelay else dec(delay); if delay = 0 then inc(step) end; stChDmg: if CheckNoDamage then inc(step) else step:= stDelay; stSweep: if SweepDirty then begin SetAllToActive; step:= stChDmg end else inc(step); stTurnReact: begin if (not bBetweenTurns) and (not isInMultiShoot) then begin uStats.TurnReaction; inc(step) end else inc(step, 2); end; stAfterDelay: begin if delay = 0 then delay:= cInactDelay else dec(delay); if delay = 0 then inc(step) end; stChWin: begin CheckForWin; inc(step) end; stWater: if (not bBetweenTurns) and (not isInMultiShoot) then begin if TotalRounds = cSuddenDTurns + 1 then bWaterRising:= true; if bWaterRising and (cWaterRise > 0) then AddGear(0, 0, gtWaterUp, 0, _0, _0, 0)^.Tag:= cWaterRise; inc(step) end else inc(step); stChWin2: begin CheckForWin; inc(step) end; stHealth: begin if (cWaterRise <> 0) or (cHealthDecrease <> 0) then begin if (TotalRounds = cSuddenDTurns) and not SuddenDeath and not isInMultiShoot then begin SuddenDeath:= true; if cHealthDecrease <> 0 then begin SuddenDeathDmg:= true; ChangeToSDClouds; ChangeToSDFlakes; glClearColor(SDSkyColor.r / 255, SDSkyColor.g / 255, SDSkyColor.b / 255, 0.99); end; AddCaption(trmsg[sidSuddenDeath], cWhiteColor, capgrpGameState); playSound(sndSuddenDeath); MusicFN:= SDMusic; ChangeMusic end else if (TotalRounds < cSuddenDTurns) and not isInMultiShoot then begin i:= cSuddenDTurns - TotalRounds; s:= inttostr(i); if i = 1 then AddCaption(trmsg[sidRoundSD], cWhiteColor, capgrpGameState) else if i in [2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100] then AddCaption(Format(trmsg[sidRoundsSD], s), cWhiteColor, capgrpGameState); end; end; if bBetweenTurns or isInMultiShoot or (TotalRounds = -1) then inc(step) else begin bBetweenTurns:= true; HealthMachine; step:= stChDmg end end; stSpawn: begin if not isInMultiShoot then SpawnBoxOfSmth; inc(step) end; stNTurn: begin if isInMultiShoot then isInMultiShoot:= false else begin // delayed till after 0.9.12 // reset to default zoom //ZoomValue:= ZoomDefault; with CurrentHedgehog^ do if (Gear <> nil) and ((Gear^.State and gstAttacked) = 0) and (MultiShootAttacks > 0) then OnUsedAmmo(CurrentHedgehog^); EndTurnCleanup; FreeActionsList; // could send -left, -right and similar commands, so should be called before /nextturn ParseCommand('/nextturn', true); SwitchHedgehog; AfterSwitchHedgehog; bBetweenTurns:= false end; step:= Low(step) end; endelse if ((GameFlags and gfInfAttack) <> 0) then begin if delay2 = 0 then delay2:= cInactDelay * 4 else begin dec(delay2); if ((delay2 mod cInactDelay) = 0) and (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil) then CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.State:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.State and not gstAttacked; if delay2 = 0 then begin SweepDirty; CheckNoDamage; AliveCount:= 0; // shorter version of check for win to allow typical step activity to proceed for i:= 0 to Pred(ClansCount) do if ClansArray[i]^.ClanHealth > 0 then inc(AliveCount); if (AliveCount <= 1) and ((GameFlags and gfOneClanMode) = 0) then begin step:= stChDmg; if TagTurnTimeLeft = 0 then TagTurnTimeLeft:= TurnTimeLeft; TurnTimeLeft:= 0 end end end end;if TurnTimeLeft > 0 then if CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil then if ((CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.State and gstAttacking) = 0) and not isInMultiShoot then begin if (TurnTimeLeft = 5000) and (cHedgehogTurnTime >= 10000) and (not PlacingHogs) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil) and ((CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.State and gstAttacked) = 0) then PlaySound(sndHurry, CurrentTeam^.voicepack); if ReadyTimeLeft > 0 then begin if ReadyTimeLeft = 2000 then PlaySound(sndComeonthen, CurrentTeam^.voicepack); dec(ReadyTimeLeft) end