this should probably sidestep that thing unc0rr keeps bringing up. untested. but then, I've never had it happen. I think what happens is onGameTick20 is called in same tick as onNewTurn and before it...
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *){$INCLUDE ""}{$IF GLunit = GL}{$DEFINE GLunit:=GL,GLext}{$ENDIF}unit uRender;interfaceuses SDLh, uTypes, GLunit;procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;procedure DrawSprite (Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, Frame: LongInt);procedure DrawSprite (Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, FrameX, FrameY: LongInt);procedure DrawSpriteFromRect (Sprite: TSprite; r: TSDL_Rect; X, Y, Height, Position: LongInt); inline;procedure DrawSpriteClipped (Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, TopY, RightX, BottomY, LeftX: LongInt);procedure DrawSpriteRotated (Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, Dir: LongInt; Angle: real);procedure DrawSpriteRotatedF (Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, Frame, Dir: LongInt; Angle: real);procedure DrawSpritePivotedF(Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, Frame, Dir, PivotX, PivotY: LongInt; Angle: real);procedure DrawTexture (X, Y: LongInt; Texture: PTexture); inline;procedure DrawTexture (X, Y: LongInt; Texture: PTexture; Scale: GLfloat);procedure DrawTexture2 (X, Y: LongInt; Texture: PTexture; Scale, Overlap: GLfloat);procedure DrawTextureFromRect (X, Y: LongInt; r: PSDL_Rect; SourceTexture: PTexture); inline;procedure DrawTextureFromRect (X, Y, W, H: LongInt; r: PSDL_Rect; SourceTexture: PTexture); inline;procedure DrawTextureFromRectDir(X, Y, W, H: LongInt; r: PSDL_Rect; SourceTexture: PTexture; Dir: LongInt);procedure DrawTextureCentered (X, Top: LongInt; Source: PTexture);procedure DrawTextureF (Texture: PTexture; Scale: GLfloat; X, Y, Frame, Dir, w, h: LongInt);procedure DrawTextureRotated (Texture: PTexture; hw, hh, X, Y, Dir: LongInt; Angle: real);procedure DrawTextureRotatedF (Texture: PTexture; Scale, OffsetX, OffsetY: GLfloat; X, Y, Frame, Dir, w, h: LongInt; Angle: real);procedure DrawCircle (X, Y, Radius, Width: LongInt);procedure DrawCircle (X, Y, Radius, Width: LongInt; r, g, b, a: Byte);procedure DrawCircleFilled (X, Y, Radius: LongInt; r, g, b, a: Byte);procedure DrawLine (X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Width: Single; color: LongWord); inline;procedure DrawLine (X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Width: Single; r, g, b, a: Byte);procedure DrawLineOnScreen (X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Width: Single; r, g, b, a: Byte);procedure DrawRect (rect: TSDL_Rect; r, g, b, a: Byte; Fill: boolean);procedure DrawHedgehog (X, Y: LongInt; Dir: LongInt; Pos, Step: LongWord; Angle: real);procedure DrawScreenWidget (widget: POnScreenWidget);procedure DrawWater (Alpha: byte; OffsetY, OffsetX: LongInt);procedure DrawWaves (Dir, dX, dY, oX: LongInt; tnt: Byte);procedure RenderClear ();{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING}procedure RenderClear (mode: TRenderMode);{$ENDIF}procedure RenderSetClearColor (r, g, b, a: real);procedure Tint (r, g, b, a: Byte); inline;procedure Tint (c: Longword); inline;procedure untint(); inline;procedure setTintAdd (f: boolean); inline;// call this to finish the rendering of current frameprocedure FinishRender();function isAreaOffscreen(X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt): boolean; inline;function isCircleOffscreen(X, Y, RadiusSquared: LongInt): boolean; inline;// 0 => not offscreen, <0 => left/top of screen >0 => right/below of screenfunction isDxAreaOffscreen(X, Width: LongInt): LongInt; inline;function isDyAreaOffscreen(Y, Height: LongInt): LongInt; inline;procedure SetScale(f: GLfloat);procedure UpdateViewLimits();procedure RendererSetup();procedure RendererCleanup();procedure ChangeDepth(rm: TRenderMode; d: GLfloat);procedure ResetDepth(rm: TRenderMode);// TODO everything below this should not need a public interfaceprocedure EnableTexture(enable:Boolean);procedure SetTexCoordPointer(p: Pointer;n: Integer); inline;procedure SetVertexPointer(p: Pointer;n: Integer); inline;procedure SetColorPointer(p: Pointer;n: Integer); inline;procedure UpdateModelviewProjection(); inline;procedure openglPushMatrix (); inline;procedure openglPopMatrix (); inline;procedure openglTranslatef (X, Y, Z: GLfloat); inline;implementationuses {$IFNDEF PAS2C} StrUtils, {$ENDIF}uVariables, uUtils {$IFDEF GL2}, uMatrix, uConsole{$ENDIF}, uConsts;{$IFDEF USE_TOUCH_INTERFACE}const FADE_ANIM_TIME = 500; MOVE_ANIM_TIME = 500;{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF GL2}var shaderMain: GLuint; shaderWater: GLuint;{$ENDIF}var VertexBuffer : array [0 ..59] of TVertex2f; TextureBuffer: array [0 .. 7] of TVertex2f; LastTint: LongWord = 0; LastColorPointer , LastTexCoordPointer , LastVertexPointer : Pointer;{$IFDEF GL2} LastColorPointerN, LastTexCoordPointerN, LastVertexPointerN: Integer;{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING} // texture/vertex buffers for left/right/default eye modes texLRDtb, texLvb, texRvb: array [0..3] of TVertex2f;{$ENDIF}procedure openglLoadIdentity (); forward;procedure openglTranslProjMatrix(X, Y, Z: GLFloat); forward;procedure openglScalef (ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ: GLfloat); forward;procedure openglRotatef (RotX, RotY, RotZ: GLfloat; dir: LongInt); forward;procedure openglTint (r, g, b, a: Byte); forward;{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING OR USE_VIDEO_RECORDING}procedure CreateFramebuffer(var frame, depth, tex: GLuint); forward;procedure DeleteFramebuffer(var frame, depth, tex: GLuint); forward;{$ENDIF}function isAreaOffscreen(X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt): boolean; inline;begin isAreaOffscreen:= (isDxAreaOffscreen(X, Width) <> 0) or (isDyAreaOffscreen(Y, Height) <> 0);end;function isCircleOffscreen(X, Y, RadiusSquared: LongInt): boolean; inline;var dRightX, dBottomY, dLeftX, dTopY: LongInt;begin dRightX:= (X - ViewRightX); dBottomY:= (Y - ViewBottomY); dLeftX:= (ViewLeftX - X); dTopY:= (ViewTopY - Y); isCircleOffscreen:= ((dRightX > 0) and (sqr(dRightX) > RadiusSquared)) or ((dBottomY > 0) and (sqr(dBottomY) > RadiusSquared)) or ((dLeftX > 0) and (sqr(dLeftX) > RadiusSquared)) or ((dTopY > 0) and (sqr(dTopY) > RadiusSquared))end;function isDxAreaOffscreen(X, Width: LongInt): LongInt; inline;begin if X > ViewRightX then exit(1); if X + Width < ViewLeftX then exit(-1); isDxAreaOffscreen:= 0;end;function