Fix low gravity utility not working in Gravity script (fixes #13)
Using low gravity halves the gravity.
For using a range, both the minimum and maximum gravities are halved.
Negative gravities are doubled.
Bonus: game modifier “low gravity” will be force-disabled.
/*** $Id: llex.h,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $** Lexical Analyzer** See Copyright Notice in lua.h*/#ifndef llex_h#define llex_h#include "lobject.h"#include "lzio.h"#define FIRST_RESERVED 257/* maximum length of a reserved word */#define TOKEN_LEN (sizeof("function")/sizeof(char))/** WARNING: if you change the order of this enumeration,* grep "ORDER RESERVED"*/enum RESERVED { /* terminal symbols denoted by reserved words */ TK_AND = FIRST_RESERVED, TK_BREAK, TK_DO, TK_ELSE, TK_ELSEIF, TK_END, TK_FALSE, TK_FOR, TK_FUNCTION, TK_IF, TK_IN, TK_LOCAL, TK_NIL, TK_NOT, TK_OR, TK_REPEAT, TK_RETURN, TK_THEN, TK_TRUE, TK_UNTIL, TK_WHILE, /* other terminal symbols */ TK_CONCAT, TK_DOTS, TK_EQ, TK_GE, TK_LE, TK_NE, TK_NUMBER, TK_NAME, TK_STRING, TK_EOS};/* number of reserved words */#define NUM_RESERVED (cast(int, TK_WHILE-FIRST_RESERVED+1))/* array with token `names' */LUAI_DATA const char *const luaX_tokens [];typedef union { lua_Number r; TString *ts;} SemInfo; /* semantics information */typedef struct Token { int token; SemInfo seminfo;} Token;typedef struct LexState { int current; /* current character (charint) */ int linenumber; /* input line counter */ int lastline; /* line of last token `consumed' */ Token t; /* current token */ Token lookahead; /* look ahead token */ struct FuncState *fs; /* `FuncState' is private to the parser */ struct lua_State *L; ZIO *z; /* input stream */ Mbuffer *buff; /* buffer for tokens */ TString *source; /* current source name */ char decpoint; /* locale decimal point */} LexState;LUAI_FUNC void luaX_init (lua_State *L);LUAI_FUNC void luaX_setinput (lua_State *L, LexState *ls, ZIO *z, TString *source);LUAI_FUNC TString *luaX_newstring (LexState *ls, const char *str, size_t l);LUAI_FUNC void luaX_next (LexState *ls);LUAI_FUNC void luaX_lookahead (LexState *ls);LUAI_FUNC void luaX_lexerror (LexState *ls, const char *msg, int token);LUAI_FUNC void luaX_syntaxerror (LexState *ls, const char *s);LUAI_FUNC const char *luaX_token2str (LexState *ls, int token);#endif