For people's consideration. Restore the .11 behaviour of not initialising sound if music is turned off. Reason. I still get 100% CPU useage in frontend due to sucky sound daemon setups *cough*pulseaudio*cough* so this offers an easy workaround for people (turn off music). Disadvantage, this removes Smaxx' code to disable sound-related buttons on failure to init sound.
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import Maybe
import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.MySQL
import CoreTypes
dbQueryAccount =
"select users.pass, users_roles.rid from users left join users_roles on users.uid = users_roles.uid where = ?"
dbQueryStats =
"UPDATE gameserver_stats SET players = ?, rooms = ?, last_update = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"
dbInteractionLoop dbConn = forever $ do
q <- (getLine >>= return . read)
hPutStrLn stderr $ show q
case q of
CheckAccount clUid clNick _ -> do
statement <- prepare dbConn dbQueryAccount
execute statement [SqlString $ clNick]
passAndRole <- fetchRow statement
finish statement
let response =
if isJust passAndRole then
(fromSql $ head $ fromJust $ passAndRole)
((fromSql $ last $ fromJust $ passAndRole) == (Just (3 :: Int)))
(clUid, Guest)
putStrLn (show response)
hFlush stdout
SendStats clients rooms ->
run dbConn dbQueryStats [SqlInt32 $ fromIntegral clients, SqlInt32 $ fromIntegral rooms] >> return ()
dbConnectionLoop mySQLConnectionInfo =
Control.Exception.handle (\e -> return ()) $ handleSqlError $
(connectMySQL mySQLConnectionInfo)
processRequest :: DBQuery -> IO String
processRequest (CheckAccount clUid clNick clHost) = return $ show (clUid, Guest)
main = do
dbHost <- getLine
dbLogin <- getLine
dbPassword <- getLine
let mySQLConnectInfo = defaultMySQLConnectInfo {mysqlHost = dbHost, mysqlDatabase = "hedge_main", mysqlUser = dbLogin, mysqlPassword = dbPassword}
dbConnectionLoop mySQLConnectInfo