else dec(TurnTimeLeft) end;if skipFlag then begin if TagTurnTimeLeft = 0 then TagTurnTimeLeft:= TurnTimeLeft; TurnTimeLeft:= 0; skipFlag:= false; inc(CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.stats.TurnSkips); end;if ((GameTicks and $FFFF) = $FFFF) then begin if (not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven) then SendIPCTimeInc; if (not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven) or CurrentTeam^.hasGone then inc(hiTicks) // we do not recieve a message for this end;ScriptCall('onGameTick');inc(GameTicks)end;//Purpose, to reset all transient attributes toggled by a utility and clean up various gears and effects at end of turn//If any of these are set as permanent toggles in the frontend, that needs to be checked and skipped here.procedure EndTurnCleanup;var i: LongInt; t: PGear;begin SpeechText:= ''; // in case it has not been consumed if (GameFlags and gfLowGravity) = 0 then begin cGravity:= cMaxWindSpeed * 2; cGravityf:= 0.00025 * 2 end; if (GameFlags and gfVampiric) = 0 then cVampiric:= false; cDamageModifier:= _1; if (GameFlags and gfLaserSight) = 0 then cLaserSighting:= false; if (GameFlags and gfArtillery) = 0 then cArtillery:= false; // have to sweep *all* current team hedgehogs since it is theoretically possible if you have enough invulnerabilities and switch turns to make your entire team invulnerable if (CurrentTeam <> nil) then with CurrentTeam^ do for i:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do with Hedgehogs[i] do begin(* if (SpeechGear <> nil) then begin DeleteVisualGear(SpeechGear); // remove to restore persisting beyond end of turn. Tiy says was too much of a gameplay issue SpeechGear:= nil end;*) if (Gear <> nil) then begin if (GameFlags and gfInvulnerable) = 0 then Gear^.Invulnerable:= false; end; end; t:= GearsList; while t <> nil do begin t^.PortalCounter:= 0; if ((GameFlags and gfResetHealth) <> 0) and (t^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (t^.Health < t^.Hedgehog^.InitialHealth) then begin t^.Health:= t^.Hedgehog^.InitialHealth; RenderHealth(t^.Hedgehog^); end; t:= t^.NextGear end; if ((GameFlags and gfResetWeps) <> 0) and not PlacingHogs then ResetWeapons; if (GameFlags and gfResetHealth) <> 0 then for i:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do RecountTeamHealth(TeamsArray[i])end;procedure ApplyDamage(Gear: PGear; AttackerHog: PHedgehog; Damage: Longword; Source: TDamageSource);var s: shortstring; vampDmg, tmpDmg, i: Longword; vg: PVisualGear;begin if Damage = 0 then exit; // nothing to apply if (Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) then begin Gear^.LastDamage := AttackerHog; Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Flawless:= false; HHHurt(Gear^.Hedgehog, Source); AddDamageTag(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), Damage, Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color); tmpDmg:= min(Damage, max(0,Gear^.Health-Gear^.Damage)); if (Gear <> CurrentHedgehog^.Gear) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil) and (tmpDmg >= 1) then begin if cVampiric then begin vampDmg:= hwRound(int2hwFloat(tmpDmg)*_0_8); if vampDmg >= 1 then begin // was considering pulsing on attack, Tiy thinks it should be permanent while in play //CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.State:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.State or gstVampiric; inc(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Health,vampDmg); str(vampDmg, s); s:= '+' + s; AddCaption(s, CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color, capgrpAmmoinfo); RenderHealth(CurrentHedgehog^); RecountTeamHealth(CurrentHedgehog^.Team); i:= 0; while i < vampDmg do begin