- Unicode support for team and hedgehogs names
- Clouds move in vertical direction also
- Many fixes to hedgehog physics
- Support for different images in 16 and 32 bit screen resolution
- Fixed bots behavior after attack
- Fixed camera behavior right after the game start
(* * Hedgewars, a worms-like game * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * Distributed under the terms of the BSD-modified licence: * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *)unit uWorld;interfaceuses SDLh, uGears;{$INCLUDE options.inc}const WorldDx: integer = -512; WorldDy: integer = -256;procedure InitWorld;procedure DrawWorld(Lag: integer; Surface: PSDL_Surface);procedure AddCaption(s: shortstring; Color, Group: LongWord);procedure MoveWorld;{$IFDEF COUNTTICKS}var cntTicks: LongWord;{$ENDIF}var FollowGear: PGear = nil; WindBarWidth: integer = 0;implementationuses uStore, uMisc, uConsts, uTeams, uIO;const RealTicks: Longword = 0; Frames: Longword = 0; FPS: Longword = 0; CountTicks: Longword = 0; prevPoint: TPoint = (X: 0; Y: 0);type TCaptionStr = record r: TSDL_Rect; StorePos, Group, EndTime: LongWord; end;var cWaterSprCount: integer; Captions: array[0..Pred(cMaxCaptions)] of TCaptionStr;procedure InitWorld;begincLandYShift:= cWaterLine + 64;cWaterSprCount:= 1 + cScreenWidth div (SpritesData[sprWater].Width);cScreenEdgesDist:= Min(cScreenWidth div 4, cScreenHeight div 4);SDL_WarpMouse(cScreenWidth div 2, cScreenHeight div 2);prevPoint.X:= cScreenWidth div 2;prevPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight div 2;WorldDx:= - 1024 + cScreenWidth div 2;WorldDy:= - 512 + cScreenHeight div 2end;procedure DrawWorld(Lag: integer; Surface: PSDL_Surface);var i, t: integer; r: TSDL_Rect; team: PTeam; tdx, tdy: real;begin// Skyinc(RealTicks, Lag);r.h:= WorldDy;if r.h > 0 then begin if r.h > cScreenHeight then r.h:= cScreenHeight; r.x:= 0; r.y:= 0; r.w:= cScreenWidth; SDL_FillRect(Surface, @r, cSkyColor) end;// backgroundfor i:= 0 to (cScreenWidth shr 6) do DrawGear(sSky, i*64, WorldDy, Surface);for i:= -1 to 3 do DrawGear(sHorizont, i * 512 + (((WorldDx * 3) div 5) and $1FF), cWaterLine - 256 + WorldDy, Surface);// Waves{$WARNINGS OFF}for i:= -1 to cWaterSprCount do DrawSprite(sprWater, i * 256 + ((WorldDx + (RealTicks shr 6) ) and $FF), cWaterLine + WorldDy - 64, 0, Surface);for i:= -1 to cWaterSprCount do DrawSprite(sprWater, i * 256 + ((WorldDx - (RealTicks shr 6) + 192) and $FF), cWaterLine + WorldDy - 48, 0, Surface);{$WARNINGS ON}DrawLand(WorldDx, WorldDy, Surface);// Waterr.y:= WorldDy + cWaterLine + 32;if r.y < cScreenHeight then begin if r.y < 0 then r.y:= 0; r.h:= cScreenHeight - r.y; r.x:= 0; r.w:= cScreenWidth; SDL_FillRect(Surface, @r, cWaterColor) end;DrawGears(Surface);team:= TeamsList;while team<>nil do begin for i:= 0 to 7 do with team.Hedgehogs[i] do if Gear<>nil then if Gear.State = 0 then begin DrawCaption( round(Gear.X) + WorldDx, round(Gear.Y) - cHHRadius - 30 + WorldDy, HealthRect, Surface, true); DrawCaption( round(Gear.X) + WorldDx, round(Gear.Y) - cHHRadius - 54 + WorldDy, NameRect, Surface);// DrawCaption( round(Gear.X) + WorldDx,// round(Gear.Y) - Gear.Radius - 60 + WorldDy,// Team.NameRect, Surface); end else // Current hedgehog begin if (Gear.State and (gstMoving or gstDrowning or gstFalling)) = 0 then if (Gear.State and gstHHThinking) <> 0 then DrawGear(sQuestion, Round(Gear.X) - 10 + WorldDx, Round(Gear.Y) - cHHRadius - 34 + WorldDy, Surface) else if ShowCrosshair and ((Gear.State and