isDyAreaOffscreen(Y, Height: LongInt): LongInt; inline;begin if Y > ViewBottomY then exit(1); if Y + Height < ViewTopY then exit(-1); isDyAreaOffscreen:= 0;end;procedure RenderClear();begin glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);end;{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING}procedure RenderClear(mode: TRenderMode);var frame: GLuint;begin if (cStereoMode = smHorizontal) or (cStereoMode = smVertical) then begin case mode of rmLeftEye: frame:= frameL; rmRightEye: frame:= frameR; else frame:= defaultFrame; end; glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, frame); RenderClear(); end else begin // draw left eye in red channel only if mode = rmLeftEye then begin glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); RenderClear(); if cStereoMode = smGreenRed then glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE) else if cStereoMode = smBlueRed then glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE) else if cStereoMode = smCyanRed then glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE) else glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE); end else begin // draw right eye in selected channel(s) only if cStereoMode = smRedGreen then glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE) else if cStereoMode = smRedBlue then glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE) else if cStereoMode = smRedCyan then glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE) else glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE); end; end;end;{$ENDIF}procedure RenderSetClearColor(r, g, b, a: real);begin glClearColor(r, g, b, a);end;procedure FinishRender();begin{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING}if (cStereoMode = smHorizontal) or (cStereoMode = smVertical) then begin RenderClear(rmDefault); SetScale(cDefaultZoomLevel); // same for all SetTexCoordPointer(@texLRDtb, Length(texLRDtb)); // draw left frame glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texl); SetVertexPointer(@texLvb, Length(texLvb)); //UpdateModelviewProjection; glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, Length(texLvb)); // draw right frame glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texl); SetVertexPointer(@texRvb, Length(texRvb)); //UpdateModelviewProjection; glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, Length(texRvb)); SetScale(zoom); end;{$ENDIF}end;{$IFDEF GL2}function CompileShader(shaderFile: string; shaderType: GLenum): GLuint;var shader: GLuint; f: PFSFile; source, line: ansistring; sourceA: Pchar; lengthA: GLint; compileResult: GLint; logLength: GLint; log: PChar;begin f:= pfsOpenRead(cPathz[ptShaders] + '/' + shaderFile); checkFails(f <> nil, 'Unable to load ' + shaderFile, true); source:=''; while not pfsEof(f) do begin pfsReadLnA(f, line); source:= source + line + #10; end; pfsClose(f); WriteLnToConsole('Compiling shader: ' + cPathz[ptShaders] + '/' + shaderFile); sourceA:=PChar(source); lengthA:=Length(source); shader:=glCreateShader(shaderType); glShaderSource(shader, 1, @sourceA, @lengthA); glCompileShader(shader); glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, @compileResult); glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, @logLength); if logLength > 1 then begin log := GetMem(logLength); glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, logLength, nil, log); WriteLnToConsole('========== Compiler log =========='); WriteLnToConsole(shortstring(log)); WriteLnToConsole('==================================='); FreeMem(log, logLength); end; if compileResult <> GL_TRUE then begin WriteLnToConsole('Shader compilation failed, halting'); halt(HaltStartupError); end; CompileShader:= shader;end;function CompileProgram(shaderName: string): GLuint;var program_: GLuint; vs, fs: GLuint; linkResult: GLint; logLength: GLint; log: PChar;begin program_:= glCreateProgram(); vs:= CompileShader(shaderName + '.vs', GL_VERTEX_SHADER); fs:= CompileShader(shaderName + '.fs', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); glAttachShader(program_, vs); glAttachShader(program_, fs); glBindAttribLocation(program_, aVertex, PChar('vertex')); glBindAttribLocation(program_, aTexCoord, PChar('texcoord')); glBindAttribLocation(program_, aColor, PChar('color')); glLinkProgram(program_); glDeleteShader(vs); glDeleteShader(fs); glGetProgramiv(program_, GL_LINK_STATUS, @linkResult); glGetProgramiv(program_, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, @logLength); if logLength > 1 then begin log := GetMem(logLength); glGetProgramInfoLog(program_, logLength, nil, log); WriteLnToConsole('========== Compiler log =========='); WriteLnToConsole(shortstring(log)); WriteLnToConsole('==================================='); FreeMem(log, logLength); end; if linkResult <> GL_TRUE then begin WriteLnToConsole('Linking program failed, halting'); halt(HaltStartupError); end; CompileProgram:= program_;end;{$ENDIF}function glLoadExtension(extension : shortstring) : boolean;var logmsg: shortstring;begin extension:= extension; // avoid hint glLoadExtension:= false; logmsg:= 'OpenGL - "' + extension + '" skipped';{$IFNDEF IPHONEOS}//TODO: pas2c does not handle{$IFNDEF PAS2C}// FreePascal doesnt come with OpenGL ES 1.1 Extension headers{$IF GLunit <> gles11} glLoadExtension:= glext_LoadExtension(extension); if glLoadExtension then logmsg:= 'OpenGL - "' + extension + '" loaded' else logmsg:= 'OpenGL - "' + extension + '" failed to load';{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} AddFileLog(logmsg);end;{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING OR USE_VIDEO_RECORDING}procedure CreateFramebuffer(var frame, depth, tex: GLuint);begin glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, @frame); glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, frame); glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, @depth); glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth); glRenderbufferStorageEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight); glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth); glGenTextures(1, @tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex, 0);end;procedure DeleteFramebuffer(var frame, depth, tex: GLuint);begin glDeleteTextures(1, @tex); glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT(1, @depth); glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, @frame);end;{$ENDIF}procedure RendererCleanup();begin{$IFNDEF PAS2C}{$IFDEF USE_VIDEO_RECORDING} if defaultFrame <> 0 then DeleteFramebuffer(defaultFrame, depthv, texv);{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING} if (cStereoMode = smHorizontal) or (cStereoMode = smVertical) then begin DeleteFramebuffer(framel, depthl, texl); DeleteFramebuffer(framer, depthr, texr); end{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF}end;procedure RendererSetup();var AuxBufNum: LongInt = 0; tmpstr: ansistring; tmpint: LongInt; tmpn: LongInt;begin // suppress hint/warning AuxBufNum:= AuxBufNum; // get the max (h and v) size for textures that the gpu can support glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @MaxTextureSize); if MaxTextureSize <= 0 then begin MaxTextureSize:= 1024; AddFileLog('OpenGL Warning - driver didn''t provide any valid max texture size; assuming 1024'); end else if (MaxTextureSize < 1024) and (MaxTextureSize >= 512) then begin cReducedQuality := cReducedQuality or rqNoBackground; AddFileLog('Texture size too small for backgrounds, disabling.'); end; // everyone loves debugging // find out which gpu we are using (for extension compatibility maybe?) AddFileLog('OpenGL-- Renderer: ' + shortstring(pchar(glGetString(GL_RENDERER)))); AddFileLog(' |----- Vendor: ' + shortstring(pchar(glGetString(GL_VENDOR)))); AddFileLog(' |----- Version: ' + shortstring(pchar(glGetString(GL_VERSION)))); AddFileLog(' |----- Texture Size: ' + inttostr(MaxTextureSize));{$IFDEF USE_VIDEO_RECORDING} glGetIntegerv(GL_AUX_BUFFERS, @AuxBufNum); AddFileLog(' |----- Number of auxiliary buffers: ' + inttostr(AuxBufNum));{$ENDIF}{$IFNDEF PAS2C} AddFileLog(' \----- Extensions: '); // fetch extentions and store them in string tmpstr := StrPas(PChar(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS))); tmpn := WordCount(tmpstr, [' ']); tmpint := 1; repeat begin // print up to 3 extentions per row // ExtractWord will return empty string if index out of range //AddFileLog(TrimRight( AddFileLog(Trim( ExtractWord(tmpint, tmpstr, [' ']) + ' ' + ExtractWord(tmpint+1, tmpstr, [' ']) + ' ' + ExtractWord(tmpint+2, tmpstr, [' ']) )); tmpint := tmpint + 3; end; until (tmpint > tmpn);{$ENDIF} AddFileLog(''); defaultFrame:= 0;{$IFDEF USE_VIDEO_RECORDING} if GameType = gmtRecord then begin if glLoadExtension('GL_EXT_framebuffer_object') then begin CreateFramebuffer(defaultFrame, depthv, texv); glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, defaultFrame); AddFileLog('Using framebuffer for video recording.'); end else if AuxBufNum > 0 then begin glDrawBuffer(GL_AUX0); glReadBuffer(GL_AUX0); AddFileLog('Using auxiliary buffer for video recording.'); end else begin glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); glReadBuffer(GL_BACK); AddFileLog('Warning: off-screen rendering is not supported; using back buffer but it may not work.'); end; end;{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF GL2}{$IFDEF PAS2C} if glewInit() <> GLEW_OK then begin WriteLnToConsole('Failed to initialize GLEW.'); halt(HaltStartupError); end;{$ENDIF}{$IFNDEF PAS2C} if not Load_GL_VERSION_2_0 then halt;{$ENDIF} shaderWater:= CompileProgram('water'); glUseProgram(shaderWater); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shaderWater, pchar('tex0')), 0); uWaterMVPLocation:= glGetUniformLocation(shaderWater, pchar('mvp')); shaderMain:= CompileProgram('default'); glUseProgram(shaderMain); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shaderMain, pchar('tex0')), 0); uMainMVPLocation:= glGetUniformLocation(shaderMain, pchar('mvp')); uMainTintLocation:= glGetUniformLocation(shaderMain, pchar('tint')); uCurrentMVPLocation:= uMainMVPLocation; Tint(255, 255, 255, 255); UpdateModelviewProjection;{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING} if (cStereoMode = smHorizontal) or (cStereoMode = smVertical) then begin // prepare left and right frame buffers and associated textures if glLoadExtension('GL_EXT_framebuffer_object') then begin CreateFramebuffer(framel, depthl, texl); CreateFramebuffer(framer, depthr, texr); // reset glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, defaultFrame) end else cStereoMode:= smNone; end; // set up vertex/texture buffers for frame textures texLRDtb[0].X:= 0.0; texLRDtb[0].Y:= 0.0; texLRDtb[1].X:= 1.0; texLRDtb[1].Y:= 0.0; texLRDtb[2].X:= 1.0; texLRDtb[2].Y:= 1.0; texLRDtb[3].X:= 0.0; texLRDtb[3].Y:= 1.0; if cStereoMode = smHorizontal then begin texLvb[0].X:= cScreenWidth / -2; texLvb[0].Y:= cScreenHeight; texLvb[1].X:= 0; texLvb[1].Y:= cScreenHeight; texLvb[2].X:= 0; texLvb[2].Y:= 0; texLvb[3].X:= cScreenWidth / -2; texLvb[3].Y:= 0; texRvb[0].X:= 0; texRvb[0].Y:= cScreenHeight; texRvb[1].X:= cScreenWidth / 2; texRvb[1].Y:= cScreenHeight; texRvb[2].X:= cScreenWidth / 2; texRvb[2].Y:= 0; texRvb[3].X:= 0; texRvb[3].Y:= 0; end else begin texLvb[0].X:= cScreenWidth / -2; texLvb[0].Y:= cScreenHeight / 2; texLvb[1].X:= cScreenWidth / 2; texLvb[1].Y:= cScreenHeight / 2; texLvb[2].X:= cScreenWidth / 2; texLvb[2].Y:= 0; texLvb[3].X:= cScreenWidth / -2; texLvb[3].Y:= 0; texRvb[0].X:= cScreenWidth / -2; texRvb[0].Y:= cScreenHeight; texRvb[1].X:= cScreenWidth / 2; texRvb[1].Y:= cScreenHeight; texRvb[2].X:= cScreenWidth / 2; texRvb[2].Y:= cScreenHeight / 2; texRvb[3].X:= cScreenWidth / -2; texRvb[3].Y:= cScreenHeight / 2; end;{$ENDIF}// set view port to whole windowglViewport(0, 0, cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight);{$IFDEF GL2} uMatrix.initModule; hglMatrixMode(MATRIX_MODELVIEW); // prepare default translation/scaling hglLoadIdentity(); hglScalef(2.0 / cScreenWidth, -2.0 / cScreenHeight, 1.0); hglTranslatef(0, -cScreenHeight / 2, 0); EnableTexture(True); glEnableVertexAttribArray(aVertex); glEnableVertexAttribArray(aTexCoord); glGenBuffers(1, @vBuffer); glGenBuffers(1, @tBuffer); glGenBuffers(1, @cBuffer);{$ELSE} glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // prepare default translation/scaling glLoadIdentity(); glScalef(2.0 / cScreenWidth, -2.0 / cScreenHeight, 1.0); glTranslatef(0, -cScreenHeight / 2, 0); // disable/lower perspective correction (will not need it anyway) glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_FASTEST); // disable dithering glDisable(GL_DITHER); // enable common states by default as they save a lot glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);{$ENDIF} // enable alpha blending glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // disable/lower perspective correction (will not need it anyway)end;procedure openglLoadIdentity(); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} hglLoadIdentity();{$ELSE} glLoadIdentity();{$ENDIF}end;procedure openglTranslProjMatrix(X, Y, Z: GLfloat); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} hglMatrixMode(MATRIX_PROJECTION); hglTranslatef(X, Y, Z); hglMatrixMode(MATRIX_MODELVIEW);{$ELSE} glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glTranslatef(X, Y, Z); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);{$ENDIF}end;procedure openglPushMatrix(); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} hglPushMatrix();{$ELSE} glPushMatrix();{$ENDIF}end;procedure openglPopMatrix(); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} hglPopMatrix();{$ELSE} glPopMatrix();{$ENDIF}end;procedure openglTranslatef(X, Y, Z: GLfloat); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} hglTranslatef(X, Y, Z);{$ELSE} glTranslatef(X, Y, Z);{$ENDIF}end;procedure openglScalef(ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ: GLfloat); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} hglScalef(ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ);{$ELSE} glScalef(ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ);{$ENDIF}end;procedure openglRotatef(RotX, RotY, RotZ: GLfloat; dir: LongInt); inline;{ workaround for pascal bug }var tmpdir: LongInt;begintmpdir:=dir;{$IFDEF GL2} hglRotatef(RotX, RotY, RotZ, tmpdir);{$ELSE} glRotatef(RotX, RotY, RotZ, tmpdir);{$ENDIF}end;procedure openglUseColorOnly(b :boolean); inline;begin if b then begin {$IFDEF GL2} glDisableVertexAttribArray(aTexCoord); glEnableVertexAttribArray(aColor); {$ELSE} glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); {$ENDIF} LastTexCoordPointer:= nil; end else begin {$IFDEF GL2} glDisableVertexAttribArray(aColor); glEnableVertexAttribArray(aTexCoord); {$ELSE} glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); {$ENDIF} LastColorPointer:= nil; end; EnableTexture(not b);end;procedure UpdateModelviewProjection(); inline;{$IFDEF GL2}var mvp: TMatrix4x4f;{$ENDIF}begin{$IFDEF GL2} //MatrixMultiply(mvp, mProjection, mModelview);{$HINTS OFF} hglMVP(mvp);{$HINTS ON} glUniformMatrix4fv(uCurrentMVPLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, @mvp[0, 0]);{$ENDIF}end;procedure SetTexCoordPointer(p: Pointer; n: Integer); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} if (p = LastTexCoordPointer) and (n = LastTexCoordPointerN) then exit; glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tBuffer); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) * n * 2, p, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glEnableVertexAttribArray(aTexCoord); glVertexAttribPointer(aTexCoord, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, pointer(0)); LastTexCoordPointerN:= n;{$ELSE} if p = LastTexCoordPointer then exit; n:= n; glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, p);{$ENDIF} LastTexCoordPointer:= p;end;procedure SetVertexPointer(p: Pointer; n: Integer); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} if (p = LastVertexPointer) and (n = LastVertexPointerN) then exit; glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vBuffer); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) * n * 2, p, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glEnableVertexAttribArray(aVertex); glVertexAttribPointer(aVertex, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, pointer(0)); LastVertexPointerN:= n;{$ELSE} if p = LastVertexPointer then exit; n:= n; glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, p);{$ENDIF} LastVertexPointer:= p;end;procedure SetColorPointer(p: Pointer; n: Integer); inline;begin{$IFDEF GL2} if (p = LastColorPointer) and (n = LastColorPointerN) then exit; glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, cBuffer); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, n * 4, p, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glEnableVertexAttribArray(aColor); glVertexAttribPointer(aColor, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, 0, pointer(0)); LastColorPointerN:= n;{$ELSE} if p = LastColorPointer then exit; n:= n; glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, p);{$ENDIF} LastColorPointer:= p;end;procedure EnableTexture(enable:Boolean);begin {$IFDEF GL2} if enable then glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shaderMain, pchar('enableTexture')), 1) else glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shaderMain, pchar('enableTexture')), 0); {$ELSE} if enable then glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) else glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); {$ENDIF}end;procedure UpdateViewLimits();var tmp: LongInt;begin // cScaleFactor is 2.0 on "no zoom" tmp:= round(0.5 + cScreenWidth / cScaleFactor); ViewRightX := tmp; ViewLeftX := -tmp; tmp:= round(0.5 + cScreenHeight / cScaleFactor); ViewBottomY:= tmp + cScreenHeight div 2; ViewTopY := -tmp + cScreenHeight div 2; // visual debugging fun :D if cViewLimitsDebug then begin // some margin on each side tmp:= trunc(min(cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight) div 2 / cScaleFactor); ViewLeftX := ViewLeftX + trunc(tmp); ViewRightX := ViewRightX - trunc(tmp); ViewBottomY:= ViewBottomY - trunc(tmp); ViewTopY := ViewTopY + trunc(tmp); end; ViewWidth := ViewRightX - ViewLeftX + 1; ViewHeight:= ViewBottomY - ViewTopY + 1;end;procedure SetScale(f: GLfloat);begin // leave immediately if scale factor did not change if f = cScaleFactor then exit; // for going back to default scaling just pop matrix if f = cDefaultZoomLevel then begin openglPopMatrix; end else begin openglPushMatrix; // save default scaling in matrix openglLoadIdentity(); openglScalef(f / cScreenWidth, -f / cScreenHeight, 1.0); openglTranslatef(0, -cScreenHeight div 2, 0); end; cScaleFactor:= f; updateViewLimits(); UpdateModelviewProjection;end;procedure DrawSpriteFromRect(Sprite: TSprite; r: TSDL_Rect; X, Y, Height, Position: LongInt); inline;beginr.y:= r.y + Height * Position;r.h:= Height;DrawTextureFromRect(X, Y, @r, SpritesData[Sprite].Texture)end;procedure DrawTextureFromRect(X, Y: LongInt; r: PSDL_Rect; SourceTexture: PTexture); inline;beginDrawTextureFromRectDir(X, Y, r^.w, r^.h, r, SourceTexture, 1)end;procedure DrawTextureFromRect(X, Y, W, H: LongInt; r: PSDL_Rect; SourceTexture: PTexture); inline;beginDrawTextureFromRectDir(X, Y, W, H, r, SourceTexture, 1)end;procedure DrawTextureFromRectDir(X, Y, W, H: LongInt; r: PSDL_Rect; SourceTexture: PTexture; Dir: LongInt);var _l, _r, _t, _b: real; xw, yh: LongInt;beginif (SourceTexture^.h = 0) or (SourceTexture^.w = 0) then exit;{if isDxAreaOffscreen(X, W) <> 0 then exit;if isDyAreaOffscreen(Y, H) <> 0 then exit;}// do not draw anything outside the visible screen space (first check fixes some sprite drawing, e.g. hedgehogs)if (abs(X) > W) and ((abs(X + W / 2) - W / 2) * 2 > ViewWidth) then exit;if (abs(Y) > H) and ((abs(Y + H / 2 - (0.5 * cScreenHeight)) - H / 2) * 2 > ViewHeight) then exit;_l:= r^.x / SourceTexture^.w * SourceTexture^.rx;_r:= (r^.x + r^.w) / SourceTexture^.w * SourceTexture^.rx;// if direction is mirrored, switch left and rightif Dir < 0 then begin _t:= _l; _l:= _r; _r:= _t; end;_t:= r^.y / SourceTexture^.h * SourceTexture^.ry;_b:= (r^.y + r^.h) / SourceTexture^.h * SourceTexture^.ry;glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, SourceTexture^.id);xw:= X + W;yh:= Y + H;VertexBuffer[0].X:= X;VertexBuffer[0].Y:= Y;VertexBuffer[1].X:= xw;VertexBuffer[1].Y:= Y;VertexBuffer[2].X:= xw;VertexBuffer[2].Y:= yh;VertexBuffer[3].X:= X;VertexBuffer[3].Y:= yh;TextureBuffer[0].X:= _l;TextureBuffer[0].Y:= _t;TextureBuffer[1].X:= _r;TextureBuffer[1].Y:= _t;TextureBuffer[2].X:= _r;TextureBuffer[2].Y:= _b;TextureBuffer[3].X:= _l;TextureBuffer[3].Y:= _b;SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 4);SetTexCoordPointer(@TextureBuffer[0], 4);glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);end;procedure DrawTexture(X, Y: LongInt; Texture: PTexture); inline;begin DrawTexture(X, Y, Texture, 1.0);end;procedure DrawTexture(X, Y: LongInt; Texture: PTexture; Scale: GLfloat);beginopenglPushMatrix;openglTranslatef(X, Y, 0);if Scale <> 1.0 then openglScalef(Scale, Scale, 1);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Texture^.id);SetVertexPointer(@Texture^.vb, Length(Texture^.vb));SetTexCoordPointer(@Texture^.tb, Length(Texture^.vb));UpdateModelviewProjection;glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, Length(Texture^.vb));openglPopMatrix;end;{ this contains tweaks in order to avoid land tile borders in blurry land mode }procedure DrawTexture2(X, Y: LongInt; Texture: PTexture; Scale, Overlap: GLfloat);var TextureBuffer: array [0..3] of TVertex2f;beginopenglPushMatrix;openglTranslatef(X, Y, 0);openglScalef(Scale, Scale, 1);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Texture^.id);TextureBuffer[0].X:= Texture^.tb[0].X + Overlap;TextureBuffer[0].Y:= Texture^.tb[0].Y + Overlap;TextureBuffer[1].X:= Texture^.tb[1].X - Overlap;TextureBuffer[1].Y:= Texture^.tb[1].Y + Overlap;TextureBuffer[2].X:= Texture^.tb[2].X - Overlap;TextureBuffer[2].Y:= Texture^.tb[2].Y - Overlap;TextureBuffer[3].X:= Texture^.tb[3].X + Overlap;TextureBuffer[3].Y:= Texture^.tb[3].Y - Overlap;SetVertexPointer(@Texture^.vb, 4);SetTexCoordPointer(@TextureBuffer, 4);UpdateModelviewProjection;glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);openglPopMatrix;end;procedure DrawTextureF(Texture: PTexture; Scale: GLfloat; X, Y, Frame, Dir, w, h: LongInt);begin DrawTextureRotatedF(Texture, Scale, 0, 0, X, Y, Frame, Dir, w, h, 0)end;procedure DrawTextureRotatedF(Texture: PTexture; Scale, OffsetX, OffsetY: GLfloat; X, Y, Frame, Dir, w, h: LongInt; Angle: real);var ft, fb, fl, fr: GLfloat; hw, hh, nx, ny: LongInt;begin// visibility check only under trivial conditionsif (Scale <= 1) then begin if Angle <> 0 then begin if (OffsetX = 0) and (OffsetY = 0) then begin // sized doubled because the sprite might occupy up to 1.4 * of it's // original size in each dimension, because it is rotated if isDxAreaOffscreen(X - w, 2 * w) <> 0 then exit; if isDYAreaOffscreen(Y - h, 2 * h) <> 0 then exit; end; end else begin if isDxAreaOffscreen(X + dir * trunc(OffsetX) - w div 2, w) <> 0 then exit; if isDYAreaOffscreen(Y + trunc(OffsetY) - h div 2, h) <> 0 then exit; end; end;{// do not draw anything outside the visible screen space (first check fixes some sprite drawing, e.g. hedgehogs)if (abs(X) > W) and ((abs(X + dir * OffsetX) - W / 2) * 2 > ViewWidth) then exit;if (abs(Y) > H) and ((abs(Y + OffsetY - (cScreenHeight / 2)) - W / 2) * 2 > ViewHeight) then exit;}openglPushMatrix;openglTranslatef(X, Y, 0);if Dir = 0 then Dir:= 1;if Angle <> 0 then openglRotatef(Angle, 0, 0, Dir);if (OffsetX <> 0) or (OffsetY <> 0) then openglTranslatef(Dir*OffsetX, OffsetY, 0);if Scale <> 1.0 then openglScalef(Scale, Scale, 1);// Any reason for this call? And why only in t direction, not s?//glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);if Dir > 0 then hw:= w div 2else hw:= -w div 2;hh:= h div 2;nx:= Texture^.w div w; // number of horizontal framesif nx = 0 then nx:= 1; // one frame is minimumny:= Texture^.h div h; // number of vertical framesif ny = 0 then ny:= 1;ft:= (Frame mod ny) * Texture^.ry / ny;fb:= ((Frame mod ny) + 1) * Texture^.ry / ny;fl:= (Frame div ny) * Texture^.rx / nx;fr:= ((Frame div ny) + 1) * Texture^.rx / nx;glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Texture^.id);VertexBuffer[0].X:= -hw;VertexBuffer[0].Y:= -hh;VertexBuffer[1].X:= hw;VertexBuffer[1].Y:= -hh;VertexBuffer[2].X:= hw;VertexBuffer[2].Y:= hh;VertexBuffer[3].X:= -hw;VertexBuffer[3].Y:= hh;TextureBuffer[0].X:= fl;TextureBuffer[0].Y:= ft;TextureBuffer[1].X:= fr;TextureBuffer[1].Y:= ft;TextureBuffer[2].X:= fr;TextureBuffer[2].Y:= fb;TextureBuffer[3].X:= fl;TextureBuffer[3].Y:= fb;SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 4);SetTexCoordPointer(@TextureBuffer[0], 4);UpdateModelviewProjection;glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);openglPopMatrix;end;procedure DrawSpriteRotated(Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, Dir: LongInt; Angle: real);begin DrawTextureRotated(SpritesData[Sprite].Texture, SpritesData[Sprite].Width, SpritesData[Sprite].Height, X, Y, Dir, Angle)end;procedure DrawSpriteRotatedF(Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, Frame, Dir: LongInt; Angle: real);beginif Angle <> 0 then begin // Check the bounding circle if isCircleOffscreen(X, Y, sqr(SpritesData[Sprite].Width) + sqr(SpritesData[Sprite].Height)) then exit; endelse begin if isDxAreaOffscreen(X - SpritesData[Sprite].Width div 2, SpritesData[Sprite].Width) <> 0 then exit; if isDYAreaOffscreen(Y - SpritesData[Sprite].Height div 2 , SpritesData[Sprite].Height) <> 0 then exit; end;openglPushMatrix;openglTranslatef(X, Y, 0);// mirrorif Dir < 0 then openglScalef(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0);// apply angle after (conditional) mirroringif Angle <> 0 then openglRotatef(Angle, 0, 0, 1);DrawSprite(Sprite, -SpritesData[Sprite].Width div 2, -SpritesData[Sprite].Height div 2, Frame);openglPopMatrix;end;procedure DrawSpritePivotedF(Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, Frame, Dir, PivotX, PivotY: LongInt; Angle: real);beginif Angle <> 0 then begin // Check the bounding circle // Assuming the pivot point is inside the sprite's rectangle, the