author Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru>
Sat, 02 Nov 2019 13:01:28 +0100
changeset 15506 5a30396f8fb2
parent 15414 330a2d7d520d
permissions -rw-r--r--
ClimbHome: Change misleading Seed assignment to nil value This was "Seed = ClimbHome", but ClimbHome was a nil value. This code still worked as the engine interpreted the nil value as empty string. But it can be very misleading. This changeset makes the Seed assignment more explicit by assigning the empty string directly. The compability has been tested.

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include <QDebug>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QFile>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QHash>

#include "gameSchemeModel.h"
#include "hwconsts.h"

QList<QVariant> defaultScheme = QList<QVariant>()
                                << QVariant("Default")     // name           0
                                << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
                                << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
                                << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
                                << QVariant(false)         // border         4
                                << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
                                << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
                                << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
                                << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
                                << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
                                << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
                                << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
                                << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
                                << QVariant(false)         // king           13
                                << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
                                << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
                                << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
                                << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
                                << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
                                << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
                                << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
                                << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
                                << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
                                << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
                                << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
                                << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
                                << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
                                << QVariant(45)            // turn time      27
                                << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
                                << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
                                << QVariant(5)             // case prob      30
                                << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
                                << QVariant(4)             // mines number   32
                                << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
                                << QVariant(2)             // explosives     34
                                << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
                                << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
                                << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
                                << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
                                << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
                                << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
                                << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
                                << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
                                << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

GameSchemeModel::GameSchemeModel(QObject* parent, const QString & directory) :
    predefSchemesNames = QStringList()
                         << "Default"
                         << "Pro Mode"
                         << "Shoppa"
                         << "Clean Slate"
                         << "Minefield"
                         << "Barrel Mayhem"
                         << "Tunnel Hogs"
                         << "Timeless"
                         << "Thinking with Portals"
                         << "King Mode"
                         << "Mutant"
                         << "Construction Mode"
                         << "The Specialists"
                         << "Space Invasion"
                         << "HedgeEditor"
                         << "Racer"

    numberOfDefaultSchemes = predefSchemesNames.size();

