Many modifications (these files seems written by a non Italian):
1. some (not all, yet) of the typos!
2. Italian grammar is different from English: there are no "Titles Like This" but "Titles like this" if there are no proper nouns.
3. Let's use actual Italian words not "Engrish" or jargon. For example, "chatta" to say "to chat" is not correct even if widely used!
4. I'd use the Italian "Morte improvvisa" instead of English "Sudden Death"; what to do you think?
module ServerState
module RoomsAndClients,
) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Set as Set(Set)
import Data.Word
import RoomsAndClients
import CoreTypes
data ServerState = ServerState {
clientIndex :: !(Maybe ClientIndex),
serverInfo :: !ServerInfo,
removedClients :: !(Set.Set ClientIndex),
roomsClients :: !MRnC
clientRoomA :: StateT ServerState IO RoomIndex
clientRoomA = do
(Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
rnc <- gets roomsClients
io $ clientRoomM rnc ci
client's :: (ClientInfo -> a) -> StateT ServerState IO a
client's f = do
(Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
rnc <- gets roomsClients
io $ client'sM rnc f ci
allClientsS :: StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
allClientsS = gets roomsClients >>= liftIO . clientsM
allRoomsS :: StateT ServerState IO [RoomInfo]
allRoomsS = gets roomsClients >>= liftIO . roomsM
roomClientsS :: RoomIndex -> StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
roomClientsS ri = do
rnc <- gets roomsClients
io $ roomClientsM rnc ri
sameProtoClientsS :: Word16 -> StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
sameProtoClientsS p = liftM f allClientsS
f = filter (\c -> clientProto c == p)
io :: IO a -> StateT ServerState IO a
io = liftIO