- Add SCHEME which is needed in room config
- Fix replay of games on maze maps
Hedgewars - a turn based strategy game.=======================================Copyright 2004-2014 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> and others.See QTfrontend/res/html/about.html and CREDITS for a complete list of authors.Licence:--------Source code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licenceversion 2; images and sounds are distributed under the terms of the GNU FreeDocumentation Licence version 1.2. See the COPYING file for the full text ofthe licenses.Instructions:-------------See our wiki at: https://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/wiki/BuildingHedgewarsYou can find an outline of the necessary dependencies in the INSTALL file.Source code:------------Our main repository is located at http://hedgewars.googlecode.com usingMercurial as DVCS. A Git repository is also available (mirrored daily)at https://github.com/hedgewars/hwContribute:-----------If you see a bug or have any suggestion please use the official bug tracker athttp://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/issues/list or the integrated feedbackbutton.If you want to help or get to know the sources better you can do that with someeasy tasks from http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/wiki/TODO. We also have anextended API in LUA to customize your adventures in our wiki athttp://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/wiki/LuaAPI.If you know your way through the code feel free to send a patch or open a pullrequest. The best LUA scripts get released in the official DLC page and laterintegrated in the next version.Contact:--------* IRC channel - irc://irc.freenode.net/hedgewars* community forum - http://www.hedgewars.org/forum* mailing list - https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/hedgewars-dev