- Fix wrond hedgehog speed calculation when using rope and changing rope length
- Should fix weird rope behaviour when touching land and changing rope length
module Main where
import IO
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Network
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
session1 nick room = ["NICK", nick, "", "PROTO", "20", "", "CREATE", room, "", "CHAT_STRING", "Hi", ""]
session2 nick room = ["NICK", nick, "", "PROTO", "20", "", "JOIN", room, "", "CHAT_STRING", "Hello", ""]
emulateSession sock s = do
mapM_ (\x -> hPutStrLn sock x >> randomRIO (70000::Int, 120000) >>= threadDelay) s
hFlush sock
threadDelay 250000
testing = Control.Exception.handle (\e -> putStrLn $ show e) $ do
putStrLn "Start"
sock <- connectTo "" (PortNumber 46631)
num1 <- randomRIO (70000::Int, 70100)
num2 <- randomRIO (70000::Int, 70100)
num3 <- randomRIO (0::Int, 7)
num4 <- randomRIO (0::Int, 7)
let nick1 = show $ num1
let nick2 = show $ num2
let room1 = show $ num3
let room2 = show $ num4
emulateSession sock $ session1 nick1 room1
emulateSession sock $ session2 nick2 room2
emulateSession sock $ session2 nick1 room1
hClose sock
putStrLn "Finish"
forks = forever $ do
delay <- randomRIO (40000::Int, 70000)
threadDelay delay
forkIO testing
main = withSocketsDo $ do