vg:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.X), hwRound(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Y), vgtHealth); if vg <> nil then vg^.Frame:= 10; inc(i, 5); end; end end; if ((GameFlags and gfKarma) <> 0) and ((GameFlags and gfInvulnerable) = 0) and not CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Invulnerable then begin // this cannot just use Damage or it interrupts shotgun and gets you called stupid inc(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Karma, tmpDmg); CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.LastDamage := CurrentHedgehog; spawnHealthTagForHH(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear, tmpDmg); end; uStats.HedgehogDamaged(Gear, AttackerHog, Damage, false); end; end else if Gear^.Kind <> gtStructure then // not gtHedgehog nor gtStructure begin Gear^.Hedgehog:= AttackerHog; end; inc(Gear^.Damage, Damage); ScriptCall('onGearDamage', Gear^.UID, Damage);end;procedure SetAllToActive;var t: PGear;beginAllInactive:= false;t:= GearsList;while t <> nil do begin t^.Active:= true; t:= t^.NextGear endend;procedure SetAllHHToActive;var t: PGear;beginAllInactive:= false;t:= GearsList;while t <> nil do begin if (t^.Kind = gtHedgehog) or (t^.Kind = gtExplosives) then t^.Active:= true; t:= t^.NextGear endend;procedure DrawGears;var Gear: PGear; x, y: LongInt;beginGear:= GearsList;while Gear <> nil do begin x:= hwRound(Gear^.X) + WorldDx; y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y) + WorldDy; RenderGear(Gear, x, y); Gear:= Gear^.NextGear end;end;procedure FreeGearsList;var t, tt: PGear;begin tt:= GearsList; GearsList:= nil; while tt <> nil do begin t:= tt; tt:= tt^.NextGear; Dispose(t) end;end;procedure AddMiscGears;var i: Longword; Gear: PGear;beginAddGear(0, 0, gtATStartGame, 0, _0, _0, 2000);i:= 0;Gear:= PGear(1);while (i < cLandMines) {and (Gear <> nil)} do // disable this check until better solution found begin Gear:= AddGear(0, 0, gtMine, 0, _0, _0, 0); FindPlace(Gear, false, 0, LAND_WIDTH); inc(i) end;i:= 0;Gear:= PGear(1);while (i < cExplosives){ and (Gear <> nil)} do begin Gear:= AddGear(0, 0, gtExplosives, 0, _0, _0, 0); FindPlace(Gear, false, 0, LAND_WIDTH); inc(i) end;if (GameFlags and gfLowGravity) <> 0 then begin cGravity:= cMaxWindSpeed; cGravityf:= 0.00025 end;if (GameFlags and gfVampiric) <> 0 then cVampiric:= true;Gear:= GearsList;if (GameFlags and gfInvulnerable) <> 0 then while Gear <> nil do begin Gear^.Invulnerable:= true; // this is only checked on hogs right now, so no need for gear type check Gear:= Gear^.NextGear end;if (GameFlags and gfLaserSight) <> 0 then cLaserSighting:= true;if (GameFlags and gfArtillery) <> 0 then cArtillery:= true;if not hasBorder and ((Theme = 'Snow') or (Theme = 'Christmas')) then begin for i:= 0 to Pred(vobCount*2) do AddGear(GetRandom(LAND_WIDTH+1024)-512, LAND_HEIGHT - GetRandom(LAND_HEIGHT div 2), gtFlake, 0, _0, _0, 0); disableLandBack:= true endend;procedure doMakeExplosion(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; AttackingHog: PHedgehog; Mask: Longword; const Tint: LongWord);var Gear: PGear; dmg, dmgRadius, dmgBase: LongInt; fX, fY: hwFloat; vg: PVisualGear; i, cnt: LongInt;beginTargetPoint.X:= NoPointX;if Radius > 4 then AddFileLog('Explosion: at (' + inttostr(x) + ',' + inttostr(y) + ')');if Radius > 25 then KickFlakes(Radius, X, Y);if ((Mask and EXPLNoGfx) = 0) then begin vg:= nil; if Radius > 50 then vg:= AddVisualGear(X, Y, vgtBigExplosion) else if Radius > 10 then vg:= AddVisualGear(X, Y, vgtExplosion); if vg <> nil then vg^.Tint:= Tint; end;if (Mask and EXPLAutoSound) <> 0 then PlaySound(sndExplosion);if (Mask and EXPLAllDamageInRadius) = 0 then dmgRadius:= Radius shl 1else dmgRadius:= Radius;dmgBase:= dmgRadius + cHHRadius div 2;fX:= int2hwFloat(X);fY:= int2hwFloat(Y);Gear:= GearsList;while Gear <> nil do begin dmg:= 0; //dmg:= dmgRadius + cHHRadius div 2 - hwRound(Distance(Gear^.X - int2hwFloat(X), Gear^.Y - int2hwFloat(Y))); //if (dmg > 1) and if (Gear^.State and gstNoDamage) = 0 then begin case Gear^.Kind of gtHedgehog, gtMine, gtSMine, gtCase, gtTarget, gtFlame, gtExplosives, gtStructure: begin// Run the calcs only once we know we have a type that will need damage if hwRound(hwAbs(Gear^.X-fX)+hwAbs(Gear^.Y-fY)) < dmgBase then dmg:= dmgBase - max(hwRound(Distance(Gear^.X - fX, Gear^.Y - fY)),Gear^.Radius); if dmg > 1 then begin dmg:= ModifyDamage(min(dmg div 2, Radius), Gear); //AddFileLog('Damage: ' + inttostr(dmg)); if (Mask and EXPLNoDamage) = 0 then begin if not Gear^.Invulnerable then ApplyDamage(Gear, AttackingHog, dmg, dsExplosion) else Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstWinner; end; if ((Mask and EXPLDoNotTouchAny) = 0) and (((Mask and EXPLDoNotTouchHH) = 0) or (Gear^.Kind <> gtHedgehog)) then begin DeleteCI(Gear); Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX + SignAs(_0_005 * dmg + cHHKick, Gear^.X - fX); Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + SignAs(_0_005 * dmg + cHHKick, Gear^.Y - fY); Gear^.State:= (Gear^.State or gstMoving) and (not gstLoser); if not Gear^.Invulnerable then Gear^.State:= (Gear^.State or gstMoving) and (not gstWinner); Gear^.Active:= true; if Gear^.Kind <> gtFlame then FollowGear:= Gear end; if ((Mask and EXPLPoisoned) <> 0) and (Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) then Gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[hePoisoned] := true; end; end; gtGrave: begin// Run the calcs only once we know we have a type that will need damage if hwRound(hwAbs(Gear^.X-fX)+hwAbs(Gear^.Y-fY)) < dmgBase then dmg:= dmgBase - hwRound(Distance(Gear^.X - fX, Gear^.Y - fY)); if dmg > 1 then begin dmg:= ModifyDamage(min(dmg div 2, Radius), Gear); Gear^.dY:= - _0_004 * dmg; Gear^.Active:= true end end; end; end; Gear:= Gear^.NextGear end;if (Mask and EXPLDontDraw) = 0 then if (GameFlags and gfSolidLand) = 0 then begin cnt:= DrawExplosion(X, Y, Radius) div 1608; // approx 2 16x16 circles to erase per chunk if (cnt > 0) and (SpritesData[sprChunk].Texture <> nil) then for i:= 0 to cnt do AddVisualGear(X, Y, vgtChunk) end;uAIMisc.AwareOfExplosion(0, 0, 0)end;procedure ShotgunShot(Gear: PGear);var t: PGear; dmg, dist: LongInt;beginGear^.Radius:= cShotgunRadius;t:= GearsList;while t <> nil do begin dist:= hwRound(Distance(Gear^.X - t^.X, Gear^.Y - t^.Y)); dmg:= ModifyDamage(min(Gear^.Radius + t^.Radius - dist, 25), t); if dmg > 0 then case t^.Kind of gtHedgehog, gtMine, gtSMine, gtCase, gtTarget, gtExplosives, gtStructure: beginaddFileLog('ShotgunShot radius: ' + inttostr(Gear^.Radius) + ', t^.Radius = ' + inttostr(t^.Radius) + ', distance = ' + inttostr(dist) + ', dmg = ' + inttostr(dmg)); if (not t^.Invulnerable) then ApplyDamage(t, Gear^.Hedgehog, dmg, dsBullet) else Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstWinner; DeleteCI(t); t^.dX:= t^.dX + Gear^.dX * dmg * _0_01 + SignAs(cHHKick, Gear^.dX); t^.dY:= t^.dY + Gear^.dY * dmg * _0_01; t^.State:= t^.State or gstMoving; t^.Active:= true; FollowGear:= t end; gtGrave: begin t^.dY:= - _0_1; t^.Active:= true end; end; t:= t^.NextGear end;if (GameFlags and gfSolidLand) = 0 then DrawExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), cShotgunRadius)end;procedure AmmoShove(Ammo: PGear; Damage, Power: LongInt);var t: PGearArray; Gear: PGear; i, tmpDmg: LongInt; VGear: PVisualGear;begint:= CheckGearsCollision(Ammo);// Just to avoid hogs on rope dodging fire.if (CurAmmoGear <> nil) and (CurAmmoGear^.Kind = gtRope) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.CollisionIndex = -1) and (sqr(hwRound(Ammo^.X) - hwRound(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.X)) + sqr(hwRound(Ammo^.Y) - hwRound(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Y)) <= sqr(cHHRadius + Ammo^.Radius)) then begin t^.ar[t^.Count]:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear; inc(t^.Count) end;i:= t^.Count;if (Ammo^.Kind = gtFlame) and (i > 0) then Ammo^.Health:= 0;while i > 0 do begin dec(i); Gear:= t^.ar[i]; tmpDmg:= ModifyDamage(Damage, Gear); if (Gear^.State and gstNoDamage) = 0 then begin if (Ammo^.Kind = gtDEagleShot) or (Ammo^.Kind = gtSniperRifleShot) then begin VGear := AddVisualGear(hwround(Ammo^.X), hwround(Ammo^.Y), vgtBulletHit); if VGear <> nil then VGear^.Angle := DxDy2Angle(-Ammo^.dX, Ammo^.dY); end; if (Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (Ammo^.State and gsttmpFlag <> 0) and (Ammo^.Kind = gtShover) then Gear^.FlightTime:= 1; case Gear^.Kind of gtHedgehog, gtMine, gtSMine, gtTarget, gtCase, gtExplosives, gtStructure: begin if (Ammo^.Kind = gtDrill) then begin Ammo^.Timer:= 0; exit; end; if (not Gear^.Invulnerable) then ApplyDamage(Gear, Ammo^.Hedgehog, tmpDmg, dsShove) else Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstWinner; if (Gear^.Kind = gtExplosives) and (Ammo^.Kind = gtBlowtorch) then ApplyDamage(Gear, Ammo^.Hedgehog, tmpDmg * 100, dsUnknown); // crank up damage for explosives + blowtorch DeleteCI(Gear); if (Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and Gear^.Hedgehog^.King then begin Gear^.dX:= Ammo^.dX * Power * _0_005; Gear^.dY:= Ammo^.dY * Power * _0_005 end else begin Gear^.dX:= Ammo^.dX * Power * _0_01; Gear^.dY:= Ammo^.dY * Power * _0_01 end; Gear^.Active:= true; Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstMoving; if TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, hwSign(Gear^.dX)) then begin if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, _0, -3, hwSign(Gear^.dX)) or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y - _1; if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, _0, -2, hwSign(Gear^.dX)) or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y - _1; if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, _0, -1, hwSign(Gear^.dX)) or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y - _1; end; if (Ammo^.Kind <> gtFlame) or ((Ammo^.State and gsttmpFlag) = 0) then FollowGear:= Gear end; end end; end;if i <> 0 then SetAllToActiveend;procedure AssignHHCoords;var i, t, p, j: LongInt; ar: array[0..Pred(cMaxHHs)] of PHedgehog; Count: Longword;beginif (GameFlags and gfPlaceHog) <> 0 then PlacingHogs:= true;if (GameFlags and gfDivideTeams) <> 0 then begin t:= 0; TryDo(ClansCount = 2, 'More or less than 2 clans on map in divided teams mode!', true); for p:= 0 to 1 do begin with ClansArray[p]^ do for j:= 0 to Pred(TeamsNumber) do with Teams[j]^ do for i:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do with Hedgehogs[i] do if (Gear <> nil) and (Gear^.X.QWordValue = 0) then begin if PlacingHogs then Unplaced:= true else FindPlace(Gear, false, t, t + LAND_WIDTH div 2);// could make Gear == nil; if Gear <> nil then begin Gear^.Pos:= GetRandom(49); Gear^.dX.isNegative:= p = 1; end end; t:= LAND_WIDTH div 2 end end else // mix hedgehogs begin Count:= 0; for p:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do with TeamsArray[p]^ do begin for i:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do with Hedgehogs[i] do if (Gear <> nil) and (Gear^.X.QWordValue = 0) then begin ar[Count]:= @Hedgehogs[i]; inc(Count) end; end; // unC0Rr, while it is true user can watch value on map screen, IMO this (and check above) should be enforced in UI // - is there a good place to put values for the different widgets to check? Right now they are kind of disconnected. //it would be nice if divide teams, forts mode and hh per map could all be checked