* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Igor Ulyanov <iulyanov@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <QWidget>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include "DataManager.h"
#include "hwmap.h"
#include "drawmapscene.h"
#include "MapModel.h"
class QPushButton;
class IconedGroupBox;
class QListView;
class SeparatorPainter;
class QListWidget;
class MapFileErrorException
class HWMapContainer : public QWidget
Q_PROPERTY(bool master READ isMaster WRITE setMaster)
HWMapContainer(QWidget * parent=0);
QString getCurrentSeed() const;
QString getCurrentMap() const;
QString getCurrentTheme() const;
int getCurrentHHLimit() const;
QString getCurrentScheme() const;
QString getCurrentWeapons() const;
quint32 getTemplateFilter() const;
MapGenerator get_mapgen(void) const;
int getMazeSize(void) const;
bool getCurrentIsMission() const;
QByteArray getDrawnMapData();
DrawMapScene * getDrawMapScene();
void mapDrawingFinished();
QLineEdit* seedEdit;
bool isMaster();
public slots:
void askForGeneratedPreview();
void setSeed(const QString & seed);
void setMap(const QString & map);
void setTheme(const QString & theme);
void setTemplateFilter(int);
void setMapgen(MapGenerator m);
void setMazeSize(int size);
void setDrawnMapData(const QByteArray & ar);
void setAllMapParameters(const QString & map, MapGenerator m, int mazesize, const QString & seed, int tmpl);
void updateModelViews();
void onPreviewMapDestroyed(QObject * map);
void setMaster(bool master);
void seedChanged(const QString & seed);
void mapChanged(const QString & map);
void themeChanged(const QString & theme);
void newTemplateFilter(int filter);
void mapgenChanged(MapGenerator m);
void mazeSizeChanged(int s);
void drawMapRequested();
void drawnMapChanged(const QByteArray & data);
private slots:
void setImage(const QImage newImage);
void setHHLimit(int hhLimit);
void setRandomSeed();
void setRandomTheme();
void setRandomMap();
void addInfoToPreview(QPixmap image);
void setNewSeed(const QString & newSeed);
void mapTypeChanged(int);
void showThemePrompt();
void updateTheme(const QModelIndex & current);
void staticMapChanged(const QModelIndex & map, const QModelIndex & old = QModelIndex());
void missionMapChanged(const QModelIndex & map, const QModelIndex & old = QModelIndex());
void loadDrawing();
void showSeedPrompt();
void previewClicked();
virtual void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event );
virtual void showEvent ( QShowEvent * event );
QVBoxLayout mainLayout;
QPushButton* mapPreview;
QComboBox* chooseMap;
MapModel * m_staticMapModel;
MapModel * m_missionMapModel;
IconedGroupBox* gbThemes;
QListView* lvThemes;
ThemeModel * m_themeModel;
HWMap* pMap;
QString m_seed;
QPushButton* seedSet;
QLabel* seedLabel;
int hhLimit;
int templateFilter;
QPixmap hhSmall;
QLabel* lblFilter;
QComboBox* cbTemplateFilter;
QLabel *maze_size_label;
QComboBox *cbMazeSize;
MapGenerator mapgen;
DrawMapScene drawMapScene;
QComboBox * cType;
QListView * staticMapList;
QListView * missionMapList;
QListWidget * generationStyles;
QListWidget * mazeStyles;
QLabel * lblMapList;
QLabel * lblDesc;
QPushButton * btnTheme;
QPushButton * btnLoadMap;
QPushButton * btnEditMap;
QPushButton * btnRandomize;
QString selectedTheme;
QPushButton * btnSeed;
bool m_master;
QList<QWidget *> m_childWidgets;
bool m_previewEnabled;
bool m_missionsViewSetup;
bool m_staticViewSetup;
void intSetSeed(const QString & seed);
void intSetMap(const QString & map);
void intSetMapgen(MapGenerator m);
void intSetTemplateFilter(int);
void intSetMazeSize(int size);
void intSetIconlessTheme(const QString & name);
void mapChanged(const QModelIndex & map, int type, const QModelIndex & old = QModelIndex());
void setMapInfo(MapModel::MapInfo mapInfo);
void changeMapType(MapModel::MapType type, const QModelIndex & newMap = QModelIndex());
void updatePreview();
void updateThemeButtonSize();
void setupMissionMapsView();
void setupStaticMapsView();
MapModel::MapInfo m_mapInfo;
int m_themeID;
QString m_theme;
QString m_curMap;
QLinearGradient linearGrad; ///< for preview background
QSize m_previewSize;