author | Wuzzy <> |
Mon, 17 Apr 2017 18:47:56 +0200 | |
changeset 12281 | 12f28d866c76 |
parent 11826 | d8844d4c67de |
child 12626 | d972b31f8881 |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) {$INCLUDE ""} unit uVideoRec; {$IFNDEF USE_VIDEO_RECORDING} interface implementation end. {$ELSE} {$IFNDEF WIN32} {$linklib avwrapper} {$ENDIF} interface var flagPrerecording: boolean = false; function BeginVideoRecording: Boolean; function LoadNextCameraPosition(out newRealTicks, newGameTicks: LongInt): Boolean; procedure EncodeFrame; procedure StopVideoRecording; procedure BeginPreRecording; procedure StopPreRecording; procedure SaveCameraPosition; procedure initModule; procedure freeModule; implementation uses uVariables, GLunit, SDLh, SysUtils, uUtils, uIO, uMisc, uTypes, uDebug; type TAddFileLogRaw = procedure (s: pchar); cdecl; const AvwrapperLibName = 'libavwrapper'; function AVWrapper_Init( AddLog: TAddFileLogRaw; filename, desc, soundFile, format, vcodec, acodec: PChar; width, height, framerateNum, framerateDen, vquality: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external AvwrapperLibName; function AVWrapper_Close: LongInt; cdecl; external AvwrapperLibName; function AVWrapper_WriteFrame(rgb: PByte): LongInt; cdecl; external AvwrapperLibName; type TFrame = record realTicks: LongWord; gameTicks: LongWord; CamX, CamY: LongInt; zoom: single; end; var YCbCr_Planes: array[0..2] of PByte; RGB_Buffer: PByte; cameraFile: File of TFrame; audioFile: File; numPixels: LongWord; startTime, numFrames, curTime, progress, maxProgress: LongWord; soundFilePath: shortstring; thumbnailSaved : Boolean; function BeginVideoRecording: Boolean; var filename, desc: shortstring; begin AddFileLog('BeginVideoRecording'); {$IOCHECKS OFF} // open file with prerecorded camera positions filename:= UserPathPrefix + '/VideoTemp/' + RecPrefix + '.txtin'; Assign(cameraFile, filename); Reset(cameraFile); maxProgress:= FileSize(cameraFile); if IOResult <> 0 then begin AddFileLog('Error: Could not read from ' + filename); exit(false); end; {$IOCHECKS ON} // store some description in output file desc:= ''; if UserNick <> '' then desc:= desc + 'Player: ' + UserNick + #10; if recordFileName <> '' then desc:= desc + 'Record: ' + recordFileName + #10; if cMapName <> '' then desc:= desc + 'Map: ' + cMapName + #10; if Theme <> '' then desc:= desc + 'Theme: ' + Theme + #10; desc:= desc + 'prefix[' + RecPrefix + ']prefix'; filename:= UserPathPrefix + '/VideoTemp/' + RecPrefix; soundFilePath:= UserPathPrefix + '/VideoTemp/' + RecPrefix + '.sw'; if checkFails(AVWrapper_Init(@AddFileLogRaw , PChar(ansistring(filename)) , PChar(ansistring(desc)) , PChar(ansistring(soundFilePath)) , PChar(ansistring(cAVFormat)) , PChar(ansistring(cVideoCodec)) , PChar(ansistring(cAudioCodec)) , cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight, cVideoFramerateNum, cVideoFramerateDen, cVideoQuality) >= 0, 'AVWrapper_Init failed', true) then exit(false); numPixels:= cScreenWidth*cScreenHeight; RGB_Buffer:= GetMem(4*numPixels); if RGB_Buffer = nil then begin AddFileLog('Error: Could not allocate memory for video recording (RGB buffer).'); exit(false); end; curTime:= 0; numFrames:= 0; progress:= 0; BeginVideoRecording:= true; end; procedure StopVideoRecording; begin AddFileLog('StopVideoRecording'); FreeMem(RGB_Buffer, 4*numPixels); Close(cameraFile); if AVWrapper_Close() < 0 then halt(-1); Erase(cameraFile); DeleteFile(soundFilePath); SendIPC(_S'v'); // inform frontend that we finished end; procedure EncodeFrame; var s: shortstring; begin // read pixels from OpenGL glReadPixels(0, 0, cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, RGB_Buffer); if AVWrapper_WriteFrame(RGB_Buffer) < 0 then halt(-1); // inform frontend that we have encoded new frame s[0]:= #3; s[1]:= 'p'; // p for progress SDLNet_Write16(progress*10000 div maxProgress, @s[2]); SendIPC(s); inc(numFrames); end; function LoadNextCameraPosition(out newRealTicks, newGameTicks: LongInt): Boolean; var frame: TFrame = (realTicks: 0; gameTicks: 0; CamX: 0; CamY: 0; zoom: 0); begin // we need to skip or duplicate frames to match target framerate while Int64(curTime)*cVideoFramerateNum <= Int64(numFrames)*cVideoFramerateDen*1000 do begin {$IOCHECKS OFF} if eof(cameraFile) then exit(false); BlockRead(cameraFile, frame, 