by the team widget, or maybe disable start button TryDo(Count <= MaxHedgehogs, 'Too many hedgehogs for this map! (max # is ' + inttostr(MaxHedgehogs) + ')', true); while (Count > 0) do begin i:= GetRandom(Count); if PlacingHogs then ar[i]^.Unplaced:= true else FindPlace(ar[i]^.Gear, false, 0, LAND_WIDTH); if ar[i]^.Gear <> nil then begin ar[i]^.Gear^.dX.isNegative:= hwRound(ar[i]^.Gear^.X) > LAND_WIDTH div 2; ar[i]^.Gear^.Pos:= GetRandom(19) end; ar[i]:= ar[Count - 1]; dec(Count) end endend;function GearsNear(X, Y: hwFloat; Kind: TGearType; r: LongInt): TPGearArray;var t: PGear;begin r:= r*r; GearsNear := nil; t := GearsList; while t <> nil do begin if (t^.Kind = Kind) then begin if (X - t^.X)*(X - t^.X) + (Y - t^.Y)*(Y-t^.Y) < int2hwFloat(r) then begin SetLength(GearsNear, Length(GearsNear)+1); GearsNear[High(GearsNear)] := t; end; end; t := t^.NextGear; end;end;function CheckGearNear(Gear: PGear; Kind: TGearType; rX, rY: LongInt): PGear;var t: PGear;begint:= GearsList;rX:= sqr(rX);rY:= sqr(rY);while t <> nil do begin if (t <> Gear) and (t^.Kind = Kind) then if not((hwSqr(Gear^.X - t^.X) / rX + hwSqr(Gear^.Y - t^.Y) / rY) > _1) then exit(t); t:= t^.NextGear end;CheckGearNear:= nilend;{procedure AmmoFlameWork(Ammo: PGear);var t: PGear;begint:= GearsList;while t <> nil do begin if (t^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (t^.Y < Ammo^.Y) then if not (hwSqr(Ammo^.X - t^.X) + hwSqr(Ammo^.Y - t^.Y - int2hwFloat(cHHRadius)) * 2 > _2) then begin ApplyDamage(t, 5); t^.dX:= t^.dX + (t^.X - Ammo^.X) * _0_02; t^.dY:= - _0_25; t^.Active:= true; DeleteCI(t); FollowGear:= t end; t:= t^.NextGear end;end;}function CheckGearsNear(mX, mY: LongInt; Kind: TGearsType; rX, rY: LongInt): PGear;var t: PGear;begint:= GearsList;rX:= sqr(rX);rY:= sqr(rY);while t <> nil do begin if t^.Kind in Kind then if not (hwSqr(int2hwFloat(mX) - t^.X) / rX + hwSqr(int2hwFloat(mY) - t^.Y) / rY > _1) then exit(t); t:= t^.NextGear end;CheckGearsNear:= nilend;function CountGears(Kind: TGearType): Longword;var t: PGear; count: Longword = 0;begint:= GearsList;while t <> nil do begin if t^.Kind = Kind then inc(count); t:= t^.NextGear end;CountGears:= count;end;procedure ResurrectHedgehog(gear: PGear);var tempTeam : PTeam;begin gear^.dX := _0; gear^.dY := _0; gear^.State := gstWait; gear^.Damage := 0; gear^.Health := gear^.Hedgehog^.InitialHealth; gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[hePoisoned] := false; if not CurrentHedgehog^.Effects[heResurrectable] then with CurrentHedgehog^ do begin inc(Team^.stats.AIKills); if Team^.AIKillsTex <> nil then FreeTexture(Team^.AIKillsTex); Team^.AIKillsTex := RenderStringTex(inttostr(Team^.stats.AIKills), Team^.Clan^.Color, fnt16); end; tempTeam := gear^.Hedgehog^.Team; DeleteCI(gear); FindPlace(gear, false, 0, LAND_WIDTH, true); if gear <> nil then begin RenderHealth(gear^.Hedgehog^); ScriptCall('onGearResurrect', gear^.uid); end; RecountTeamHealth(tempTeam);end;function SpawnCustomCrateAt(x, y: LongInt; crate: TCrateType; content: Longword): PGear;begin FollowGear := AddGear(x, y, gtCase, 0, _0, _0, 0); cCaseFactor := 0; if (content > ord(High(TAmmoType))) then content := ord(High(TAmmoType)); case crate of HealthCrate: begin FollowGear^.Health := cHealthCaseAmount; FollowGear^.Pos := posCaseHealth; AddCaption(GetEventString(eidNewHealthPack), cWhiteColor, capgrpAmmoInfo); end; AmmoCrate: begin FollowGear^.Pos := posCaseAmmo; FollowGear^.AmmoType := TAmmoType(content); AddCaption(GetEventString(eidNewAmmoPack), cWhiteColor, capgrpAmmoInfo); end; UtilityCrate: begin FollowGear^.Pos := posCaseUtility; FollowGear^.AmmoType := TAmmoType(content); AddCaption(GetEventString(eidNewUtilityPack), cWhiteColor, capgrpAmmoInfo); end; end; if ( (x = 0) and (y = 0) ) then FindPlace(FollowGear, true, 0, LAND_WIDTH); SpawnCustomCrateAt := FollowGear;end;procedure SpawnBoxOfSmth;var t, aTot, uTot, a, h: LongInt; i: TAmmoType;beginif (PlacingHogs) or (cCaseFactor = 0) or (CountGears(gtCase) >= 5) or (GetRandom(cCaseFactor) <> 0) then exit;FollowGear:= nil;aTot:= 0;uTot:= 0;for i:= Low(TAmmoType) to High(TAmmoType) do if (Ammoz[i].