Tweak height limit of air attack in bounce edge maps
#!/bin/sh -# === HWMAP-to-Lua converter ===# This script allows you to put arbitrary HWMAPs into your missions!## Usage:# It expects a .hwmap file of name "map.hwmap" to be in# its directory and creates a Lua file (map.lua) containing code to# draw the map.# In Lua, call drawMap() in onGameInit. And don't forget# to set MapGen to mgDrawn. Then your map should be ready to go! :-)# FILE NAMES IN="./map.hwmap";OUT="./map.lua";# TEMPORARY FILESTEMP_UNBASE=$(mktemp);TEMP_GZIP=$(mktemp);TEMP_OCTETS=$(mktemp);base64 -d $IN | tail -c +7 | head -c -4 > $TEMP_UNBASE;echo -ne "\x1f\x8b\x08\0\0\0\0\0\x02\xff" > $TEMP_GZIP;# Suppress gunzip warning: "gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file"cat $TEMP_GZIP $TEMP_UNBASE | gunzip 2> /dev/null > $TEMP_OCTETS;C=0;echo -n '-- Map definition automatically converted from HWMAP file by hwmap2lua.shlocal map = {' > $OUT;od -w240 -t u1 $TEMP_OCTETS | grep -Ev "^[0-9]*[[:space:]]*$" | while read f;do C=$((C+1)); if ((C!=1)); then echo "," >> $OUT; fi; echo -n $f | sed "s/^......./'/;s/ */\\\\/g;s/$/'/" >> $OUT;done;echo '}local function drawMap() for m=1, #map do ParseCommand("draw "[m]) endend' >> $OUT;rm $TEMP_UNBASE $TEMP_GZIP $TEMP_OCTETS;