same for chat. changed the paths to: css/qt.css css/chat.css
note: display:none is not supported by QTextBrowser, I might pimp it up to do so
if (NOT APPLE) configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) add_custom_target(uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake")endif()if (APPLE) find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED) find_package(SDL REQUIRED) find_package(SDL_image REQUIRED) find_package(SDL_net REQUIRED) find_package(SDL_ttf REQUIRED) find_package(SDL_mixer REQUIRED) find_package(OGGVORBIS REQUIRED) if(NOT NOAUTOUPDATE) #needed for SPARKLE_FOUND variable find_package(Sparkle QUIET) #needed because the 'if' clause in the script prints silly policy warnings if(${SPARKLE_FOUND}) set(SPARKLE_FOUND 1) else() set(SPARKLE_FOUND 0) endif() endif() #use the associated tool from the libraries we've selected string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/include.*" "\\1" qt_base_dir "${QT_INCLUDE_DIR}") #remove the ";-framework Cocoa" from the SDL_LIBRARY variable string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*);-.*" "\\1" sdl_dir "${SDL_LIBRARY}") #this tool is present in qt 4.5 but only if you compile from sources; from qt 4.6 is present also in the binary version find_program(macdeployqt_EXE NAMES macdeployqt macdeployqt-mac PATHS ${qt_base_dir}/bin) if(NOT macdeployqt_EXE) message(FATAL_ERROR "The utility macdeployqt is required to create the bundle (seached: ${qt_base_dir})") else() message(STATUS "macdeployqt found in ${macdeployqt_EXE}") endif() #dummy target, we're interested in the postscript file add_custom_target(bundle) set_target_properties(bundle PROPERTIES POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CreateMacBundle.cmake) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CreateMacBundle.cmake)endif()