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_Utility) = 0 then inc(aTot, Ammoz[i].Probability) else inc(uTot, Ammoz[i].Probability);t:=0;a:=aTot;h:= 1;if (aTot+uTot) <> 0 then if ((GameFlags and gfInvulnerable) = 0) then begin h:= cHealthCaseProb * 100; t:= GetRandom(10000); a:= (10000-h)*aTot div (aTot+uTot) end else begin t:= GetRandom(aTot+uTot); h:= 0 end;if t<h then begin FollowGear:= AddGear(0, 0, gtCase, 0, _0, _0, 0); FollowGear^.Health:= cHealthCaseAmount; FollowGear^.Pos:= posCaseHealth; AddCaption(GetEventString(eidNewHealthPack), cWhiteColor, capgrpAmmoInfo); endelse if (t<a+h) then begin t:= aTot; if (t > 0) then begin FollowGear:= AddGear(0, 0, gtCase, 0, _0, _0, 0); t:= GetRandom(t); i:= Low(TAmmoType); while t >= 0 do begin inc(i); if (Ammoz[i].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_Utility) = 0 then dec(t, Ammoz[i].Probability) end; FollowGear^.Pos:= posCaseAmmo; FollowGear^.AmmoType:= i; AddCaption(GetEventString(eidNewAmmoPack), cWhiteColor, capgrpAmmoInfo); end endelse begin t:= uTot; if (t > 0) then begin FollowGear:= AddGear(0, 0, gtCase, 0, _0, _0, 0); t:= GetRandom(t); i:= Low(TAmmoType); while t >= 0 do begin inc(i); if (Ammoz[i].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_Utility) <> 0 then dec(t, Ammoz[i].Probability) end; FollowGear^.Pos:= posCaseUtility; FollowGear^.AmmoType:= i; AddCaption(GetEventString(eidNewUtilityPack), cWhiteColor, capgrpAmmoInfo); end end;// handles case of no ammo or utility crates - considered also placing booleans in uAmmos and altering probabilitiesif (FollowGear <> nil) then begin FindPlace(FollowGear, true, 0, LAND_WIDTH); if (FollowGear <> nil) then PlaySound(sndReinforce, CurrentTeam^.voicepack) endend;procedure FindPlace(var Gear: PGear; withFall: boolean; Left, Right: LongInt; skipProximity: boolean = false); function CountNonZeroz(x, y, r, c: LongInt): LongInt; var i: LongInt; count: LongInt = 0; begin if (y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then for i:= max(x - r, 0) to min(x + r, LAND_WIDTH - 4) do if Land[y, i] <> 0 then begin inc(count); if count = c then exit(count) end; CountNonZeroz:= count; end;var x: LongInt; y, sy: LongInt; ar: array[0..511] of TPoint; ar2: array[0..1023] of TPoint; cnt, cnt2: Longword; delta: LongInt; reallySkip, tryAgain: boolean;beginreallySkip:= false; // try not skipping proximity at firsttryAgain:= true;while tryAgain do begin delta:= 250; cnt2:= 0; repeat x:= Left + LongInt(GetRandom(Delta)); repeat inc(x, Delta); cnt:= 0; y:= min(1024, topY) - 2 * Gear^.Radius; while y < cWaterLine do begin repeat inc(y, 2); until (y >= cWaterLine) or (CountNonZeroz(x, y, Gear^.Radius - 1, 1) = 0); sy:= y; repeat inc(y); until (y >= cWaterLine) or (CountNonZeroz(x, y, Gear^.Radius - 1, 1) <> 0); if (y - sy > Gear^.Radius * 2) and (((Gear^.Kind = gtExplosives) and (y < cWaterLine) and (reallySkip or (CheckGearsNear(x, y - Gear^.Radius, [gtFlame, gtHedgehog, gtMine, gtCase, gtExplosives], 60, 60) = nil)) and (CountNonZeroz(x, y+1, Gear^.Radius - 1, Gear^.Radius+1) > Gear^.Radius)) or ((Gear^.Kind <> gtExplosives) and (y < cWaterLine) and (reallySkip or (CheckGearsNear(x, y - Gear^.Radius, [gtFlame, gtHedgehog, gtMine, gtCase, gtExplosives], 110, 110) = nil)))) then begin ar[cnt].X:= x; if withFall then ar[cnt].Y:= sy + Gear^.Radius else ar[cnt].Y:= y - Gear^.Radius; inc(cnt) end; inc(y, 45) end; if cnt > 0 then with ar[GetRandom(cnt)] do