    spNames = QStringList()
              << "name"                //  0 | Name should be first forever
              << "switchhog"           //  1
              << "divteams"            //  2
              << "solidland"           //  3
              << "border"              //  4
              << "lowgrav"             //  5
              << "laser"               //  6
              << "invulnerability"     //  7
              << "resethealth"         //  8
              << "vampiric"            //  9
              << "karma"               // 10
              << "artillery"           // 11
              << "randomorder"         // 12
              << "king"                // 13
              << "placehog"            // 14
              << "sharedammo"          // 15
              << "disablegirders"      // 16
              << "disablelandobjects"  // 17
              << "aisurvival"          // 18
              << "infattack"           // 19
              << "resetweps"           // 20
              << "perhogammo"          // 21
              << "disablewind"         // 22
              << "morewind"            // 23
              << "tagteam"             // 24
              << "bottomborder"        // 25
              << "damagefactor"        // 26
              << "turntime"            // 27
              << "health"              // 28
              << "suddendeath"         // 29
              << "caseprobability"     // 30
              << "minestime"           // 31
              << "minesnum"            // 32
              << "minedudpct"          // 33
              << "explosives"          // 34
              << "airmines"            // 35
              << "healthprobability"   // 36
              << "healthcaseamount"    // 37
              << "waterrise"           // 38
              << "healthdecrease"      // 39
              << "ropepct"             // 40
              << "getawaytime"         // 41
              << "worldedge"           // 42
              << "scriptparam"         // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> proMode;
            << predefSchemesNames[1]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(true)          // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(15)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(0)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(0)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(2)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> shoppa;
            << predefSchemesNames[2]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(true)          // solid land     3
            << QVariant(true)          // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(true)          // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(true)          // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(true)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(true)          // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(30)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(50)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(1)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(0)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(0)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(0)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(0)             // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(0)             // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(0)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> cleanslate;
            << predefSchemesNames[3]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(true)          // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(true)          // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(true)          // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(45)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(5)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(4)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(2)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> minefield;
            << predefSchemesNames[4]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(true)          // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(true)          // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(30)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(50)            // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(0)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(0)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(200)           // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(0)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> barrelmayhem;
            << predefSchemesNames[5]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(true)          // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(30)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(0)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(0)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(0)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(200)           // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> tunnelhogs;
            << predefSchemesNames[6]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(true)          // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(true)          // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(true)          // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(true)          // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(30)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(5)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(10)            // mines number   32
            << QVariant(10)            // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(10)            // explosives     34
            << QVariant(4)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> timeless;
            << predefSchemesNames[7]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(true)          // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(9999)          // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(5)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(5)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(10)            // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(2)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(30)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(0)             // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(0)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> thinkingportals;
            << predefSchemesNames[8]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(true)          // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(45)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(2)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(5)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(5)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(4)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(25)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> kingmode;
            << predefSchemesNames[9]  // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(true)          // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(45)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(5)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(4)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(2)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> mutant;
            << predefSchemesNames[10]  // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(true)          // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(20)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(2)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(1)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(4)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(2)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(0)             // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(0)             // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(0)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> construction;
            << predefSchemesNames[11]  // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)          // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(true)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(true)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(true)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(true)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(45)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(5)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(0)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(0)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            // NOTE: If you change this, also change the defaults in the Construction Mode script
            << QVariant("initialenergy=550, energyperround=50, maxenergy=1000, cratesperround=5") // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> specialists;
            << predefSchemesNames[12]  // name           0
            << QVariant(true)          // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(false)         // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(true)          // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(true)          // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(true)          // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(true)          // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(45)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(15)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(5)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(0)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(0)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(100)           // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(47)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(5)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            // NOTE: If you change this, also change the defaults in the The Specialists script
            << QVariant("t=SENDXHPL")  // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> spaceinvasion;
            << predefSchemesNames[13]  // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(true)          // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(45)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(50)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(0)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(0)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(0)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(0)             // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(0)             // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(0)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            // NOTE: If you change this, also change the defaults in the Space Invasion script
            << QVariant("rounds=3, shield=30, barrels=5, pings=2, barrelbonus=3, shieldbonus=30, timebonus=4") // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> hedgeeditor;
            << predefSchemesNames[14]  // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(false)         // solid land     3
            << QVariant(false)         // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(false)         // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(false)         // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(false)         // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(false)         // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(false)         // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(false)         // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(false)         // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(true)          // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(9999)          // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(50)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(0)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(3)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(0)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(0)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(35)            // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(0)            // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(0)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43

    QList<QVariant> racer;
            << predefSchemesNames[15]   // name           0
            << QVariant(false)         // switchhog      1
            << QVariant(false)         // team divide    2
            << QVariant(true)          // solid land     3
            << QVariant(true)          // border         4
            << QVariant(false)         // low gravity    5
            << QVariant(false)         // laser sight    6
            << QVariant(true)          // invulnerable   7
            << QVariant(false)         // reset health   8
            << QVariant(false)         // vampiric       9
            << QVariant(false)         // karma          10
            << QVariant(false)         // artillery      11
            << QVariant(true)          // random order   12
            << QVariant(false)         // king           13
            << QVariant(false)         // place hog      14
            << QVariant(true)          // shared ammo    15
            << QVariant(true)          // disable girders 16
            << QVariant(true)          // disable land objects 17
            << QVariant(false)         // AI survival    18
            << QVariant(true)          // inf. attack    19
            << QVariant(true)          // reset weps     20
            << QVariant(false)         // per hog ammo   21
            << QVariant(false)         // no wind        22
            << QVariant(false)         // more wind      23
            << QVariant(false)         // tag team       24
            << QVariant(false)         // bottom border  25
            << QVariant(100)           // damage modfier 26
            << QVariant(90)            // turn time      27
            << QVariant(100)           // init health    28
            << QVariant(50)            // sudden death   29
            << QVariant(0)             // case prob      30
            << QVariant(0)             // mines time     31
            << QVariant(0)             // mines number   32
            << QVariant(0)             // mine dud pct   33
            << QVariant(0)             // explosives     34
            << QVariant(0)             // air mines      35
            << QVariant(0)             // health case pct 36
            << QVariant(25)            // health case amt 37
            << QVariant(0)             // water rise amt 38
            << QVariant(0)             // health dec amt 39
            << QVariant(100)           // rope modfier   40
            << QVariant(100)           // get away time  41
            << QVariant(0)             // world edge     42
            << QVariant()              // scriptparam    43