gstAttacked) = 0) then DrawCaption(Round(Gear.X + Sign(Gear.dX) * Sin(Gear.Angle*pi/cMaxAngle)*60) + WorldDx, Round(Gear.Y - Cos(Gear.Angle*pi/cMaxAngle)*60) + WorldDy - 4, Team.CrossHairRect, Surface) end; team:= team.Next end;// Waves{$WARNINGS OFF}for i:= -1 to cWaterSprCount do DrawSprite(sprWater, i * 256 + ((WorldDx + (RealTicks shr 6) + 64) and $FF), cWaterLine + WorldDy - 32, 0, Surface);for i:= -1 to cWaterSprCount do DrawSprite(sprWater, i * 256 + ((WorldDx - (RealTicks shr 6) + 128) and $FF), cWaterLine + WorldDy - 16, 0, Surface);for i:= -1 to cWaterSprCount do DrawSprite(sprWater, i * 256 + ((WorldDx + (RealTicks shr 6) ) and $FF), cWaterLine + WorldDy , 0, Surface);{$WARNINGS ON}if TurnTimeLeft <> 0 then begin i:= Succ(Pred(TurnTimeLeft) div 1000); if i>99 then t:= 112 else if i>9 then t:= 96 else t:= 80; DrawSprite(sprFrame, t, cScreenHeight - 48, 1, Surface); while i > 0 do begin dec(t, 32); DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, t, cScreenHeight - 48, i mod 10, Surface); i:= i div 10 end; DrawSprite(sprFrame, t - 4, cScreenHeight - 48, 0, Surface); end;if CurrentTeam <> nil then case AttackBar of 1: begin r:= StuffPoz[sPowerBar]; {$WARNINGS OFF} r.w:= (CurrentTeam.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam.CurrHedgehog].Gear.Power * 256) div cPowerDivisor; {$WARNINGS ON} DrawSpriteFromRect(r, cScreenWidth - 272, cScreenHeight - 48, 16, 0, Surface); end; 2: with CurrentTeam.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam.CurrHedgehog] do begin tdx:= Sign(Gear.dX) * Sin(Gear.Angle*pi/cMaxAngle); tdy:= - Cos(Gear.Angle*pi/cMaxAngle); for i:= (Gear.Power * 24) div cPowerDivisor downto 0 do DrawSprite(sprPower, round(Gear.X + WorldDx + tdx * (32 + i * 2)) - 16, round(Gear.Y + WorldDy + tdy * (32 + i * 2)) - 12, i, Surface) end end;// Targetif TargetPoint.X <> NoPointX then DrawSprite(sprTargetP, TargetPoint.X + WorldDx - 16, TargetPoint.Y + WorldDy - 16, 0, Surface);// Captionsi:= 0;while (i < cMaxCaptions) do begin with Captions[i] do if EndTime > 0 then DrawCaption(cScreenWidth div 2, 8 + i * 32 + cConsoleYAdd, r, Surface, true); inc(i) end;while (Captions[0].EndTime > 0) and (Captions[0].EndTime <= RealTicks) do begin for i:= 1 to Pred(cMaxCaptions) do Captions[Pred(i)]:= Captions[i]; Captions[Pred(cMaxCaptions)].EndTime:= 0 end;// Teams Healthsteam:= TeamsList;while team <> nil do begin DrawFromStoreRect(cScreenWidth div 2 - team.NameRect.w - 3, Team.DrawHealthY, @team.NameRect, Surface); r:= team.HealthRect; r.w:= 3 + team.TeamHealth; DrawFromStoreRect(cScreenWidth div 2, Team.DrawHealthY, @r, Surface); inc(r.x, cTeamHealthWidth + 3); r.w:= 2; DrawFromStoreRect(cScreenWidth div 2 + team.TeamHealth + 3, Team.DrawHealthY, @r, Surface); team:= team.Next end;// Lag alertif isInLag then DrawSprite(sprLag, 32, 32 + cConsoleYAdd, (RealTicks shr 7) mod 7, Surface);// Wind barDrawGear(sWindBar, cScreenWidth - 180, cScreenHeight - 30, Surface);if WindBarWidth > 0 then begin with StuffPoz[sWindR] do begin {$WARNINGS OFF} r.x:= x + 8 - (RealTicks shr 6) mod 8; {$WARNINGS ON} r.y:= y; r.w:= WindBarWidth; r.h:= 13; end; DrawSpriteFromRect(r, cScreenWidth - 103, cScreenHeight - 28, 13, 0, Surface); end else if WindBarWidth < 0 then begin with StuffPoz[sWindL] do begin {$WARNINGS OFF} r.x:= x + (WindBarWidth + RealTicks shr 6) mod 8; {$WARNINGS ON} r.y:= y; r.w:= - WindBarWidth; r.h:= 13; end; DrawSpriteFromRect(r, cScreenWidth - 106 + WindBarWidth, cScreenHeight - 28, 13, 