unbreak android build
- export the Game function
- fill the ammo store with 0s in the frondend, if we're missing any weapons
- use english as default language
+ −
+ − #include "quazip.h"
+ − #include "quazipfile.h"
+ − #include "quazipfileinfo.h"
+ − #include <QString>
+ − #include <QDir>
+ − #include <QFileInfo>
+ − #include <QFile>
+ −
+ − class QUAZIP_EXPORT JlCompress {
+ − private:
+ − static bool compressFile(QuaZip* zip, QString fileName, QString fileDest);
+ − static bool compressSubDir(QuaZip* parentZip, QString dir, QString parentDir, bool recursive = true);
+ − static bool extractFile(QuaZip* zip, QString fileName, QString fileDest);
+ −
+ − static bool removeFile(QStringList listFile);
+ −
+ − public:
+ − static bool compressFile(QString fileCompressed, QString file);
+ − static bool compressFiles(QString fileCompressed, QStringList files);
+ − static bool compressDir(QString fileCompressed, QString dir = QString(), bool recursive = true);
+ −
+ − public:
+ − static QString extractFile(QString fileCompressed, QString file, QString fileDest = QString());
+ − static QStringList extractFiles(QString fileCompressed, QStringList files, QString dir = QString());
+ − static QStringList extractDir(QString fileCompressed, QString dir = QString());
+ − static QStringList getFileList(QString fileCompressed);
+ − };
+ −
+ − #endif /* JLCOMPRESSFOLDER_H_ */