the clipping was just due to remote abuse anyway - this addresses a couple of the concerns from the bug
// Common/StdInStream.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include "StdInStream.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// "was declared deprecated" disabling
#pragma warning(disable : 4996 )
static const char kIllegalChar = '\0';
static const char kNewLineChar = '\n';
static const char *kEOFMessage = "Unexpected end of input stream";
static const char *kReadErrorMessage ="Error reading input stream";
static const char *kIllegalCharMessage = "Illegal character in input stream";
static LPCTSTR kFileOpenMode = TEXT("r");
CStdInStream g_StdIn(stdin);
bool CStdInStream::Open(LPCTSTR fileName)
_stream = _tfopen(fileName, kFileOpenMode);
_streamIsOpen = (_stream != 0);
return _streamIsOpen;
bool CStdInStream::Close()
return true;
_streamIsOpen = (fclose(_stream) != 0);
return !_streamIsOpen;
AString CStdInStream::ScanStringUntilNewLine()
AString s;
for (;;)
int intChar = GetChar();
if(intChar == EOF)
throw kEOFMessage;
char c = char(intChar);
if (c == kIllegalChar)
throw kIllegalCharMessage;
if(c == kNewLineChar)
s += c;
return s;
void CStdInStream::ReadToString(AString &resultString)
int c;
while((c = GetChar()) != EOF)
resultString += char(c);
bool CStdInStream::Eof()
return (feof(_stream) != 0);
int CStdInStream::GetChar()
int c = fgetc(_stream); // getc() doesn't work in BeOS?
if(c == EOF && !Eof())
throw kReadErrorMessage;
return c;