farthest possible point is 3/2 of its diagonal away from the center if isCircleOffscreen(X, Y, 9 * (sqr(SpritesData[Sprite].Width) + sqr(SpritesData[Sprite].Height)) div 4) then exit; endelse begin if isDxAreaOffscreen(X - SpritesData[Sprite].Width div 2, SpritesData[Sprite].Width) <> 0 then exit; if isDYAreaOffscreen(Y - SpritesData[Sprite].Height div 2 , SpritesData[Sprite].Height) <> 0 then exit; end;openglPushMatrix;openglTranslatef(X, Y, 0);// mirrorif Dir < 0 then openglScalef(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0);// apply rotation around the pivot after (conditional) mirroringif Angle <> 0 then begin openglTranslatef(PivotX, PivotY, 0); openglRotatef(Angle, 0, 0, 1); openglTranslatef(-PivotX, -PivotY, 0); end;DrawSprite(Sprite, -SpritesData[Sprite].Width div 2, -SpritesData[Sprite].Height div 2, Frame);openglPopMatrix;end;procedure DrawTextureRotated(Texture: PTexture; hw, hh, X, Y, Dir: LongInt; Angle: real);beginif isDxAreaOffscreen(X, 2 * hw) <> 0 then exit;if isDyAreaOffscreen(Y, 2 * hh) <> 0 then exit;// do not draw anything outside the visible screen space (first check fixes some sprite drawing, e.g. hedgehogs){if (abs(X) > 2 * hw) and ((abs(X) - hw) > cScreenWidth / cScaleFactor) then exit;if (abs(Y) > 2 * hh) and ((abs(Y - 0.5 * cScreenHeight) - hh) > cScreenHeight / cScaleFactor) then exit;}openglPushMatrix;openglTranslatef(X, Y, 0);if Dir < 0 then begin hw:= - hw; openglRotatef(Angle, 0, 0, -1); endelse openglRotatef(Angle, 0, 0, 1);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Texture^.id);VertexBuffer[0].X:= -hw;VertexBuffer[0].Y:= -hh;VertexBuffer[1].X:= hw;VertexBuffer[1].Y:= -hh;VertexBuffer[2].X:= hw;VertexBuffer[2].Y:= hh;VertexBuffer[3].X:= -hw;VertexBuffer[3].Y:= hh;SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 4);SetTexCoordPointer(@Texture^.tb, 4);UpdateModelviewProjection;glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);openglPopMatrix;end;procedure DrawSprite(Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, Frame: LongInt);var row, col, numFramesFirstCol: LongInt;begin if SpritesData[Sprite].imageHeight = 0 then exit; numFramesFirstCol:= SpritesData[Sprite].imageHeight div SpritesData[Sprite].Height; row:= Frame mod numFramesFirstCol; col:= Frame div numFramesFirstCol; DrawSprite(Sprite, X, Y, col, row);end;procedure DrawSprite(Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, FrameX, FrameY: LongInt);var r: TSDL_Rect;begin r.x:= FrameX * SpritesData[Sprite].Width; r.w:= SpritesData[Sprite].Width; r.y:= FrameY * SpritesData[Sprite].Height; r.h:= SpritesData[Sprite].Height; DrawTextureFromRect(X, Y, @r, SpritesData[Sprite].Texture)end;procedure DrawSpriteClipped(Sprite: TSprite; X, Y, TopY, RightX, BottomY, LeftX: LongInt);var r: TSDL_Rect;beginr.x:= 0;r.y:= 0;r.w:= SpritesData[Sprite].Width;r.h:= SpritesData[Sprite].Height;if (X < LeftX) then r.x:= LeftX - X;if (Y < TopY) then r.y:= TopY - Y;if (Y + SpritesData[Sprite].Height > BottomY) then r.h:= BottomY - Y + 1;if (X + SpritesData[Sprite].Width > RightX) then r.w:= RightX - X + 1;if (r.h < r.y) or (r.w < r.x) then exit;dec(r.h, r.y);dec(r.w, r.x);DrawTextureFromRect(X + r.x, Y + r.y, @r, SpritesData[Sprite].Texture)end;procedure DrawTextureCentered(X, Top: LongInt; Source: PTexture);var scale: GLfloat; left : LongInt;begin // scale down if larger than screen if (Source^.w + 20) > cScreenWidth then begin scale:= cScreenWidth / (Source^.w + 20); DrawTexture(X - round(Source^.w * scale) div 2, Top, Source, scale); end else begin left:= X - Source^.w div 2; if (not isAreaOffscreen(left, Top, Source^.w, Source^.h)) then DrawTexture(left, Top, Source); end;end;procedure DrawLine(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Width: Single; color: LongWord); inline;beginDrawLine(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Width, (color shr 24) and $FF, (color shr 16) and $FF, (color shr 8) and $FF, color and $FF)end;procedure DrawLine(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Width: Single; r, g, b, a: Byte);begin openglPushMatrix(); openglTranslatef(WorldDx, WorldDy, 0); UpdateModelviewProjection; DrawLineOnScreen(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Width, r, g, b, a); openglPopMatrix();end;procedure DrawLineOnScreen(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Width: Single; r, g, b, a: Byte);begin glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); EnableTexture(False); glLineWidth(Width); Tint(r, g, b, a); VertexBuffer[0].X:= X0; VertexBuffer[0].Y:= Y0; VertexBuffer[1].X:= X1; VertexBuffer[1].Y:= Y1; SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 2); glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, 2); untint(); EnableTexture(True); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);end;procedure DrawRect(rect: TSDL_Rect; r, g, b, a: Byte; Fill: boolean);begin// do not draw anything outside the visible screen space (first check fixes some sprite drawing, e.g. hedgehogs)if (abs(rect.x) > rect.w) and ((abs(rect.x + rect.w / 2) - rect.w / 2) * 2 > ViewWidth) then exit;if (abs(rect.y) > rect.h) and ((abs(rect.y + rect.h / 2 - (cScreenHeight / 2)) - rect.h / 2) * 2 > ViewHeight) then exit;EnableTexture(False);Tint(r, g, b, a);with rect dobegin VertexBuffer[0].X:= x; VertexBuffer[0].Y:= y; VertexBuffer[1].X:= x + w; VertexBuffer[1].Y:= y; VertexBuffer[2].X:= x + w; VertexBuffer[2].Y:= y + h; VertexBuffer[3].X:= x; VertexBuffer[3].Y:= y + h;end;SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 4);if Fill then glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4)else begin glLineWidth(1); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, 4); end;untint;EnableTexture(True);end;procedure DrawCircle(X, Y, Radius, Width: LongInt; r, g, b, a: Byte);begin Tint(r, g, b, a); DrawCircle(X, Y, Radius, Width); untint;end;procedure DrawCircle(X, Y, Radius, Width: LongInt);var i: LongInt;begin i:= Radius + Width; if isDxAreaOffscreen(X - i, 2 * i) <> 0 then exit; if isDyAreaOffscreen(Y - i, 2 * i) <> 0 then exit; for i := 0 to 59 do begin VertexBuffer[i].X := X + Radius*cos(i*pi/30); VertexBuffer[i].Y := Y + Radius*sin(i*pi/30); end; EnableTexture(False); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); //openglPushMatrix; glLineWidth(Width); SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 60); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, 60); //openglPopMatrix; EnableTexture(True); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);end;procedure DrawCircleFilled(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; r, g, b, a: Byte);var i: LongInt;begin VertexBuffer[0].X := X; VertexBuffer[0].Y := Y; for i := 1 to 19 do begin VertexBuffer[i].X := X + Radius*cos(i*pi/9); VertexBuffer[i].Y := Y + Radius*sin(i*pi/9); end; EnableTexture(False); Tint(r, g, b, a); SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 20); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 20); Untint(); EnableTexture(True);end;procedure DrawHedgehog(X, Y: LongInt; Dir: LongInt; Pos, Step: LongWord; Angle: real);const VertexBuffer: array [0..3] of TVertex2f = ( (X: -16; Y: -16), (X: 16; Y: -16), (X: 16; Y: 16), (X: -16; Y: 16));var l, r, t, b: real;begin // do not draw anything outside the visible screen space (first check fixes some sprite drawing, e.g. hedgehogs) if (abs(X) > 32) and ((abs(X) - 16) * 2 > ViewWidth) then exit; if (abs(Y) > 32) and ((abs(Y - cScreenHeight / 2) - 16) * 2 > ViewHeight) then exit; t:= Pos * 32 / HHTexture^.h; b:= (Pos + 1) * 32 / HHTexture^.h; if Dir = -1 then begin l:= (Step + 1) * 32 / HHTexture^.w; r:= Step * 32 / HHTexture^.w end else begin l:= Step * 32 / HHTexture^.w; r:= (Step + 1) * 32 / HHTexture^.w end; openglPushMatrix(); openglTranslatef(X, Y, 0); openglRotatef(Angle, 0, 0, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, HHTexture^.id); TextureBuffer[0].X:= l; TextureBuffer[0].Y:= t; TextureBuffer[1].X:= r; TextureBuffer[1].Y:= t; TextureBuffer[2].X:= r; TextureBuffer[2].Y:= b; TextureBuffer[3].X:= l; TextureBuffer[3].Y:= b; SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 4); SetTexCoordPointer(@TextureBuffer[0], 4); UpdateModelviewProjection; glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4); openglPopMatrix;end;procedure DrawScreenWidget(widget: POnScreenWidget);{$IFDEF USE_TOUCH_INTERFACE}var alpha: byte = $FF;beginwith widget^ do begin if (fadeAnimStart <> 0) then begin if RealTicks > (fadeAnimStart + FADE_ANIM_TIME) then fadeAnimStart:= 0 else if show then alpha:= Byte(trunc((RealTicks - fadeAnimStart)/FADE_ANIM_TIME * $FF)) else alpha:= Byte($FF - trunc((RealTicks - fadeAnimStart)/FADE_ANIM_TIME * $FF)); end; with moveAnim do if animate then if RealTicks > (startTime + MOVE_ANIM_TIME) then begin startTime:= 0; animate:= false; frame.x:= target.x; frame.y:= target.y; active.x:= active.x + (target.x - source.x); active.y:= active.y + (target.y - source.y); end else begin frame.x:= source.x + Round((target.x - source.x) * ((RealTicks - startTime) / MOVE_ANIM_TIME)); frame.y:= source.y + Round((target.y - source.y) * ((RealTicks - startTime) / MOVE_ANIM_TIME)); end; if show or (fadeAnimStart <> 0) then begin Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, alpha); DrawTexture(frame.x, frame.y, spritesData[sprite].Texture, buttonScale); untint; end; end;{$ELSE}beginwidget:= widget; // avoid hint{$ENDIF}end;procedure BeginWater;begin{$IFDEF GL2} glUseProgram(shaderWater); uCurrentMVPLocation:=uWaterMVPLocation; UpdateModelviewProjection;{$ENDIF} openglUseColorOnly(true);end;procedure EndWater;begin{$IFDEF GL2} glUseProgram(shaderMain); uCurrentMVPLocation:=uMainMVPLocation; UpdateModelviewProjection;{$ENDIF} openglUseColorOnly(false);end;procedure PrepareVbForWater( WithWalls: Boolean; InTopY, OutTopY, InLeftX, OutLeftX, InRightX, OutRightX, BottomY: LongInt; out first, count: LongInt);var firsti, afteri, lol: LongInt;begin // We will draw both bottom water and the water walls with a single call, // by rendering a GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP of eight points. // // GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP works like this: "always create triangle between // newest point and the two points that were specified before it." // // To get the result we want we will order the points like this: // ^ -Y // | // 0-------1 7-------6 <--------------------- OutTopY -| // | /| | _/| | // | / | | / | | // | / | | _/ | | // | / | | / | | // | / _.3---------5{ | <--------------------- InTopY --| // | / _/ `---.___ `--._ | | // |/_/ `---.___\| | // 2-------------------------4 <--------------------- BottomY -| // | // ^ ^ ^ ^ V +Y // | | | | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | | // OutLeftX InLeftX InRightX OutRightX // | | | | // <----------------------------------------> // -X +X //firsti:= -1;afteri:= 0;if InTopY < 0 then InTopY:= 0;if not WithWalls then begin // if no walls are needed, then bottom water surface spans full length InLeftX := OutLeftX; InRightX:= OutRightX; endelse begin // animate water walls raise animation at start of game if GameTicks < 2000 then lol:= 2000 - GameTicks else lol:= 0; if InLeftX > ViewLeftX then begin VertexBuffer[0].X:= OutLeftX - lol; VertexBuffer[0].Y:= OutTopY; VertexBuffer[1].X:= InLeftX - lol; VertexBuffer[1].Y:= OutTopY; // shares vertices 2 and 3 with bottom water firsti:= 0; afteri:= 4; end; if InRightX < ViewRightX then begin VertexBuffer[6].X:= OutRightX + lol; VertexBuffer[6].Y:= OutTopY; VertexBuffer[7].X:= InRightX + lol; VertexBuffer[7].Y:= OutTopY; // shares vertices 4 and 5 with bottom water if firsti < 0 then firsti:= 4; afteri:= 8; end; end;if InTopY < ViewBottomY then begin // shares vertices 2-5 with water walls // starts at vertex 2 if (firsti < 0) or (firsti > 2) then firsti:= 2; // ends at vertex 5 if afteri < 6 then afteri:= 6; end;if firsti < 0 then begin // nothing to draw at all! first:= -1; count:= 0; exit; end;if firsti < 4 then begin VertexBuffer[2].X:= OutLeftX; VertexBuffer[2].Y:= BottomY; VertexBuffer[3].X:= InLeftX; VertexBuffer[3].Y:= InTopY; end;if afteri > 4 then begin VertexBuffer[4].X:= OutRightX; VertexBuffer[4].Y:= BottomY; VertexBuffer[5].X:= InRightX; VertexBuffer[5].Y:= InTopY; end;// first index to draw in vertex bufferfirst:= firsti;// number of points to drawcount:= afteri - firsti;end;procedure DrawWater(Alpha: byte; OffsetY, OffsetX: LongInt);var first, count: LongInt;beginif (WorldEdge <> weSea) then PrepareVbForWater(false, OffsetY + WorldDy + cWaterLine, 0, 0, ViewLeftX, 0, ViewRightX, ViewBottomY, first, count)else PrepareVbForWater(true, OffsetY + WorldDy + cWaterLine, ViewTopY, LongInt(LeftX) + WorldDx - OffsetX, ViewLeftX, LongInt(RightX) + WorldDx + OffsetX, ViewRightX, ViewBottomY, first, count);// quit if there's nothing to draw (nothing in view)if count < 1 then exit;// drawing timeUpdateModelviewProjection;BeginWater;if SuddenDeathDmg then begin // only set alpha if it differs from what we want if SDWaterColorArray[0].a <> Alpha then begin SDWaterColorArray[0].a := Alpha; SDWaterColorArray[1].a := Alpha; SDWaterColorArray[2].a := Alpha; SDWaterColorArray[3].a := Alpha; SDWaterColorArray[4].a := Alpha; SDWaterColorArray[5].a := Alpha; SDWaterColorArray[6].a := Alpha; SDWaterColorArray[7].a := Alpha; end; SetColorPointer(@SDWaterColorArray[0], 8); endelse begin if WaterColorArray[0].a <> Alpha then begin WaterColorArray[0].