Climb Home: Fix game getting stuck when player reaches home
What now happens if a player reaches home:
- sndWinning
- Show caption with finishing time
- Winning hog is teleported to roof and can be seen by everyone
- 4 second delay
- If there are still hogs left, the game continues normally
- Each victory is mentioned in stats screen at the end
#include <WinVer.h>#include "MyVersion.h"#define MY_VER MY_VER_MAJOR,MY_VER_MINOR,MY_VER_BUILD,0#ifdef DEBUG#define DBG_FL VS_FF_DEBUG#else#define DBG_FL 0#endif#define MY_VERSION_INFO(fileType, descr, intName, origName) \LANGUAGE 9, 1 \1 VERSIONINFO \ FILEVERSION MY_VER \ PRODUCTVERSION MY_VER \ FILEFLAGSMASK VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK \ FILEFLAGS DBG_FL \ FILEOS VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 \ FILETYPE fileType \ FILESUBTYPE 0x0L \BEGIN \ BLOCK "StringFileInfo" \ BEGIN \ BLOCK "040904b0" \ BEGIN \ VALUE "CompanyName", "Igor Pavlov" \ VALUE "FileDescription", descr \ VALUE "FileVersion", MY_VERSION \ VALUE "InternalName", intName \ VALUE "LegalCopyright", MY_COPYRIGHT \ VALUE "OriginalFilename", origName \ VALUE "ProductName", "7-Zip" \ VALUE "ProductVersion", MY_VERSION \ END \ END \ BLOCK "VarFileInfo" \ BEGIN \ VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200 \ END \END#define MY_VERSION_INFO_APP(descr, intName) MY_VERSION_INFO(VFT_APP, descr, intName, intName ".exe")#define MY_VERSION_INFO_DLL(descr, intName) MY_VERSION_INFO(VFT_DLL, descr, intName, intName ".dll")