author nemo
Fri, 05 Nov 2010 18:56:12 -0400
changeset 4140 1563b216f243
parent 3947 709fdb89f76c
child 4242 5e3c5fe2cb14
permissions -rw-r--r--
revert attempts to block switching weapon while targetting in infinite attack mode. just getting too messy. probably best to allow any weapon to be targetted, and store the target in the gear and draw it there instead of uworld, but I'm leaving this alone

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
module ClientIO where

import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import Network
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import CoreTypes
import RoomsAndClients
import Utils

pDelim :: B.ByteString
pDelim = B.pack "\n\n"

bs2Packets :: B.ByteString -> ([[B.ByteString]], B.ByteString)
bs2Packets buf = unfoldrE extractPackets buf
    extractPackets :: B.ByteString -> Either B.ByteString ([B.ByteString], B.ByteString)
    extractPackets buf = 
        let buf' = until (not . B.isPrefixOf pDelim) (B.drop 2) buf in
            let (bsPacket, bufTail) = B.breakSubstring pDelim buf' in
                if B.null bufTail then
                    Left bsPacket
                    if B.null bsPacket then 
                        Left bufTail
                        Right (B.splitWith (== '\n') bsPacket, bufTail)

listenLoop :: Socket -> Chan CoreMessage -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
listenLoop sock chan ci = recieveWithBufferLoop B.empty
        recieveWithBufferLoop recvBuf = do
            recvBS <- recv sock 4096
--            putStrLn $ show sock ++ " got smth: " ++ (show $ B.length recvBS)
            unless (B.null recvBS) $ do
                let (packets, newrecvBuf) = bs2Packets $ B.append recvBuf recvBS
                forM_ packets sendPacket
                recieveWithBufferLoop newrecvBuf

        sendPacket packet = writeChan chan $ ClientMessage (ci, packet)

clientRecvLoop :: Socket -> Chan CoreMessage -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
clientRecvLoop s chan ci = do
    msg <- (listenLoop s chan ci >> return "Connection closed") `catch` (return . B.pack . show)
    clientOff msg
        clientOff msg = mapM_ (writeChan chan) [ClientMessage (ci, ["QUIT", msg]), Remove ci]

clientSendLoop :: Socket -> Chan [B.ByteString] -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
clientSendLoop s chan ci = do
    answer <- readChan chan
        (\(e :: Exception.IOException) -> when (not $ isQuit answer) $ sendQuit e) $ do
            sendAll s $ (B.unlines answer) `B.append` (B.singleton '\n')

    if (isQuit answer) then
        Exception.handle (\(_ :: Exception.IOException) -> putStrLn "error on sClose") $ sClose s
        clientSendLoop s chan ci

        --sendQuit e = writeChan coreChan $ ClientMessage (ci, ["QUIT", B.pack $ show e])
        sendQuit e = putStrLn $ show e
        isQuit ("BYE":xs) = True
        isQuit _ = False