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[1].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[2].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[3].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[4].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[5].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[6].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[7].a := Alpha; end; SetColorPointer(@WaterColorArray[0], 8); end;SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 8);glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, first, count);EndWater;{$IFNDEF GL2}// must not be Tint() as color array seems to stay active and color reset is requiredglColor4ub($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF);{$ENDIF}end;procedure DrawWaves(Dir, dX, dY, oX: LongInt; tnt: Byte);var first, count, topy, lx, rx, spriteHeight, spriteWidth, waterSpeed: LongInt; waterFrames, waterFrameTicks, frame : LongWord; lw, nWaves, shift, realHeight: GLfloat; sprite: TSprite;begin// note: spriteHeight is the Height of the wave sprite while// cWaveHeight describes how many pixels of it will be above waterlineif SuddenDeathDmg then begin sprite:= sprSDWater; waterFrames:= watSDFrames; waterFrameTicks:= watSDFrameTicks; waterSpeed:= watSDMove; endelse begin sprite:= sprWater; waterFrames:= watFrames; waterFrameTicks:= watFrameTicks; waterSpeed:= watMove; end;spriteHeight:= SpritesData[sprite].Height;realHeight:= SpritesData[sprite].Texture^.ry / waterFrames;// shift parameters by wave height// ( ox and dy are used to create different horizontal and vertical offsets// between wave layers )dY:= -cWaveHeight + dy;ox:= -cWaveHeight + ox;lx:= LongInt(LeftX) + WorldDx - ox;rx:= LongInt(RightX) + WorldDx + ox;topy:= cWaterLine + WorldDy + dY;if (WorldEdge <> weSea) then PrepareVbForWater(false, topy, 0, 0, ViewLeftX, 0, ViewRightX, topy + spriteHeight, first, count)else PrepareVbForWater(true, topy, ViewTopY, lx, lx - spriteHeight, rx, rx + spriteHeight, topy + spriteHeight, first, count);// quit if there's nothing to draw (nothing in view)if count < 1 then exit;if SuddenDeathDmg then Tint(LongInt(tnt) * SDWaterColorArray[1].r div 255 + 255 - tnt, LongInt(tnt) * SDWaterColorArray[1].g div 255 + 255 - tnt, LongInt(tnt) * SDWaterColorArray[1].b div 255 + 255 - tnt, 255 )else Tint(LongInt(tnt) * WaterColorArray[1].r div 255 + 255 - tnt, LongInt(tnt) * WaterColorArray[1].g div 255 + 255 - tnt, LongInt(tnt) * WaterColorArray[1].b div 255 + 255 - tnt, 255 );if WorldEdge = weSea then begin lw:= playWidth; dX:= ox; endelse begin lw:= ViewWidth; dx:= dx - WorldDx; end;spriteWidth:= SpritesData[sprite].Width;nWaves:= lw / spriteWidth; shift:= - nWaves / 2;if waterFrames > 1 then frame:= RealTicks div waterFrameTicks mod waterFrameselse frame:= 0;TextureBuffer[3].X:= shift + ((LongInt((RealTicks * waterSpeed div 100) shr 6) * Dir + dX) mod spriteWidth) / (spriteWidth - 1);TextureBuffer[3].Y:= frame * realHeight;TextureBuffer[5].X:= TextureBuffer[3].X + nWaves;TextureBuffer[5].Y:= frame * realHeight;TextureBuffer[4].X:= TextureBuffer[5].X;TextureBuffer[4].Y:= (frame+1) * realHeight;TextureBuffer[2].X:= TextureBuffer[3].X;TextureBuffer[2].Y:= (frame+1) * realHeight;if (WorldEdge = weSea) then begin nWaves:= (topy - ViewTopY) / spriteWidth; // left side TextureBuffer[1].X:= TextureBuffer[3].X - nWaves; TextureBuffer[1].Y:= frame * realHeight; TextureBuffer[0].X:= TextureBuffer[1].X; TextureBuffer[0].Y:= (frame+1) * realHeight; // right side TextureBuffer[7].X:= TextureBuffer[5].X + nWaves; TextureBuffer[7].Y:= frame * realHeight; TextureBuffer[6].X:= TextureBuffer[7].X; TextureBuffer[6].Y:= (frame+1) * realHeight; end;glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, SpritesData[sprite].Texture^.id);SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 8);SetTexCoordPointer(@TextureBuffer[0], 8);UpdateModelviewProjection;glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, first, count);untint;end;procedure openglTint(r, g, b, a: Byte); inline;{$IFDEF GL2}const scale:Real = 1.0/255.0;{$ENDIF}begin {$IFDEF GL2} glUniform4f(uMainTintLocation, r*scale, g*scale, b*scale, a*scale); {$ELSE} glColor4ub(r, g, b, a); {$ENDIF}end;procedure Tint(r, g, b, a: Byte); inline;var nc, tw: Longword;begin nc:= (r shl 24) or (g shl 16) or (b shl 8) or a; if nc = LastTint then exit; if GrayScale then begin tw:= round(r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if tw > 255 then tw:= 255; r:= tw; g:= tw; b:= tw end; openglTint(r, g, b, a); LastTint:= nc;end;procedure Tint(c: Longword); inline;begin if c = LastTint then exit; Tint(((c shr 24) and $FF), ((c shr 16) and $FF), (c shr 8) and $FF, (c and $FF))end;procedure untint(); inline;begin if cWhiteColor = LastTint then exit; openglTint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); LastTint:= cWhiteColor;end;procedure setTintAdd(f: boolean); inline;begin if f then glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_ADD) else glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE);end;procedure ChangeDepth(rm: TRenderMode; d: GLfloat);var tmp: LongInt;begin{$IFNDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING} rm:= rm; d:= d; tmp:= tmp; // avoid hint{$ELSE} d:= d / 5; if rm = rmDefault then exit else if rm = rmLeftEye then d:= -d; cStereoDepth:= cStereoDepth + d; openglTranslProjMatrix(d, 0, 0); tmp:= round(d / cScaleFactor * cScreenWidth); ViewLeftX := ViewLeftX - tmp; ViewRightX:= ViewRightX - tmp;{$ENDIF}end;procedure ResetDepth(rm: TRenderMode);var tmp: LongInt;begin{$IFNDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING} rm:= rm; tmp:= tmp; // avoid hint{$ELSE} if rm = rmDefault then exit; openglTranslProjMatrix(-cStereoDepth, 0, 0); tmp:= round(cStereoDepth / cScaleFactor * cScreenWidth); ViewLeftX := ViewLeftX + tmp; ViewRightX:= ViewRightX + tmp; cStereoDepth:= 0;{$ENDIF}end;procedure initModule;begin LastTint:= cWhiteColor + 1; LastColorPointer := nil; LastTexCoordPointer := nil; LastVertexPointer := nil;{$IFDEF GL2} LastColorPointerN := 0; LastTexCoordPointerN:= 0; LastVertexPointerN := 0;{$ENDIF}end;procedure freeModule;begin{$IFDEF GL2} glDeleteProgram(shaderMain); glDeleteProgram(shaderWater); glDeleteBuffers(1, @vBuffer); glDeleteBuffers(1, @tBuffer); glDeleteBuffers(1, @cBuffer);{$ENDIF}end;end.