    if (!QDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Schemes").exists()) {
        QDir().mkdir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Schemes");
    QStringList predefSchemesNamesLower;
    for (int i = 0; i < predefSchemesNames.size(); ++i)
    if (!QDir(directory).exists()) {

        qDebug("No /Schemes/Game directory found. Trying to import game schemes from schemes.ini.");

        QSettings legacyFileConfig(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/schemes.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
        int size = legacyFileConfig.beginReadArray("schemes");
        int imported = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)

            QString schemeName = legacyFileConfig.value(spNames[0]).toString();
            if (!schemeName.isNull() && !predefSchemesNamesLower.contains(schemeName.toLower()))
                QList<QVariant> scheme;
                QFile file(directory + "/" + schemeName + ".hwg");

                // Add keys to scheme info and create file
                if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
                    QTextStream stream(&file);

                    for (int k = 0; k < spNames.size(); ++k) {
                        scheme << legacyFileConfig.value(spNames[k], defaultScheme[k]);

                        // File handling
                        // We skip the name key (k==0), it is not stored redundantly in file.
                        // The file name is used for that already.
                        if(k != 0) {
                            // The file is just a list of key=value pairs
                            stream << spNames[k] << "=" << legacyFileConfig.value(spNames[k], defaultScheme[k]).toString();
                            stream << endl;

        qDebug("%d game scheme(s) imported.", imported);
    } else {
        QStringList scheme_dir = QDir(directory).entryList(QDir::Files);

        for(int i = 0; i < scheme_dir.size(); i++)
            QList<QVariant> scheme;
            QFile file(directory + "/" + scheme_dir[i]);

            // Chop off file name suffix
            QString schemeName = scheme_dir[i];
            if (schemeName.endsWith(".hwg", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
            // Don't load scheme if name collides with default scheme
            if (predefSchemesNamesLower.contains(schemeName.toLower())) {
                qWarning("Game scheme \"%s\" not loaded from file, name collides with a default scheme!", qPrintable(schemeName));
            // Parse game scheme file
            if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
                QTextStream stream(&file);
                QString line, key, value;
                QHash<QString, QString> fileKeyValues;
                do {
                    // Read line and get key and value
                    line = stream.readLine();
                    key = line.section(QChar('='), 0, 0);
                    value = line.section(QChar('='), 1);
                    if(!key.isNull() && !value.isNull()) {
                        fileKeyValues[key] = value;
                } while (!line.isNull());

                // Add scheme name manually
                scheme << schemeName;
                // Add other keys from the QHash.
                for (int k = 1; k < spNames.size(); ++k) {
                    key = spNames[k];
                    if (fileKeyValues.contains(key)) {
                        scheme << fileKeyValues.value(key);
                    } else {
                        // Use default value in case the key is not set
                        scheme << defaultScheme[k];


QVariant GameSchemeModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const

    return QVariant();

int GameSchemeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    if (parent.isValid())
        return 0;
        return schemes.size();

int GameSchemeModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex & parent) const
    if (parent.isValid())
        return 0;
        return defaultScheme.size();

bool GameSchemeModel::hasScheme(QString name)
    return hasScheme(name, -1);

bool GameSchemeModel::hasScheme(QString name, int ignoreID)
    QString nameLower = name.toLower();
    for(int i=0; i<schemes.size(); i++)
        if(((ignoreID == -1) || (i != ignoreID)) && (schemes[i][0].toString().toLower() == nameLower))
            return true;
    return false;

bool GameSchemeModel::renameScheme(int index, QString newName)
    return setData(QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(index, 0), QVariant(newName));

