unit uCursor;interfaceprocedure init;procedure resetPosition;procedure updatePosition;procedure handlePositionUpdate(x, y: LongInt);implementationuses SDLh, uVariables, uTypes;procedure init;begin resetPosition();end;procedure resetPosition;begin if GameType = gmtRecord then exit; // Move curser by 1px in case it's already centered. // The game camera in the Alpha for 0.9.23 screwed up if // the game started with the mouse already being centered. // This fixes it, but we might have overlooked a related // bug somewhere else. // No big deal since this function is (so far) only called once. SDL_WarpMouse((cScreenWidth div 2) + 1, cScreenHeight div 2); SDL_WarpMouse(cScreenWidth div 2, cScreenHeight div 2);end;procedure updatePosition;var x, y: LongInt;begin if GameType <> gmtRecord then SDL_GetMouseState(@x, @y); if(x <> cScreenWidth div 2) or (y <> cScreenHeight div 2) then begin handlePositionUpdate(x - cScreenWidth div 2, y - cScreenHeight div 2); if cHasFocus and (GameType <> gmtRecord) then SDL_WarpMouse(cScreenWidth div 2, cScreenHeight div 2); endend;procedure handlePositionUpdate(x, y: LongInt);begin CursorPoint.X:= CursorPoint.X + x; CursorPoint.Y:= CursorPoint.Y - y;end;end.