revert attempts to block switching weapon while targetting in infinite attack mode. just getting too messy.
probably best to allow any weapon to be targetted, and store the target in the gear and draw it there instead of uworld, but I'm leaving this alone
* M3Panel.cpp
* Created by Vittorio on 28/09/09.
* Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#include "M3Panel.h"
#include "M3InstallController.h"
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
class M3Panel::Private
M3InstallController *install;
c = new Private;
c->install = [[M3InstallController alloc] init];
[c->install retain];
[c->install release];
delete c;
void M3Panel::showInstallController()
[c->install displayInstaller];