Qt::ItemFlags GameSchemeModel::flags(const QModelIndex & index) const

        | Qt::ItemIsSelectable
        | Qt::ItemIsEditable;

bool GameSchemeModel::setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role)
    if (!index.isValid() || index.row() < numberOfDefaultSchemes
            || index.row() >= schemes.size()
            || index.column() >= defaultScheme.size()
            || role != Qt::EditRole)
        return false;

    schemes[index.row()][index.column()] = value;

    emit dataChanged(index, index);
    return true;

bool GameSchemeModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent)

    beginInsertRows(parent, schemes.size(), schemes.size());

    if (row == -1)
        QList<QVariant> newScheme = defaultScheme;

        QString newName = tr("New");
            //name already used -> look for an appropriate name:
            int i=2;
            while(hasScheme(newName = tr("New (%1)").arg(i++))) ;
        newScheme[0] = QVariant(newName);
        schemes.insert(schemes.size(), newScheme);
        QList<QVariant> newScheme = schemes[row];
        QString oldName = newScheme[0].toString();
        QString newName = tr("Copy of %1").arg(oldName);
            //name already used -> look for an appropriate name:
            int i=2;
            while(hasScheme(newName = tr("Copy of %1 (%2)").arg(oldName).arg(i++)));
        newScheme[0] = QVariant(newName);
        schemes.insert(schemes.size(), newScheme);


    return true;

bool GameSchemeModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent)
    if(count != 1
            || row < numberOfDefaultSchemes
            || row >= schemes.size())
        return false;

    beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row);

    QList<QVariant> scheme = schemes[row];
    int j = spNames.indexOf("name");
    QFile(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Schemes/Game/" + scheme[j].toString() + ".hwg").remove();


    return true;

QVariant GameSchemeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
    if (!index.isValid() || index.row() < 0
            || index.row() >= schemes.size()
            || index.column() >= defaultScheme.size()
            || (role != Qt::EditRole && role != Qt::DisplayRole)
        return QVariant();

    return schemes[index.row()][index.column()];

void GameSchemeModel::Save()
    for (int i = 0; i < schemes.size() - numberOfDefaultSchemes; ++i)
        QList<QVariant> scheme = schemes[i + numberOfDefaultSchemes];
        int j = spNames.indexOf("name");

        QString schemeName = scheme[j].toString();
        QFile file(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Schemes/Game/" + schemeName + ".hwg");

        if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
            QTextStream stream(&file);
            for (int k = 0; k < spNames.size(); ++k) {
                // We skip the name key
                if(k != j) {
                    // The file is just a list of key=value pairs
                    stream << spNames[k] << "=" << scheme[k].toString();
                    stream << endl;

NetGameSchemeModel::NetGameSchemeModel(QObject * parent) :
    netScheme = defaultScheme;

QVariant NetGameSchemeModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const

    return QVariant();

int NetGameSchemeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent) const
    if (parent.isValid())
        return 0;
        return 1;

int NetGameSchemeModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex & parent) const
    if (parent.isValid())
        return 0;
        return defaultScheme.size();

QVariant NetGameSchemeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
    if (!index.isValid() || index.row() < 0
            || index.row() > 1
            || index.column() >= defaultScheme.size()
            || (role != Qt::EditRole && role != Qt::DisplayRole)
        return QVariant();

    return netScheme[index.column()];

void NetGameSchemeModel::setNetSchemeConfig(QStringList cfg)
    if(cfg.size() != netScheme.size())
        qWarning("Incorrect scheme cfg size");


    cfg[cfg.size()-1] = cfg[cfg.size()-1].mid(1);

    for(int i = 0; i < cfg.size(); ++i)
        netScheme[i] = QVariant(cfg[i]);
