author Marco Bresciani
Fri, 12 Jul 2013 11:57:31 +0200
changeset 9355 48549227aa2b
parent 8511 4f899fbce66d
child 9662 47dbd9601342
permissions -rw-r--r--
Many modifications (these files seems written by a non Italian): 1. some (not all, yet) of the typos! 2. Italian grammar is different from English: there are no "Titles Like This" but "Titles like this" if there are no proper nouns. 3. Let's use actual Italian words not "Engrish" or jargon. For example, "chatta" to say "to chat" is not correct even if widely used! 4. I'd use the Italian "Morte improvvisa" instead of English "Sudden Death"; what to do you think?

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module OfficialServer.GameReplayStore where

import Data.Time
import Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Sequence()
import System.Log.Logger
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Unique
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import System.Directory
import CoreTypes
import EngineInteraction

pickReplayFile :: Int -> IO String
pickReplayFile p = do
    files <- liftM (filter (isSuffixOf ('.' : show p))) $ getDirectoryContents "replays"
    if (not $ null files) then
        return $ "replays/" ++ head files
        return ""

saveReplay :: RoomInfo -> IO ()
saveReplay r = do
    let gi = fromJust $ gameInfo r
    when (allPlayersHaveRegisteredAccounts gi) $ do
        time <- getCurrentTime
        u <- liftM hashUnique newUnique
        let fileName = "replays/" ++ show time ++ "-" ++ show u ++ "." ++ show (roomProto r)
        let replayInfo = (teamsAtStart gi, Map.toList $ mapParams r, Map.toList $ params r, roundMsgs gi)
            (writeFile fileName (show replayInfo))
            (\(e :: IOException) -> warningM "REPLAYS" $ "Couldn't write to " ++ fileName ++ ": " ++ show e)

loadReplay :: Int -> IO (Maybe CheckInfo, [B.ByteString])
loadReplay p = E.handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> warningM "REPLAYS" "Problems reading replay" >> return (Nothing, [])) $ do
    fileName <- pickReplayFile p
    if (not $ null fileName) then
        loadFile fileName
        return (Nothing, [])
        loadFile :: String -> IO (Maybe CheckInfo, [B.ByteString])
        loadFile fileName = E.handle (\(e :: SomeException) ->
                    warningM "REPLAYS" ("Problems reading " ++ fileName ++ ": " ++ show e) >> return (Nothing, [])) $ do
            (teams, params1, params2, roundMsgs) <- liftM read $ readFile fileName
            return $ (
                Just (CheckInfo fileName teams)
                , replayToDemo teams (Map.fromList params1) (Map.fromList params2) (reverse roundMsgs)

moveFailedRecord :: String -> IO ()
moveFailedRecord fn = E.handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> warningM "REPLAYS" $ show e) $
    renameFile fn ("failed/" ++ drop 8 fn)

moveCheckedRecord :: String -> IO ()
moveCheckedRecord fn = E.handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> warningM "REPLAYS" $ show e) $
    renameFile fn ("checked/" ++ drop 8 fn)