- Fix compilation
- Add oriental soundtrack
- Now each theme and each map has a soundtrack assigned
module HWProto where
import IO
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Miscutils
import Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
-- Main state-independent cmd handler
handleCmd :: CmdHandler
handleCmd client _ rooms ("QUIT":xs) =
if null (room client) then
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["QUIT"])
else if isMaster client then
(noChangeClients, removeRoom (room client), sameRoom, ["ROOMABANDONED"]) -- core disconnects clients on ROOMABANDONED command
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, sameRoom, ["QUIT", nick client])
-- check state and call state-dependent commmand handlers
handleCmd client clients rooms cmd =
if null (nick client) || protocol client == 0 then
handleCmd_noInfo client clients rooms cmd
else if null (room client) then
handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms cmd
handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms cmd
-- 'no info' state - need to get protocol number and nickname
handleCmd_noInfo :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_noInfo client clients _ ["NICK", newNick] =
if not . null $ nick client then
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["ERROR", "The nick already chosen"])
else if haveSameNick then
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Choose another nick"])
(modifyClient client{nick = newNick}, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["NICK", newNick])
haveSameNick = not . null $ filter (\cl -> newNick == nick cl) clients
handleCmd_noInfo client _ _ ["PROTO", protoNum] =
if protocol client > 0 then
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Protocol number already known"])
else if parsedProto == 0 then
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Bad input"])
(modifyClient client{protocol = parsedProto}, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["PROTO", show parsedProto])
parsedProto = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead protoNum :: Maybe Word16)
handleCmd_noInfo _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, badCmd)
-- 'noRoom' clients state command handlers
handleCmd_noRoom :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms ["LIST"] =
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["ROOMS"] ++ map name rooms)
handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, roomPassword] =
if haveSameRoom then
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["WARNING", "There's already a room with that name"])
(modifyClient client{room = newRoom, isMaster = True}, addRoom (RoomInfo newRoom roomPassword []), clientOnly, ["JOINED", nick client])
haveSameRoom = not . null $ filter (\room -> newRoom == name room) rooms
handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom] =
handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, ""]
handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms ["JOIN", roomName, roomPassword] =
if noSuchRoom then
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["WARNING", "There's no room with that name"])
else if roomPassword /= password (roomByName roomName rooms) then
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Wrong password"])
(modifyClient client{room = roomName}, noChangeRooms, fromRoom roomName, ["JOINED", nick client])
noSuchRoom = null $ filter (\room -> roomName == name room) rooms
handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName] =
handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName, ""]
handleCmd_noRoom _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, badCmd)
-- 'inRoom' clients state command handlers
handleCmd_inRoom :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_inRoom client _ _ ["CHAT_STRING", _, msg] = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, othersInRoom, ["CHAT_STRING", nick client, msg])
handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["CONFIG_PARAM", paramName, value] =
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, othersInRoom, ["CONFIG_PARAM", paramName, value])
handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["CONFIG_PARAM", paramName, value1, value2] =
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, othersInRoom, ["CONFIG_PARAM", paramName, value1, value2])
handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["ADDTEAM:", teamName, teamColor, graveName, fortName, teamLevel, hh0, hh1, hh2, hh3, hh4, hh5, hh6, hh7] =
(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, othersInRoom, ["TEAM_ACCEPTED", "1", teamName])
handleCmd_inRoom _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, badCmd)