1); {$IOCHECKS ON} curTime:= frame.realTicks; WorldDx:= frame.CamX; WorldDy:= frame.CamY + cScreenHeight div 2; zoom:= frame.zoom*cScreenWidth; ZoomValue:= zoom; inc(progress); newRealTicks:= frame.realTicks; newGameTicks:= frame.gameTicks; end; LoadNextCameraPosition:= true; end; // Callback which records sound. // This procedure may be called from different thread. procedure RecordPostMix(udata: pointer; stream: PByte; len: LongInt); cdecl; begin udata:= udata; // avoid warning {$IOCHECKS OFF} BlockWrite(audioFile, stream^, len); {$IOCHECKS ON} end; procedure SaveThumbnail; var thumbpath: shortstring; k: LongInt; begin thumbpath:= '/VideoTemp/' + RecPrefix; AddFileLog('Saving thumbnail ' + thumbpath); k:= max(max(cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight) div 400, 1); // here 400 is minimum size of thumbnail MakeScreenshot(thumbpath, k, 0); thumbnailSaved:= true; end; // copy file (free pascal doesn't have copy file function) procedure CopyFile(src, dest: shortstring); var inF, outF: file; buffer: array[0..1023] of byte; result: LongInt; i: integer; begin {$IOCHECKS OFF} result:= 0; // avoid compiler hint and warning for i:= 0 to 1023 do buffer[i]:= 0; Assign(inF, src); Reset(inF, 1); if IOResult <> 0 then begin AddFileLog('Error: Could not read from ' + src); exit; end; Assign(outF, dest); Rewrite(outF, 1); if IOResult <> 0 then begin AddFileLog('Error: Could not write to ' + dest); exit; end; repeat BlockRead(inF, buffer, 1024, result); BlockWrite(outF, buffer, result); until result < 1024; {$IOCHECKS ON} end; procedure BeginPreRecording; var format: word; filename: shortstring; frequency, channels: LongInt; begin AddFileLog('BeginPreRecording'); thumbnailSaved:= false; RecPrefix:= 'hw-' + FormatDateTime('YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss-z', Now()); // If this video is recorded from demo executed directly (without frontend) // then we need to copy demo so that frontend will be able to find it later. if recordFileName <> '' then begin if GameType <> gmtDemo then // this is save and game demo is not recording, abort exit; CopyFile(recordFileName, UserPathPrefix + '/VideoTemp/' + RecPrefix + '.hwd'); end; Mix_QuerySpec(@frequency, @format, @channels); AddFileLog('sound: frequency = ' + IntToStr(frequency) + ', format = ' + IntToStr(format) + ', channels = ' + IntToStr(channels)); if format <> $8010 then begin // TODO: support any audio format AddFileLog('Error: Unexpected audio format ' + IntToStr(format)); exit; end; {$IOCHECKS OFF} // create sound file filename:= UserPathPrefix + '/VideoTemp/' + RecPrefix + '.sw'; Assign(audioFile, filename); Rewrite(audioFile, 1); if IOResult <> 0 then begin AddFileLog('Error: Could not write to ' + filename); exit; end; // create file with camera positions filename:= UserPathPrefix + '/VideoTemp/' + RecPrefix + '.txtout'; Assign(cameraFile, filename); Rewrite(cameraFile); if IOResult <> 0 then begin AddFileLog('Error: Could not write to ' + filename); exit; end; // save audio parameters in sound file BlockWrite(audioFile, frequency, 4); BlockWrite(audioFile, channels, 4); {$IOCHECKS ON} // register callback for actual audio recording Mix_SetPostMix(@RecordPostMix, nil); startTime:= SDL_GetTicks(); flagPrerecording:= true; end; procedure StopPreRecording; begin AddFileLog('StopPreRecording'); flagPrerecording:= false; // call SDL_LockAudio because RecordPostMix may be executing right now SDL_LockAudio(); Close(audioFile); Close(cameraFile); Mix_SetPostMix(nil, nil); SDL_UnlockAudio(); if not thumbnailSaved then SaveThumbnail(); end; procedure SaveCameraPosition; var frame: TFrame; begin if (not thumbnailSaved) and (ScreenFade = sfNone) then SaveThumbnail(); frame.realTicks:= SDL_GetTicks() - startTime; frame.gameTicks:= GameTicks; frame.CamX:= WorldDx; frame.CamY:= WorldDy - cScreenHeight div 2; frame.zoom:= zoom/cScreenWidth; BlockWrite(cameraFile, frame, 1); end; procedure initModule; begin // we need to make sure these variables are initialized before the main loop // or the wrapper will keep the default values of preinit cScreenWidth:= max(cWindowedWidth, 640); cScreenHeight:= max(cWindowedHeight, 480); end; procedure freeModule; begin if flagPrerecording then StopPreRecording(); end; end. {$ENDIF} // USE_VIDEO_RECORDING