author | Wuzzy <> |
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 20:56:01 +0200 | |
changeset 12221 | 5b525d041fb4 |
parent 11537 | bf86c6cb9341 |
child 13912 | c36aaa30be98 |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
unit uLandOutline; interface uses uConsts, SDLh, uFloat; type TPixAr = record Count: Longword; ar: array[0..Pred(cMaxEdgePoints)] of TPoint; end; procedure DrawEdge(var pa: TPixAr; value: Word); procedure FillLand(x, y: LongInt; border, value: Word); procedure BezierizeEdge(var pa: TPixAr; Delta: hwFloat); procedure RandomizePoints(var pa: TPixAr); implementation uses uLandGraphics, uDebug, uVariables, uLandTemplates, uRandom, uUtils; var Stack: record Count: Longword; points: array[0..8192] of record xl, xr, y, dir: LongInt; end end; procedure Push(_xl, _xr, _y, _dir: LongInt); begin if checkFails(Stack.Count <= 8192, 'FillLand: stack overflow', true) then exit; _y:= _y + _dir; if (_y < 0) or (_y >= LAND_HEIGHT) then exit; with Stack.points[Stack.Count] do begin xl:= _xl; xr:= _xr; y:= _y; dir:= _dir end; inc(Stack.Count) end; procedure Pop(var _xl, _xr, _y, _dir: LongInt); begin dec(Stack.Count); with Stack.points[Stack.Count] do begin _xl:= xl; _xr:= xr; _y:= y; _dir:= dir end end; procedure FillLand(x, y: LongInt; border, value: Word); var xl, xr, dir: LongInt; begin Stack.Count:= 0; xl:= x - 1; xr:= x; Push(xl, xr, y, -1); Push(xl, xr, y, 1); dir:= 0; while Stack.Count > 0 do begin Pop(xl, xr, y, dir); while (xl > 0) and (Land[y, xl] <> border) and (Land[y, xl] <> value) do dec(xl); while (xr < LAND_WIDTH - 1) and (Land[y, xr] <> border) and (Land[y, xr] <> value) do inc(xr); while (xl < xr) do begin while (xl <= xr) and ((Land[y, xl] = border) or (Land[y, xl] = value)) do inc(xl); x:= xl; while (xl <= xr) and (Land[y, xl] <> border) and (Land[y, xl] <> value) do begin Land[y, xl]:= value; inc(xl) end; if x < xl then begin Push(x, Pred(xl), y, dir); Push(x, Pred(xl), y,-dir); end; end; end; end; procedure DrawEdge(var pa: TPixAr; value: Word); var i: LongInt; begin i:= 0; with pa do while i < LongInt(Count) - 1 do if (ar[i + 1].X = NTPX) then inc(i, 2) else begin DrawLine(ar[i].x, ar[i].y, ar[i + 1].x, ar[i + 1].y, value); inc(i) end end; procedure Vector(p1, p2, p3: TPoint; var Vx, Vy: hwFloat); var d1, d2, d: hwFloat; begin Vx:= int2hwFloat(p1.X - p3.X); Vy:= int2hwFloat(p1.Y - p3.Y); d2:= Distance(Vx, Vy); if d2.QWordValue = 0 then begin Vx:= _0; Vy:= _0 end else begin d:= DistanceI(p2.X - p1.X, p2.Y - p1.Y); d1:= DistanceI(p2.X - p3.X, p2.Y - p3.Y); if d1 < d then d:= d1; if d2 < d then d:= d2; d2:= d * _1div3 / d2; Vx:= Vx * d2; Vy:= Vy * d2 end end; procedure AddLoopPoints(var pa, opa: TPixAr; StartI, EndI: LongInt; Delta: hwFloat); var i, pi, ni: LongInt; NVx, NVy, PVx, PVy: hwFloat; x1, x2, y1, y2: LongInt; tsq, tcb, t, r1, r2, r3, cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2: hwFloat; X, Y: LongInt; begin if pa.Count < cMaxEdgePoints - 2 then begin pi:= EndI; i:= StartI; ni:= Succ(StartI); {$HINTS OFF} Vector([pi],[i],[ni], NVx, NVy); {$HINTS ON} repeat i:= ni; inc(pi); if pi > EndI then pi:= StartI; inc(ni); if ni > EndI then ni:= StartI; PVx:= NVx; PVy:= NVy; Vector([pi],[i],[ni], NVx, NVy); x1:=[pi].x; y1:=[pi].y; x2:=[i].x; y2:=[i].y; cx1:= int2hwFloat(x1) - PVx; cy1:= int2hwFloat(y1) - PVy; cx2:= int2hwFloat(x2) + NVx; cy2:= int2hwFloat(y2) + NVy; t:= _0; while (t.Round = 0) and (pa.Count < cMaxEdgePoints-2) do begin tsq:= t * t; tcb:= tsq * t; r1:= (_1 - t*3 + tsq*3 - tcb); r2:= ( t*3 - tsq*6 + tcb*3); r3:= ( tsq*3 - tcb*3); X:= hwRound(r1 * x1 + r2 * cx1 + r3 * cx2 + tcb * x2); Y:= hwRound(r1 * y1 + r2 * cy1 + r3 * cy2 + tcb * y2); t:= t + Delta;[pa.Count].x:= X;[pa.Count].y:= Y; inc(pa.Count); //TryDo(pa.Count <= cMaxEdgePoints, 'Edge points overflow', true) end; until i = StartI; end;[pa.Count].x:=[StartI].X;[pa.Count].y:=[StartI].Y; inc(pa.Count) end; procedure BezierizeEdge(var pa: TPixAr; Delta: hwFloat); var i, StartLoop: LongInt; opa: TPixAr; begin opa:= pa; pa.Count:= 0; i:= 0; StartLoop:= 0; while (i < LongInt(opa.Count)) and (pa.Count < cMaxEdgePoints-1) do if ([i + 1].X = NTPX) then begin AddLoopPoints(pa, opa, StartLoop, i, Delta); inc(i, 2); StartLoop:= i;[pa.Count].X:= NTPX;[pa.Count].Y:= 0; inc(pa.Count); end else inc(i) end; function CheckIntersect(V1, V2, V3, V4: TPoint): boolean; var c1, c2, dm: LongInt; begin CheckIntersect:= false; dm:= (V4.y - V3.y) * (V2.x - V1.x) - (V4.x - V3.x) * (V2.y - V1.y); c1:= (V4.x - V3.x) * (V1.y - V3.y) - (V4.y - V3.y) * (V1.x - V3.x); if dm = 0 then exit; CheckIntersect:= true; c2:= (V2.x - V3.x) * (V1.y - V3.y) - (V2.y - V3.y) * (V1.x - V3.x); if dm > 0 then begin if (c1 < 0) or (c1 > dm) then CheckIntersect:= false else if (c2 < 0) or (c2 > dm) then CheckIntersect:= false; end else begin if (c1 > 0) or (c1 < dm) then CheckIntersect:= false else if (c2 > 0) or (c2 < dm) then CheckIntersect:= false; end; //AddFileLog('1 (' + inttostr(V1.x) + ',' + inttostr(V1.y) + ')x(' + inttostr(V2.x) + ',' + inttostr(V2.y) + ')'); //AddFileLog('2 (' + inttostr(V3.x) + ',' + inttostr(V3.y) + ')x(' + inttostr(V4.x) + ',' + inttostr(V4.y) + ')'); end; function CheckSelfIntersect(var pa: TPixAr; ind: Longword): boolean; var i: Longword; begin CheckSelfIntersect:= false; if (ind <= 0) or (LongInt(ind) >= Pred(pa.Count)) then exit; CheckSelfIntersect:= true; for i:= 1 to pa.Count - 3 do if (i <= ind - 1) or (i >= ind + 2) then begin if (i <> ind - 1) and CheckIntersect([ind],[ind - 1],[i],[i - 1]) then exit; if (i <> ind + 2) and CheckIntersect([ind],[ind + 1],[i],[i - 1]) then exit; end; CheckSelfIntersect:= false end; procedure RandomizePoints(var pa: TPixAr); const cEdge = 55; cMinDist = 8; var radz: array[0..Pred(cMaxEdgePoints)] of LongInt; i, k, dist, px, py: LongInt; begin for i:= 0 to Pred(pa.Count) do begin radz[i]:= 0; with[i] do if x <> NTPX then begin radz[i]:= Min(Max(x - cEdge, 0), Max(LAND_WIDTH - cEdge - x, 0)); radz[i]:= Min(radz[i], Min(Max(y - cEdge, 0), Max(LAND_HEIGHT - cEdge - y, 0))); if radz[i] > 0 then for k:= 0 to Pred(i) do begin dist:= Max(abs(x -[k].x), abs(y -[k].y)); radz[k]:= Max(0, Min((dist - cMinDist) div 2, radz[k])); radz[i]:= Max(0, Min(dist - radz[k] - cMinDist, radz[i])) end end; end; for i:= 0 to Pred(pa.Count) do with[i] do if ((x and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and ((y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) then begin px:= x; py:= y; x:= x + LongInt(GetRandom(7) - 3) * (radz[i] * 5 div 7) div 3; y:= y + LongInt(GetRandom(7) - 3) * (radz[i] * 5 div 7) div 3; if CheckSelfIntersect(pa, i) then begin x:= px; y:= py end; end end; end.