On pagenetgame, when window is too small the map/game options becomes a tabbed interface to allow for a few lines of chat to always be visible.
Restored HWForm's min height to 580.
Fixed the 2px alignment issue with the map list and map previews' top edges that unC0Rr was whining about. <3
// MXAudioPlayerFadeOperation.h
// Created by Andrew Mackenzie-Ross on 30/11/10.
// mackross.net
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AVAudioPlayer;
@interface MXAudioPlayerFadeOperation : NSOperation {
AVAudioPlayer *_audioPlayer;
NSTimeInterval _fadeDuration;
NSTimeInterval _delay;
float _finishVolume;
BOOL _pauseAfterFade;
BOOL _stopAfterFade;
BOOL _playBeforeFade;
// The AVAudioPlayer that the volume fade will be applied to.
// Retained until the fade is completed.
// Must be set with init method.
@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) AVAudioPlayer *audioPlayer;
// The duration of the volume fade.
// Default value is 1.0
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval fadeDuration;
// The delay before the volume fade begins.
// Default value is 0.0
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval delay;
// The volume that will be faded to.
// Default value is 0.0
@property (nonatomic, assign) float finishVolume;
// If YES, audio player will be sent a pause message when the fade has completed.
// Default value is NO, however, if finishVolume is 0.0, default is YES
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL pauseAfterFade;
// If YES, when the fade has completed the audio player will be sent a stop message.
// Default value is NO.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL stopAfterFade;
// If YES, audio player will be sent a play message after the delay.
// Default value is YES.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL playBeforeFade;
// Init Methods
- (id)initFadeWithAudioPlayer:(AVAudioPlayer*)player toVolume:(float)volume overDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration withDelay:(NSTimeInterval)timeDelay;
- (id)initFadeWithAudioPlayer:(AVAudioPlayer*)player toVolume:(float)volume overDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
- (id)initFadeWithAudioPlayer:(AVAudioPlayer*)player toVolume:(float)volume;
- (id)initFadeWithAudioPlayer:(AVAudioPlayer*)player;