0, Surface); end;// Cursorif isCursorVisible then DrawSprite(sprArrow, CursorPoint.X, CursorPoint.Y, (RealTicks shr 6) mod 8, Surface);{$IFDEF COUNTTICKS}DXOutText(10, 10, fnt16, inttostr(cntTicks), Surface);{$ENDIF}inc(Frames);inc(CountTicks, Lag);if CountTicks >= 1000 then begin FPS:= Frames; Frames:= 0; CountTicks:= 0; end;if cShowFPS then DXOutText(cScreenWidth - 50, 10, fnt16, inttostr(FPS) + ' fps', Surface)end;procedure AddCaption(s: shortstring; Color, Group: LongWord);var i, t, m, k: LongWord;begini:= 0;while (i < cMaxCaptions) and (Captions[i].Group <> Group)do inc(i);if i < cMaxCaptions then begin while (i < Pred(cMaxCaptions)) do begin Captions[i]:= Captions[Succ(i)]; inc(i) end; Captions[Pred(cMaxCaptions)].EndTime:= 0 end;if Captions[Pred(cMaxCaptions)].EndTime > 0 then begin m:= Pred(cMaxCaptions); for i:= 1 to m do Captions[Pred(i)]:= Captions[i]; Captions[m].EndTime:= 0 end else begin m:= 0; while (m < cMaxCaptions)and(Captions[m].EndTime > 0) do inc(m) end;k:= 0;for i:= 0 to Pred(cMaxCaptions) do for t:= 0 to Pred(cMaxCaptions) do if (Captions[t].EndTime > 0)and(Captions[t].StorePos = k) then inc(k);Captions[m].r:= RenderString(s, Color, k);Captions[m].StorePos:= k;Captions[m].Group:= Group;Captions[m].EndTime:= RealTicks + 1200end;procedure MoveWorld;const PrevSentPointTime: LongWord = 0;var s: string[9];beginif not (CurrentTeam.ExtDriven and isCursorVisible) then SDL_GetMouseState(@CursorPoint.X, @CursorPoint.Y);if (FollowGear <> nil) then if abs(CursorPoint.X - prevPoint.X) + abs(CursorPoint.Y - prevpoint.Y) > 4 then begin FollowGear:= nil; exit end else begin CursorPoint.x:= (CursorPoint.x * 7 + (round(FollowGear.X + Sign(FollowGear.dX) * 100) + WorldDx)) div 8; CursorPoint.y:= (CursorPoint.y * 7 + (round(FollowGear.Y) + WorldDy)) div 8 end;if ((CursorPoint.X = prevPoint.X)and(CursorPoint.Y = prevpoint.Y)) then exit;if isCursorVisible then begin if (not CurrentTeam.ExtDriven)and(GameTicks >= PrevSentPointTime + cSendCursorPosTime) then begin s[0]:= #9; s[1]:= 'P'; PInteger(@s[2])^:= CursorPoint.X - WorldDx; PInteger(@s[6])^:= CursorPoint.Y - WorldDy; SendIPC(s); PrevSentPointTime:= GameTicks end; end;if isCursorVisible or (FollowGear <> nil) then begin if CursorPoint.X < cScreenEdgesDist then begin WorldDx:= WorldDx - CursorPoint.X + cScreenEdgesDist; CursorPoint.X:= cScreenEdgesDist end else if CursorPoint.X > cScreenWidth - cScreenEdgesDist then begin WorldDx:= WorldDx - CursorPoint.X + cScreenWidth - cScreenEdgesDist; CursorPoint.X:= cScreenWidth - cScreenEdgesDist end; if CursorPoint.Y < cScreenEdgesDist then begin WorldDy:= WorldDy - CursorPoint.Y + cScreenEdgesDist; CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenEdgesDist end else if CursorPoint.Y > cScreenHeight - cScreenEdgesDist then begin WorldDy:= WorldDy - CursorPoint.Y + cScreenHeight - cScreenEdgesDist; CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - cScreenEdgesDist end; end else begin WorldDx:= WorldDx - CursorPoint.X + prevPoint.X; WorldDy:= WorldDy - CursorPoint.Y + prevPoint.Y; CursorPoint.X:= (cScreenWidth shr 1); CursorPoint.Y:= (cScreenHeight shr 1); end;SDL_WarpMouse(CursorPoint.X, CursorPoint.Y);prevPoint:= CursorPoint;if WorldDy < cScreenHeight - cLandYShift - cVisibleWater then WorldDy:= cScreenHeight - cLandYShift - cVisibleWater;if WorldDy > 2048 then WorldDy:= 2048;if WorldDx < -2048 then WorldDx:= -2048;if WorldDx > cScreenWidth then WorldDx:= cScreenWidth;end;initializationFillChar(Captions, sizeof(Captions), 0)end.