begin ar2[cnt2].x:= x; ar2[cnt2].y:= y; inc(cnt2) end until (x + Delta > Right); dec(Delta, 60) until (cnt2 > 0) or (Delta < 70); if (cnt2 = 0) and skipProximity and not reallySkip then tryAgain:= true else tryAgain:= false; reallySkip:= true; end;if cnt2 > 0 then with ar2[GetRandom(cnt2)] do begin Gear^.X:= int2hwFloat(x); Gear^.Y:= int2hwFloat(y); AddFileLog('Assigned Gear coordinates (' + inttostr(x) + ',' + inttostr(y) + ')'); end else begin OutError('Can''t find place for Gear', false); if Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog then Gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[heResurrectable] := false; DeleteGear(Gear); Gear:= nil endend;function ModifyDamage(dmg: Longword; Gear: PGear): Longword;var i: hwFloat;begin(* Invulnerability cannot be placed in here due to still needing kicks Not without a new damage machine. King check should be in here instead of ApplyDamage since Tiy wants them kicked less*)i:= _1;if (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and CurrentHedgehog^.King then i:= _1_5;if (Gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) and (Gear^.Hedgehog^.King) then ModifyDamage:= hwRound(_0_01 * cDamageModifier * dmg * i * cDamagePercent * _0_5)else ModifyDamage:= hwRound(_0_01 * cDamageModifier * dmg * i * cDamagePercent)end;function GearByUID(uid : Longword) : PGear;var gear: PGear;beginGearByUID:= nil;if uid = 0 then exit;if (lastGearByUID <> nil) and (lastGearByUID^.uid = uid) then begin GearByUID:= lastGearByUID; exit end;gear:= GearsList;while gear <> nil do begin if gear^.uid = uid then begin lastGearByUID:= gear; GearByUID:= gear; exit end; gear:= gear^.NextGear endend;procedure chSkip(var s: shortstring);begins:= s; // avoid compiler hintif not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then SendIPC(',');uStats.Skipped;skipFlag:= trueend;procedure chHogSay(var s: shortstring);var Gear: PVisualGear; text: shortstring; hh: PHedgehog; i, x, t, h: byte; c, j: LongInt;begin hh:= nil; i:= 0; t:= 0; x:= byte(s[1]); // speech type if x < 4 then begin t:= byte(s[2]); // team if Length(s) > 2 then h:= byte(s[3]) // target hog end; // allow targetting a hog by specifying a number as the first portion of the text if (x < 4) and (h > byte('0')) and (h < byte('9')) then i:= h - 48; if i <> 0 then text:= copy(s, 4, Length(s) - 1) else if x < 4 then text:= copy(s, 3, Length(s) - 1) else text:= copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1); (* if CheckNoTeamOrHH then begin ParseCommand('say ' + text, true); exit end; *) if (x < 4) and (TeamsArray[t] <> nil) then begin // if team matches current hedgehog team, default to current hedgehog if (i = 0) and (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Team = TeamsArray[t]) then hh:= CurrentHedgehog else begin // otherwise use the first living hog or the hog amongs the remaining ones indicated by i j:= 0; c:= 0; while (j <= cMaxHHIndex) and (hh = nil) do begin if (TeamsArray[t]^.Hedgehogs[j].Gear <> nil) then begin inc(c); if (i=0) or (i=c) then hh:= @TeamsArray[t]^.Hedgehogs[j] end; inc(j) end end; if hh <> nil then begin Gear:= AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtSpeechBubble); if Gear <> nil then begin Gear^.Hedgehog:= hh; Gear^.Text:= text; Gear^.FrameTicks:= x end end //else ParseCommand('say ' + text, true) end else if (x >= 4) then begin SpeechType:= x-3; SpeechText:= text end;end;procedure initModule;begin RegisterVariable('skip', vtCommand, @chSkip, false); RegisterVariable('hogsay', vtCommand, @chHogSay, true ); CurAmmoGear:= nil; GearsList:= nil; KilledHHs:= 0; SuddenDeath:= false; SuddenDeathDmg:= false; SpeechType:= 1; skipFlag:= false; AllInactive:= false; PrvInactive:= false;end;procedure freeModule;begin FreeGearsList();end;end.